No matter the severity of suffering being experienced, these healing prayers for a loved one will help to aid in their comfort and recovery.
Healing Prayer
God of all hope, I look to you in times of need. You are the healing God, please bring healing to my loved one. You are the saving God, please save those who I care about so deeply. You are worthy of all praise, help us not to turn our back on you but to approach you with thanksgiving. You are the spring of living water, help us find life in all its fullness in you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Power of Jesus Prayer
Lord Jesus, our healer, you know what it is like to experience pain. You know what it’s like to experience sorrow at the suffering of your friends. You wept at the tomb of Lazarus. I thank you that you not only know what it is like but that you have the power to transform those situations. After weeping at the tomb, you raised Lazarus from the dead. Sin, pain and sickness are no match for your healing power. You bore our sins in your body on the tree and by your wounds, we are healed. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Generous Father Prayer
Heavenly Father, you say that I should ask you for whatever I need. To those who ask, it will be given. To those who seek, it will be found. To those who knock, the door will be opened. I ask you for healing for my loved one right now, Lord, and pray that you would answer my request. You are a loving, good Father who gives good gifts to his children. You love to give good gifts to those who ask. As your humble child, I ask for the gift of healing today. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Good Health Prayer
All-Powerful God, you are the ruler of your people. Your children find comfort, peace and rest in you. You said that you heal the brokenhearted, I pray that you would do that for my loved one at this time. You said that you would bind up the wounds of the hurting, I ask that you would restore good health. I look to you for all my needs and for the needs of all those I care about. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Rest for the Soul Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, someone I love needs your help at this moment in time. You said that anyone who is feeling weary and burdened should come to you and you would give them rest. I pray that you would give them rest instead of weariness, and strength instead of weakness. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light, in you we can find true rest for our souls. I ask that you restore them with your gentle healing touch. Help me to bring comfort to this situation in your power. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
New Creation Prayer
Creator God, you made a world with no sickness, pain or death, but, because of sin, we now live in a world where we experience those things. We cannot control the things that happen to us, we need to cling to you. Thank you that you care about the people who I love. You love them more than I do. Help them to look to you in their time of need. May we all find peace in the hope that you will return one day to rule over a new creation with no more sadness, pain or tears. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Restoration of Strength Prayer
Gracious heavenly Father, when confronted by health problems, I am reminded how dependent we all are on your sustaining power. I turn away from the worldly wisdom that says I can be in control, and turn to you instead. I bring my loved one before you now. You can bring health to their body and nourishment to their bones. You can restore their strength, you can give them hope in their struggle. Thank you that I can entrust everyone I care about into your loving hands. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Healing Power Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings, you say that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I often pray with little faith because I am thinking about my own unrighteousness. Remind me that my sins have been atoned for and I am clothed in your perfect righteousness. I pray based on confidence in your righteousness, not my own. Your power is great enough to heal any illness and I bring my loved one before you now and ask you to extend your healing hand. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
God’s Mercy Prayer
Faithful God, you created all things and you sustain all things. My loved one needs your healing touch. Ease their pain and strengthen them when they feel unable to carry on. When they feel deep anguish, hear their cry and draw near to them. In your mercy, Lord, hear my prayer and turn your face towards them. Your unfailing love towards us can overcome any trouble. May they know your presence throughout this struggle. May they grow in their faith and experience your grace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Compassion of Jesus Prayer
Lord, Jesus Christ, you are the God of compassion. As crowds gathered around you, they begged you to let the sick just touch the edge of your cloak. You did not turn them away, but looked on them with compassion and healed them. I bring my loved one to you now and ask you to look with compassion and heal once again. You have the power to turn any situation around. We cry out to you with the faith that knows that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Faithful Prayer
Heavenly Father, your word says that if anyone is in trouble, they should pray. If anyone is happy, they should sing songs of praise, and if anyone is sick, their brothers and sisters in Christ should pray for them in the name of the Lord Jesus. I want to pray for the healing of my loved one. You say that the prayer that is offered in faith will make the sick person well, so I offer this prayer in faith to you. My faith is not in the strength of my prayer, or in anything that I can do, but my confidence is in your character and power. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Redeemed from Sickness Prayer
My God who provides, I thank you that Jesus is in heaven, ever interceding for us. Jesus – who cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead – paid the price for our sins and for our sicknesses. Lord, I am overwhelmed when I think about how Jesus took the curse for us. Thank you, sweet Savior! And because he did, I now claim healing for my loved one. I thank you that your mercy is extended to us and that full and abundant health is ours. Amen.
River of Grace Prayer
Jesus, you are the Fountain of living water, and I thank you for the river of grace that you lovingly pour out over us. I thank you for abundantly providing all that we need for our spirit, soul, and body. I thank you for the love, strength, deliverance, peace, and joy that flow continually from you. I thank you for your intimate love. In the name of Jesus, I ask for healing for my loved one. Please deliver my loved one from all disease and disability and restore them to perfect health. Amen.
