11 Inspirational Graduation Prayers for High School

Graduating from high school is a big step in one’s life. Here are 11 inspirational graduation prayers for high school.

Wonderful Journeys Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You bless my child as she takes on the challenge of a new beginning. Take her on wonderful journeys, show her new ideas, and help her to explore new adventures. Encourage her as she grows, and continue to remain steady in her life. Keep her feet firm on Your foundations and remind her daily that You have blessed her with plans for the future and hope for tomorrow. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Keeping Safe Prayer
God Almighty, please be with my son as he leaves this small scene of high school and travels into the door of a big, bright new world. Hold his hand and only lead him to places that will keep him safe and secure. Help him to make good choices, please be generous with his work, let his skills be appreciated, and allow him to be successful. I ask these things in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Giving Wisdom Prayer
Dear Lord, You are the way, the truth, and the light. I ask that my child always remembers this as she leaves my side. Be with her every second of every day. Never leave her, and always keep her safe. Lord, no matter what, keep her safe. Provide her with new adventures and bless her with wisdom. Lord, give her an amount of wisdom that will reach to the skies. I need her to be wise. If she is wise, she will always do what’s right. If she always does what’s right, she will always be close to You. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Overcoming Conflicts Prayer
Heavenly Father, give my son peace as he steps into the beginnings of something different and new. Help him with each challenge he may encounter, give him the wisdom to solve it and allow him to overcome any conflict that may come his way. Encourage him daily to have faith in himself, his teachings, and his abilities. Through all of this though Lord, most importantly, keep him close to You. Make sure his values stay guarded, and his faith becomes stronger. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Erasing Worries Prayer
Dear Lord, bless my child’s future with success, love, and peace. Allow him to be appreciated for his work and help him to see the brightness of tomorrow. Please watch over him, care for him, and show him that Your spirit is with us everywhere we go. When the worries of the world lay like bricks on his shoulders, show him You’re there to erase those worries. When fear takes over, calm his spirit and surround him with complete peace as only You can provide. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.

Securely Tied to You Prayer
God in Heaven, keep my daughter secure as she wanders out into the great wide open doors of a world filled with new opportunities. Present her with choices and new ideas. Allow her to make decisions that can change the world. Lord, give her many prospects and show her that we, as parents, stand behind her with so much love in our hearts. Keep her securely tied to the teachings of Your word, and make sure she centers every part of her life around You. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

The One Who Never Changes Prayer
Mighty God, I ask that you continue to bind Yourself to the heart of my child. Keep Your word etched in his heart, and Your teachings tied to his waist. Encourage him with Your love and show him daily that You will never leave his side. As he leaves one way of life to begin another, show him that You are the one who never changes. You are the God who stays, and no matter what, he is always loved, worthy, and precious. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Intercede for Her Prayer
Lord, fill my child will encouragement, hope, and stability as she begins a new way of life. Give her the strength and faith to step out on her own and become someone different. Help her to find her way with ease, erase conflicts before they occur, and intercede for her every second. Keep her feet from slipping and guide her in the right direction. Hold her hand as she makes decisions and help her to see the world through Your eyes. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Guide His Every Step Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, please take my son’s hand and guide him with every step. Help him to walk in Your perfect will and to never wander from Your side. Give him hope for the future as he grows and becomes successful. Allow him to see the good in others as they see it in him. Help him to be a good worker, generous, and loyal. Make it so that those who work with him enjoy his friendship, his leadership, and appreciate his skills. Keep his foundation in You strong and steady. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Bless This Graduate Prayer
Lord, I lift this graduate up to You and ask for Your mighty blessings to rain down. Show this child success in life and allow him/her to be respected and appreciated in all that he/she does. Allow him/her to feel the joys of accomplishments after hard work, but also keep him/her focused on knowing that You are the reason for all successes in life. Give him/her courage, unbending faith, strong values, and a generous heart. Keep his/her Christian foundation a part of all decisions made and bless him/her with bountiful opportunities. I ask these things in Your name. Amen.

Beginning a New Journey Prayer
Dear Lord, keep Your loving hands on him as he begins a new journey so far away. Guide him with all decisions, show him Your ways, and never let him get too busy for You. Keep him strong in Your word, always let him know how proud of him I am, and remind him daily that he is loved, worthy, and important. Keep him on the same path You have him on now Lord, and don’t let him stray. Give him courage, present him with unbelievable opportunities, and let him grow in Your teachings. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.