Your dog is your best friend, and seeing them in pain at the end of their lives is heartbreaking. Here are 10 powerful prayers for your dying dog along with printable images to use or share.
Prayer of Hope
Lord of the Highest Heavens, my dog is ill and their days are dwindling. Although this is a dark and fearful time, please give me hope. Remind me of Your overwhelming goodness and light through these dark times. Your presence gives me hope. Even if there is pain in the coming days, may my spirit be hopeful and fixated on You. I ask this in Your Son’s almighty name, Amen.
Prayer of Reminiscence
O God of Loving Devotion, as my dog reaches the end of their life, may I take this time to celebrate the memories we’ve shared. Please focus my heart on the happy moments. May I rejoice in the good times, loving times, and simple times. As I reminiscence, please fill my heart with light and joy. This is such a sad time, Lord. May the memories be refreshing and good to my soul. In Jesus’ compassionate name, Amen.
Prayer of Peace
Jesus, Prince of Peace, my dog is in need of peace in this ill-fated time. Please comfort my dog and take away their pain or fear. Please also bring peace to me during this time, Lord. My heart is tired and prepared for grief. Please bring stillness to my soul. As I near this time of death may I be reminded of Your comforting hand placed on my heart. In Your peace-loving name, Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude
Jesus, my Savior, thank You for my dog and the life we have shared. My heart is full of gratitude as I sit with my dog in these final days and reflect on the many beautiful yesterdays. Thank You for a loyal companion. Thank You for blessing me with an energetic, always forgiving, and loving dog who I love being close to. Thank You for giving me a companion who brought me joy when life was tough. Although our time together is nearing an end, please keep my thoughts grateful. In Your name, Amen.
Darkness to Light Prayer
Light in the Darkness, my Gracious God, the moments today are of darkness. My dog is approaching the end of their life and I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders. Sadness encloses my thoughts and words. Please open my eyes and heart to Your light. Remind me what You have taught me: that You bring light from the darkness. May I see this with my own eyes. Please shine Your radiant light into these sad days. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer of Final Moments
Heavenly Father of Compassion, my dog is reaching their final moments in this lifetime. Of course, this is a sad and remorseful time. But amidst this sadness, Lord, I ask that You bring peace and happiness in my dog’s final moments. May we surround my dog with love and a final moment of goodness on this earth. May my dog know how much they are truly loved as they take their final breath. In Your Son’s glorious name, Amen.
Prayer of Acceptance
Lord of Unfailing Love, these final days with my dog are troubled. Please open my eyes to the reality that lies ahead and place me in a state of peace and acceptance. I feel so grateful for the memories I have shared with my dog. Today, I hold that gratitude, while also grasping on to today. Please be present with me today, Lord. Be with me and my dog. I love You so much. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer of Comfort
Father of All Mercies, please be the hand of comfort in this sorrowful time. Please bring comfort to my dog amidst the pain and struggles they are facing at the end of their life. Please bring comfort to my family and me as we lose our loyal companion and friend. May this home be lifted in Your presence and ease. May Your comfort be known in every mournful breath. In Your Son’s heavenly name, Amen.
Goodbye Prayer
Lord Jesus, my Refuge, I seek You with a mourning heart. My dog is nearing death and I crave Your support and love right now. I ask that You please assist me in saying goodbye to my dear dog. Please remind me that this life is temporary compared to our eternal life in heaven. May we meet again there. May this be a hopeful reminder as I say goodbye. Please be near me right now, Jesus. Remind me of all this and more. In Your loving name, Amen.
Grief Prayer
God of Enduring Faithfulness, I am embarking on a new season of life right now. As I prepare to grieve my loyal dog – my friend – may I keep You at the center of my thoughts. May faith be the core of my emotions and journey. May I rely on Your presence, goodness, and love. May I remember all the happy memories my dog and I shared. May I always remember that love is eternal and does not end with life. Your kingdom is forever and glorious. Please walk with me on this journey through grief, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.