13 Strong Prayers for the Unemployed

Being unemployed and continuously looking for a job but not receiving any job offers can make a person’s hope wither quickly. Here are 13 strong prayers for the unemployed.

Prayer for Employment Miracle
Father, my Miracle-Worker, I do not often ask that You act so abruptly in my life. What You have given me each day is all I deserve. Yet, You also ask us to ask, and it will be given. I need a miracle at this point, Lord. Funds are rapidly running dry, and I have yet to find a job. Act promptly, Lord! I need Your divine intervention to find a job. Do not stall! Open the doors of employment and provide for me a means to sustain myself. I am here, Lord, waiting, and ready. Amen.

Prayer for Unemployed Husband
God of enduring faithfulness, few things weigh on a man’s heart as much as unemployment. The lack of works robs men of dignity and the satisfaction of providing for their family. My husband is depressed, and I worry about his mental health. I ask that You provide a job for my husband. Help him feel my respect for him, even during his time without a job. Lift his spirits and give him perseverance, so that he may endure through this season without work and become stronger for it. Amen.

Prayer for Unemployed Son
O Lord of all creation, my son is struggling through a very difficult season in his life. Jobs are going away, and finding meaningful work is very difficult. Many are falling depressed or just giving up. Lord, do not allow my son to lose hope. Help him to have the wisdom to know where to look. Make him sharp and resourceful for job interviews and other potential opportunities, so that he can take advantage of the doors You open. Keep his eyes open, his mind sharp, and fill him with Your Godly grit. Amen.

Prayer for All Those Out of Work
Lord God, in Your kingdom, the harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. However, in the world right now, the workers are abundant, yet there is no harvest to be found. There are many out of work, and it is driving many to despair. I ask that You let the Earth bring forth an opportunity for people to get back to work. Help economies roar and jobs return, so that all people everywhere may find honest work and a fair wage for their labor. Your people are suffering, Lord God. Hear our cry! Amen.

Prayer to Trust God to Find Work
Father, Creator, and Sustainer, even amid an economic downturn and the loss of jobs, it can be difficult to see that Your hand is still behind it. All things are upheld by Your word, and apart from Your word, nothing comes into being. I cry out to You, Father! Bless my life. Bring about jobs and opportunities to me and to others so that we all may earn an honest living. We are willing and able to work, Father. Help us find stable jobs now, Father. We need Your help. Amen.

Prayer for Strength to Keep Searching
Almighty and everlasting God, I have reached the end of my rope. A person can only take so much defeat, so much rejection, and discouragement before they lose all hope. I reach out to You in desperation. Bring me swiftly to my feet and guide my stumbling footsteps. Help me to see what I can do differently, whether it is in how I search, where I search, how I interview, or whatever it may be. Bring a mentor to me to give me honest feedback so I can make whatever change is needed to find stable employment or if there is no change to be made, to introduce me to new people who may know someone who can help me find work. Help me to keep searching, confident that You will ultimately provide. It feels like I have looked under every rock, Lord, and there is nothing to be found. Fill me with Your divine power, Lord. I need You now! Amen.

Prayer for Faith That God Will Provide a Job
God, my Fortress, I have searched and searched for a job. I have planted seeds. I have networked to the best of my ability, and yet, I am losing faith that anything will become of it. I do not want to lose hope and be tempted to give up. I ask that You send Your Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen my faith so that I can work each day toward finding a job confident that You will provide. Fill me with confidence that You will provide, dear Lord Jesus. Amen.

Prayer for Faith of Friend Seeking Employment
Lord Jesus, my friend is experiencing a bout in the wilderness. Although he/she has wandered for days, he/she has not been able to reach the promised land of finding a job. Lord, I ask that You continue to guide him/her through the dangerous terrain of unemployment. Give them the manna that he/she needs to sustain themselves in their exile, and bring them at the end to a new job and a renewed life. Amen.

Prayer to Endure Long Bouts of Unemployment
Lord God, people were not created for long bouts of unemployment, for idle hands are the Devil’s playground. The lack of work brings boredom and temptation. As I continue my search for work, I pray that You equip me to spiritually and mentally endure this trial. Give me discernment, wisdom, and strength, that I may emerge from the other side of this terrible season a better and stronger person, through Christ, my dear Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom to Find a Job
O Lord, my Great Shepherd, the value of wisdom is never greater than when we are left destitute without any means to provide for ourselves. Having no job is not easy. It brings with it stress, anxiety, and faithlessness. In light of this current trial, I beg of You to impart Your wisdom unto me through the love of Your Holy Spirit. Enlighten my mind by Your word, so that I may be made wise in Your sight, and be able to find work for myself. Amen.

Prayer for Contentment in All Things
Father God, though my job has been taken from me, I will praise Your name. Though I am scared of the future, I will rejoice in my weakness, knowing You will work in me. All things may be stripped from me, yet I cannot be stripped from You. Make me content in all things, that even in this period of unemployment, my mouth will declare Your praise. Amen.

Prayer for Loved One’s Contentment
Lord God of infinite mercy, there is someone close to me who has recently lost his/her job. He/she is struggling, anxious, and without hope. They have become bitter and resentful of all things. They are restless and unsure, not knowing how they can move on. Lord God, You have the power to still any storm. I ask that You calm the many anxieties that have taken root in his/her heart. Silence his/her storms to nothing and give him/her peace and contentment in this difficult season of uncertainty. Amen.

Prayer Against Anxiety in Finding Work
Jehovah Shalom, my God of peace, You warned us about worrying and becoming anxious. A little leaven ruins the whole batch, likewise with anxiety. It will consume us whole if we allow it to take hold of us. As I search for work during this time, I ask that You give me a joyful heart. Give me the peace of knowing that You will provide at all times. My faith is in You, Lord Jesus. I praise Your holy name and surrender. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.