Mental illness is often an invisible disease, but you are not alone in God’s healing hands. Here are 11 transcendent prayers for mental healing.
A Prayer against Mental Darkness
Gracious Lord, we often hear about the need to preserve our body, but we so frequently forget to care for our minds. So many are fighting an unseen battle that rages in their minds. It is such a struggle to go through the motions and make it through the day. Lord, bless those who are fighting against the darkness in their minds. Give them a spirit of peace as they wrestle through their afflictions, and cast out all darkness from within them. Lord, mercifully hear my prayer. Amen.
A Prayer for Mental Peace
Almighty and Everlasting God, countless people are struggling in the recesses of their minds. The stress and anxiety of a consumeristic life have left many of Your children mentally scarred. Once someone has descended into their pit, it is so difficult to claw back out. Father, descend to them. Rescue them from the hopeless pit of mental anguish. Purify their minds and give them a hope that transcends all things. For You, O Lord, are gracious beyond measure. Amen.
Mental Resilience Prayer
Heavenly Father, like the plants in the garden, our minds must be cut down so that they may come back stronger and flourish. Yet, so many today are unprepared to withstand the mental pressure. They have not trained up their minds to be able to endure the stresses of life. Lord, bless those who are weak in mind and spirit. Give them strength and resilience through Your word so that their minds might become strong in You, and their sufferings might be profitable in Your sight and lead them to salvation. Amen.
A Prayer for Mental Healing
Lord Jesus, You teach us in Your word that, in Your kingdom, there will be no more sorrow nor pain. You promise us that You will wipe away every tear. Many weep tonight, Lord. Many struggle to overcome their mental wounds. Some are despairing that they will never find their way out of the barren wilderness. But with You Lord, there is hope, life, and salvation. You do not forsake Your children but are desperate to draw them unto Yourself. Lord, heal the mental wounds of the broken. Touch their affliction with Your healing hands, so that they might find their hearts and minds mended in the ocean of Your love. Amen.
Mind as a Garden Prayer
Lord, You know the depths of mental anguish, having experienced it Yourself on the cross. Therefore, I pray that You tend to the minds of the mentally ill like a gardener. Till the soil of their thoughts to produce good fruit among them. Pull up the weeds that choke out what You have brought forth. Send other gardeners into their lives, that they might also tend to them as gardeners in Your vineyard. You are the vine, and we are the branches, Lord. Amen.
A Prayer to Break Mental Chains
Lord Jesus, You are the great liberator. You brought the children of Israel out of slavery and into the land of promise. Those whom You set free are free indeed. Yet, some are enslaved – not by chains, but in the shackles of their minds. They cannot free themselves, Lord. Therefore, break the mental chains that bind them, Lord. Lead them out of the enslavement of their minds. Destroy all vice that weighs down their thoughts, and fill their minds with the light of Your love. I ask this in Your name, Lord. Amen.
The Mental Sea Prayer
Heavenly Father, the inner working of my mind is like a violent and raging sea. The waves toss my thoughts around aimlessly so that I cannot concentrate. I am pummeled with worries and doubts that wash over me like water on the deck. Lord, cast down Your solid anchor and still the angry winds. Bring stability to my mental life so that I might be able to train my mind to walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your holy name. Amen.
Prayer to Confide in God
Faithful God, there are so many things eating away at my mind, but I have nobody in whom to confide. I am constantly stuck inside my head, mulling things over and over again. I feel as though I have no way out. Nobody understands. I am lonely in the midst of many people. But You, O Lord, are my constant companion. You can calm my troubled mind like a soothing salve. Lord, banish all negativity from my mind. Refine my soul with the fire of Your love. In Your great mercy. Amen.
A Prayer for Mercy
Almighty God, turn Your eye of mercy upon Your servant, for I am undone. Look upon my broken state with compassion. Pity me, Lord, for I cannot rid myself of this miserable condition. I am mentally hollow. I feel as though I do not have the strength to carry on another day. I beg You of Your boundless mercy to send me an angel of protection. Shield my fragile mind from the attacks of the evil one. Heal my mind, heart, and soul, so that I might achieve the crown of life through Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer to Crush the Mental Serpent
Lord Jesus, by Your cross, You have crushed the head of the enemy who oppresses us. Just as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness, so also You have been lifted so that all the world might look to You to be healed. Lord, my mind has been bitten by the serpent. Its poison has corrupted my thoughts, and I find myself mentally drained and depressed. Therefore, I plea for Your blood to pour over me, a poor sinner. Wash me white as snow, that I might more closely reflect my Savior. Amen.
A Prayer to Seek Support for Mental Health
Everlasting God, I am fighting a battle that nobody is aware of. Those closest to me assume I am fine, but inside I am torn apart. I struggle with dark thoughts. I am caught in the cycle of guilt and shame. Although I am so lonely, I am afraid to seek help. Lord, give me the courage to reach out. Shatter the stigmas and stereotypes that keep me from approaching those whom You have called to lend their hand. Shield me from the judgment of others and give me a ready and willing mind and heart. Save me, Lord, for I am Yours. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.