Everything Is Possible Prayer
God, you are the strength of your people. You said that everything is possible for one who believes. There is no sickness that is beyond your power. We thank you that you are willing and strong to save. I come to you now, asking for full and complete healing of my loved one. We ask for a healing that is for your glory. We are praying with faith that counts on your promises. We believe that our loved one has already received healing and is restored to health. Amen.
The Prayer of Perseverance
Wonderful Savior, I continue to press for the healing of my loved one, and I will be relentless in my praying continuously and without end. You said to keep on asking, keeping on seeking, keep on knocking. I will not lose sight of what I am asking until you have fulfilled your promises. Purify my faith so that doubt does not block my prayers. I know we will gain victory over this sickness and my loved one will be healed. Thank you for your mercy. Amen.
God’s Might to Uphold Prayer
Jesus, my eternal Rock, I arise today through your strength and wisdom as my guide. I thank you for your might to uphold my loved one in this time of illness. I ask that you guard and protect my loved one from the attacks of the evil one, for salvation is of the Lord! Keep the eyes of my loved one fixed on you and not on the symptoms. May my loved one have your rest and your peace – not as the world gives peace, but your divine peace. Amen.
Prayer to Author and Perfecter of Faith
Father God, help me to trust you fully for the healing of my loved one. I thank you that you are the author and perfecter of faith, and I ask you now to root out any unbelief. I trust in your goodness and your power and your willingness to break the power of this sickness. I know you will do it. I will stand still and see the power of God. I thank you for your deep and unmeasurable love for us. Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ. Amen.
Life in Abundance Prayer
My Lord and my Redeemer, I ask that my loved one recovers fully and can enjoy life in all its abundance. Restore everything that the enemy has stolen. The devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to tear apart, but we resist him in the name of Jesus. You are our great weapon in this battle. We worship you, for your power is released through the praises of your people. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
My Faith Will Stand Prayer
Father, mighty Warrior, in the deep oceans of illness, my faith will stand that you are healing my loved one. I call upon your name and ask that my loved one finds rest in your loving arms. When sickness and pain arise, we are thankful that your grace overflows in these deep waters. May your all-powerful hand be our guide. When fears surround us, remind us that you have never failed us. We rest securely in your love and your desire to rescue your people. Amen.
Prayer to Our God of Deliverance
Lord God, Ruler of all things, I ask you to lead my loved one out of this prison and into prosperous health. Refresh my loved one’s weary body and soul. Provide in your goodness for all their needs. I bless you, Lord, for you daily carry our burdens. You are our hope and salvation. You are our God of Deliverance. I will continue to pray and not lose heart, for I know you will set my loved one free from all these problems. I bless your name. Amen.
Far from Sickness Prayer
God Almighty, Upholder of our lives, I pray for my loved one to be far from sickness. May my loved one receive complete health, soundness of body, and great peace of mind and soul. Take away all fear and set them in perfect health. I thank you for blessing those who give you reverence and love. Destroy what is hurting my loved one – look down from heaven in your compassion and mercy. For the glory of your own name, bring full healing. Amen.
Prayer of Overcoming
Jesus, Prince of peace, I give you my praise and thanksgiving, for you are our overcomer. You are greater than anything in this world, including sickness and disease. We are your children, and my loved one can overcome this illness and receive healing. I thank you that we have peace in you. Even when terrible things like this come against us, we have courage, for you have overcome the world. We are so blessed that whoever is born of God overcomes the world. Amen.
Faith Is the Victory Prayer
My Lord and Deliverer, I praise you that our faith is the victory that will bring healing. In your mighty name, we will press on in this battle. We thank you for your love that covers us, and for your sword of the Spirit – the word of God. We praise you that we will have shouts of triumph when my loved one receives healing. Even though we find trouble on every side, we have your salvation and your truth. We declare the truth of your word over all sickness and claim your promises of healing. Amen.
Life Through Your Spirit Prayer
Loving God, we thank you that the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. We thank you that our bodies have health and life through your Spirit. We thank you that when you are on our side, nothing can be against us. Despite all these things that have come upon our loved one, we will overwhelmingly win this war because of your power. We thank you for giving us weapons to fight that are divinely powerful for destroying the fortresses of poor health. Amen.
Taking Thoughts and Words Captive Prayer
Lord, my Shield, as I come to you for the healing of my loved one, we ask for your great power. May the words we speak be words of faith and not words of doubt or despair. May our thoughts be centered on you as the source of health and wholeness, not on the darkness of this disease. In the name of Jesus, we are taking our thoughts and words captive to the truth. We don’t deny the medical reality, but we praise you for a divine reality that is greater, stronger and more powerful than anything of this earth. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.