Here are 10 powerful prayers to pray for you and for others. Pray these prayers for more compassion, for a softer heart, and for greater kindness in reaching out to those less fortunate, suffering, or in need.
Prayer to be Part of the Change
Loving Lord, there are so many things that are just not how they should be in our world today. I know that it grieves You that Your children are not more engaged in prayer about these atrocities. Father, I want to be a part of the change. I may be just one person, but with You, I know I can move mountains. Please give me Your compassionate heart, the eyes to see situations from a spiritual perspective, and the words to pray over them. Amen.
Prayer for Child’s Lack of Compassion
Heavenly Father, I see a lack of compassion for other people in my own child. I am concerned that their heart is not moved by others’ needs because, by Your grace, they have never wanted for anything. I believe prayers are crucial for our world, so I am placing my child into Your hands and asking for Your help. Please soften their heart toward others and give them eyes to see the hurting as You see them. Amen.
Prayer for Kindness to Reach Others
God of the Helpless, I know that You want Your children to show compassion for those less fortunate. I know this, but I have failed to help others as You would like me to. I know there are so many in need of kindness, Lord. Please open my heart and fill it with Your compassion for Your creation. Please guide me on how I should reach out and love the less fortunate for Your glory. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Compassionate Heart
Gracious Father, my heart has grown a little cold for some reason, and I am have lost touch with Your love and compassion for others. I ask You to please touch my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh that beats in unison with Your compassionate heart for those around me. Please open my spiritual eyes and lead me in Your love to others. Amen.
Prayer for Compassion to Reach Others
Heavenly Father, You are the God of all compassion. You have shown me kindness my whole life, and Your word teaches me that I should respond to others with this same kindness. My life experiences have taught me to stay at arm’s length from others, so I need Your help. Please give me the compassion I need to reach those around me. Amen.
Prayer for Compassion to Tear Down Strongholds
Sovereign Lord, things in this world are not as You would have them to be. Violence and evil are so active in our world today, and I know that love and compassion are necessary combatants against these. Please give me a heart full of kindness and mercy for those who are around me and use me to tear down the strongholds of darkness. Amen.
Prayer for Compassion to Go Against the Norm
My Righteous God, the general atmosphere in the world today is one of hatred and anger. Help me, Lord, to not fall prey to this way of thinking. Please help me go against society’s typical hatred and anger. Instead, enable me to look at and react to people through the lens of Your compassionate love. Amen.
Prayer for Compassion to Be a Faithful Witness
Jesus, my Savior, it is easy to go through my life and only focus on what is going on in my immediate circle. But that is not Your will. A lot is going on in this world and You want Your children to be involved and to work for Your glory. I have not been a compassionate witness for You. Please forgive me. Bless me with Your love and compassion so I can be Your faithful witness. Amen.
Prayer for Compassionate Actions Toward Others
Loving God, You have commanded us to show mercy and compassion to one another. I come to You for help because I believe You always provide what we need to accomplish Your will, and also, I know I lack what I need. With so much at stake in this lost and hurting world, Lord, I pray that You please give me a heart that is compassionate and merciful towards others. Amen.
Prayer for Open and Teachable Heart
Lord of Unfailing Love, the grace and mercy You have shown me have always been in abundance. Unfortunately, I am rarely as loving and gracious to other people as I should be. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness for not responding to others with the love You have shown me. Many of the lost do not even understand they need Your love, so Your children’s kindness to them is crucial. Please open my heart and teach me to be compassionate to reach those in need with Your love. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.