Separation from your partner can be a difficult time, especially if you truly want to make things work but do not know where to begin. Here are 11 strong prayers for separated couples.
Prayer for Protection over Broken Relationships
Lord Jesus, our Shield, we come before You on behalf of separated couples, including ourselves. Just as in our own marriage, all around the world, hurt feelings, resentment, lust, selfishness, and pride have driven couples apart. The beautiful gift of marriage is being abandoned too quickly in our world today. Lord, we ask that You would hold back the hand of the evil one, shut his mouth, and do not allow him to cause more damage to us and the other struggling couples. Jesus, You defeated death and reconciled us to God. Please defeat Your enemy and reconcile our broken relationships. Amen.
Prayer for the Lord’s Healing Touch
Gracious Father, as a couple, we have both been struggling with our hurt feelings. If we are honest, our separation from one another has been painful. We come to You for help to move beyond our conflicts and reconcile our relationship. Harsh words have been spoken by both us, which have wounded and caused division. Please forgive us for our destructive actions and words. We are seeking Your healing touch upon our lives. We also ask for Your victorious right arm to lift us and bring us to reconciliation as a couple and a family. Amen.
Prayer for the Peaceful Reign of Christ
Faithful God, You have always been there for us, loving and guiding us. We have arrived at a defining moment in our lives. Our troubled relationship has resulted in a separation of our marriage. The separation has put an enormous burden on our family and us. Please come and speak peace over us, and grant us a calm moment to breathe and regroup. Lord Jesus, please reign in peace over all of our conflicts and guide us to a common ground where we can start reconstructing our marriage. Jesus, You said that You would leave us Your peace, so I ask for an extra measure to be given to us for the work ahead. Amen.
Prayer for Faith to See the Way Back
Faithful Lord, we are before You, shattered as a couple. It is as if we are walking around blind and groping for a way out. There has been so much useless pain and suffering. Please bring beauty from our ashes! How do we find our way back, Lord? We need faith to believe in You and faith to believe in us again. You strengthened the doubting father’s faith by healing his son. Lord, strengthen our faith in You by healing our marriage. Open our eyes to see the way back to being the couple You can use to do great things in this world. Amen.
Prayer for New Hearts of Love
God of Blessing, we come before You seeking forgiveness and a miracle. We have allowed our flesh to reign and have pushed Christ out of our marriage. Gracious Lord, lately, we seem only to speak out of our hurt. Please create new hearts within us and replace our hurt pride with Your love. Lord, intervene on our behalf and restore the love we once knew. We pray for You to plant in us a deep, respectful love that will help us to endure this hard road back to reconciliation. With Your help, we can scale the wall we have built between us and come back together. Amen.
Prayer for the Perfect Bond of Unity
Jesus, our Savior, You have broken down the wall of hostility between our Holy God and us and made way for our salvation. Thank you! Now, we need help breaking down the wall of hostility we have placed between us. Help us to forgive each other and to put on Your love, which is the perfect bond of unity. We pray that Your peace will reign in our hearts and our relationship. Jesus, bind us together in love, and please be the final strand that ties us together in unity. Amen.
Prayer for the Restoration of Broken Trust
Forgiving Savior, trust is such a fragile thing. It is like an ancient piece of pottery in a museum, both fragile and priceless. The trust in our marriage has shattered in pieces like a priceless vase. You, Lord, gave us salvation so that our broken relationship with God could be reconciled through the forgiveness of our sins. Please help us to find the love to forgive one another, just as You forgave us. Then Lord, with Your help, we can start the delicate process of restoring our precious trust. Amen.
Prayer for the Gift of Victorious Hope
Jesus, our Anchor, we have all but given up hope for the reconciliation of our relationship. We have somehow untethered our marriage from the strong and trustworthy Anchor. Our souls are safe, but our marriage is in jeopardy. Jesus, You went behind the veil and made way for us to enter into God’s presence. Therefore, we come into His Holy Presence now, through Your sacrifice, and plead for our family to be reunited. We ask for the precious gift of hope. Hope to hold on in the storm. Hope to see victory. Hope to have a future together. Please help us rescue our marriage! Amen.
Prayer for the Shelter of His Wings
O God of Loving Devotion, my mind is full of concern for my spouse. In just a matter of days, I went from seeing them every day to, rarely seeing them. The enemy helps me fill up my mind with the possibilities of how and what they are doing. I know that You love my spouse more than I ever could, so I am pleading that love over them right now and asking that during this difficult time, You would guard and shelter them beneath Your mighty wings. Help them to make choices that will lead them back to our family. Amen.
Prayer for the Intervention of a Loving Father
Compassionate Father, our relationship is in shambles, and our children are in shock, how this must grieve Your loving heart! Children are a blessing from You Lord, and we pray that You will stand guard over ours in this confusing time. Let them feel Your loving presence with them as You guide them. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would give them the ability to process their grief in a healthy way. Lord, keep us from using our children to propagate our agendas of selfishness. Help us to settle our differences without damaging the children any more than we already have. Amen.
Prayer for His Strength to Uphold Us
Lord of Power, we have given up on restoring our marriage, and have sought refuge through separation. Help us to have a proper fear of destroying what You have brought together. Grant us the strength to set aside our differences and look to You, our Creator. We pray that You will strengthen us, help us, and uphold us with Your righteous right hand. In Your arm, Your children can find strength, forgiveness, and protection. Right now, we need all of these for ourselves and our family. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.