Intercession prayers are a great way to share some of the wisdom from God between your service and closing. Here are 14 good intercessory prayers for the church.
Prayer to Abide in the Vine
Oh Lord, our True Vine, we pray that as a church we will remain in You and that You would remain in us. May we bear fruit for Your Kingdom; we accept Your pruning to make us more fruitful. We know that apart from You we can do nothing. Lord, we are thankful that when we remain in You, and Your Words remain in us, that we can ask whatever we wish, and it will be done, to the Father’s glory. Amen.
Prayer to Remain in God’s Love
O Lover of our Souls, may our church remain in Your love as we keep Your commandments. May Your joy be in us, and may our joy be complete. May we follow Your commandment to love one another as You have loved us. May we display the sacrificial love that You demonstrated to us. We thank You that You chose us and appointed us to bear fruit and that we are Your friends. May we bear fruit that remains. Amen.
Prayer to Champion Holiness and Truth
Lord of Love, may we never fall away from Your church and Your teachings. We thank You for sending Your Advocate to us, to convict us of sin and to encourage and enable us to live righteously. We thank You that Your Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. We thank You that Your Spirit discloses Your revelation to us. May our church champion Your holiness and Your truth. Amen.
Prayer to Accomplish God’s Work
Father of Glory, may our church truly glorify You. May we accomplish the work You have given us to do, and bring many to know You, the only true God, so they may have eternal life. Thank You for giving Your Word to us, may we study it and teach it faithfully, and may it be our guide for truth and right living. Holy Father, protect and preserve us by Your Name, so that we may be one. Amen.
Prayer to Build the Church
Builder of All Things, we ask that You build our church. Keep us from the evil one. Sanctify us by the truth of Your Word. Send us into the world to bring others into Your Kingdom, but protect us as we go. May we be perfectly unified in You, and as we proclaim Your Word, may those who hear believe that Your Son Jesus was sent by You to bring freedom from sin. Amen.
Prayer to Shepherd the Sheep
O God, You are our Good Shepherd, and we ask that as Your church, we may shepherd Your flock well. Help us to demonstrate Your love through feeding Your lambs and shepherding Your sheep. May this church be a refuge where souls are refreshed. May our teachers guide us along the right paths, for Your Name’s sake. May the anointing of Your Spirit overflow, and may Your goodness and love follow all who gather here. Amen.
Prayer for Church to be a Witness
Father of Lights, we thank You that we have received Your power through Your Holy Spirit to be Your witnesses in our local community and throughout the world. May our church be a place where we gather in persistent and fervent prayer, and may this church be a launching point for spreading Your love near and far. Guide the leadership in our church to lead us faithfully. Amen.
Prayer for Holy Spirit Power
Glorious God, may the rushing wind and purifying fire of Your blessed Holy Spirit rest on each of us in this church, convicting us of sin, enabling us for holy living, and giving us supernatural power to heal and do miracles and prophecy in Your Name, for the glory of Your Kingdom. Pour out Your Holy Spirit power and use our church to reflect You, so that everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. Amen.
Prayer for Church to be All God Would Have It to Be
O Lord, our God, may our church be all that You would have it to be. May we devote ourselves to the teaching of Your Word, to fellowship with one another, to the sacrament of holy communion, and to prayer. May we share with anyone who is in need. May we live and minister in one accord, with gladness and sincerity of heart, in praise of You. Amen.
Prayer to be One in Heart and Soul
Sovereign Lord, may all in our church be one in heart and soul. May each of us share from our resources and special abilities to build each other up. With great power, may we continue to give testimony about the resurrection of Your Son, our Savior. May abundant grace be upon us all. May we all be filled with Your Holy Spirit and speak the Word of God boldly, and may You add to our number daily those who are being saved. Amen.
Prayer to Use Gifts for the Church
Holy God, remind us that in Christ we are one body, with many members and each member belongs to one another. Help us remember that every member does not have the same function, but that we each have individual gifts and individual ministries according to the grace You have given us. Guide us to use our spiritual gifts for the church in proportion to our faith, generously, cheerfully, and diligently. Amen.
Prayer for Spiritual Fervor
Lord of Love, bless our church and each individual member. May our love for You and for each other and for those outside the church be sincere. May we detest what is evil and cling to what is good. May we be devoted to one another in brotherly love and outdo ourselves in honoring one another. May our zeal for righteousness and for building Your Kingdom never subside. May our spiritual fervor in serving You never fade. Amen.
Prayer for Harmony and Humility
Lord of Blessing, may our church body be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and persistent in prayer. May we practice hospitality and share with the saints in need. May You use us to bless others. May we rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. May we live in harmony with one another. Keep us from pride; let us live in humility and be God-reliant rather than self-reliant. Amen.
Prayer for Mutual Concern
Gracious God, may our church serve You as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. May we be found faithful. Remind us that we are a unit, although comprised of many parts; in one Spirit we have all been baptized into one body. Remind us that You have arranged each of us members according to Your design. You have given us all honor, and we are indispensable to one another. Help us to have mutual concern for one another. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.