Suffering through the loss of a loved one is no easy feat, especially for a child that had lost his or her mother. Here is a look at 25 prayers for a deceased mother that can bring you comfort and solace.
Departed Mother Prayer
God of Immeasurable Mercies, by your power, Jesus conquered death and ascended in glory. I entrust my mother into your care, in the name of Jesus Christ. As my mother has departed to live for eternity with you, I thank you for the memories I have. I thank you that she was made in your image and reflected your love. You are the Lord of all life, you brought my mother into existence and you have now called her home. I pray that she will enjoy the fullness of your presence through all eternity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Rest in Paradise Prayer
Living God, although my tears are flowing, I feel blessed that when my mother took her last breath, she entered heaven’s gates. I miss her dearly, but I cling to your promise of salvation for those who place their faith in You. May she rest in Paradise until that final day when you return, and we are caught up into the clouds with you. Help me to honor her memory by living a life of selfless love and service. Amen.
Comfort in Grief Prayer
O Lord my God, I thank you that you are the Lord of life. The life of my mother was a gift from you. She received love as your child and I am grateful that she poured out that love to me. I look forward to the day when Jesus returns to bring the resurrection of the dead. I await an eternity spent in your presence with my mother and all your people. I look with hope to a future with no sin, pain or death. As my mother encounters you face to face, I ask that you would bring me comfort. Amen.
Rejoice Before You Prayer
Lord God, in your unending mercy, bring my beloved mother to rejoice before you. May she be surrounded by your holy angels. I thank you that she has been set free from all suffering, pain, and sadness. I look forward to the glorious day when we will be reunited in that joyful resurrection, for our Savior Jesus is the first fruits of those who sleep. I praise you, loving Savior, because we have victory over death through your atonement. Amen.
Strength and Comfort Prayer
Glorious Father, hear my prayer during this time of mourning. I look to you with faith that all who trust in you will share in your resurrection. I thank you that my mother is now in your presence, free from pain, suffering and tears. Help me to continue to love and follow you in anticipation of the hope of heaven. May I cherish the memory of my mother as a testimony of your grace and mercy. May I persevere to the day when Jesus will return and I will enjoy the fullness of your promises for eternity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Blessing of Life Prayer
Lord Jesus, my Savior, you are the firstborn from the dead. After your death on the cross, you rose from the dead and left your tomb. As I grieve the loss of my mother, thank you for the hope and assurance that comes from your resurrection. You conquered the grave and ascended into heaven where you are interceding for your people. I thank you that my mother is in your presence now and that one day we will be reunited. May the hope of eternity bring comfort to all who mourn the loss of my mother. In your mighty name, Amen.
Gratitude for Mother Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of earthly life, in particular for the life of my mother. Thank you for all the years I enjoyed with her. I praise you that she stood with me through the good times and the bad times. I cherish the memories of times of joy and times of sorrow. As she is now at rest with you, I thank you for the hope of a future in your presence that we will share together. Now may you, the Lord of Peace, give me peace at all times and in every way. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Comfort in Grief Prayer
Father of Compassion, hear my prayer and provide comfort to me during this time of shock and grief. My mother was your child, you knew her from birth and she died in your loving arms. Help me to trust in the name of Jesus who conquered Satan, sin and death. Help me to live a life of faith with my hope set in your eternal life. Help me to focus on your blessings during this time of loss. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight O Lord. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Your Continuing Mercy Prayer
Lord of consolation, the pain of losing my mother is deep. She was so much to me in life and taught me so much. I thank you that when she was released from her earthly body, she was ushered into your presence. I thank you that Jesus rose from the dead and will return to resurrect those who died in faith. I commend my precious mother’s soul to your continuing mercy and ask you to grant her everlasting peace. Amen.
Eternal Comfort Prayer
Lord Jesus, my Refuge and my Redeemer, you humbled yourself by becoming human and submitting yourself to death on the cross so that all who believe in you shall not perish but have eternal life. I thank you that my mother, while no longer with us in this life, will live forever with you. You conquered the grave and opened the gates of heaven. I entrust my mother into your gracious care, and look to you with faith and hope in everlasting life, to comfort me in my grief and pain. In your powerful name, Amen.
Death Is Defeated Prayer
God, my Comforter, my heart is broken at my mother’s passing from this life. I take comfort that the last enemy to be defeated is death. I am thankful for the time I had with my mother and what I learned from her. I know that no one could ever be good enough to earn salvation, but her faith in your mercy and grace has brought her eternal life. Grant that she rests peacefully in your kingdom until the day of resurrection. Amen.
Rest from Labors Prayer
God of peace, I thank you for Jesus, our Advocate and Mediator. I thank you that through his great sacrifice, we have confidence that death isn’t the end, but the beginning. I come to you in reverence for my beloved mother, who died in true faith in You. Give her rest from her labors and bind her soul among the living. I pray that the life she lived will be an encouragement to those of us who remain on this earth. Amen.
Refuge and Strength Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the name above every other name. As I mourn the passing of my mother, may I find safety and comfort in your name. May your voice soothe my pain and strengthen me in my weakness. May your promises provide hope in my distress and stability in my confusion. May my mother live in perfect peace with you for eternity. As she sees you face to face, may she be transformed in your likeness. May grace and peace be mine in abundance, through you my Lord. In your mighty name, Amen.
Shelter Her Soul Prayer
O Lord, you are my blessed hope. I pray that your face would shine on my dear mother, who has left her mortal body. It is hard to let her go, but I know I will see her again one day. Deliver her into your glorious heaven and shelter her soul under your wings, for blessed are those who die in the Lord. I thank You that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and that judgment is based on your great mercy. Amen.
Compassionate God Prayer
God of Loving Devotion, please show your compassion to me as I grieve the death of my mother. I thank you for her life and ask that you comfort me in my distress. The Bible says that you are near to the broken-hearted and close to those who are crushed in spirit. My heart feels broken at this time, please draw near to me with your love. My spirit feels crushed, may I know you are by my side. My mother loved me in a way that reflects your love for me, may I feel secure in that love forever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
The Light of Your Presence Prayer
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, our mother has breathed her last on this earth. Receive her now into the light of your presence. May she rest peacefully until the sounding of the last trumpet, when the dead in Christ are raised to immortality. We praise our Savior Jesus, who tasted death for us all, breaking the power of death. We are full of sorrow at losing our mother, yet we know that when she left her body, she was at home with the Lord. Amen.
Troubled Heart Prayer
God of All Peace, all hope in life and death comes from you. As I walk through grief and sorrow over the passing of my mother, my heart feels far from peaceful. Jesus said that the peace he gives surpasses all understanding. Your peace is the peace that can calm the troubled mind and heart in any situation. May I know your peace as I celebrate the memories of my mother and the life that you gave her. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, bring peace to my soul. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Life-giving Spirit Prayer
God, my Rock of strength, I grieve for my mother, who slipped away from this life. I commend her soul into your loving arms. I praise you for your life-giving Spirit, who has freed my mother from the sting of death. I praise Jesus, who has illuminated the way to immortality. I thank you that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. May my mother rest in peace until that great day of the Lord’s return. Amen.
Everlasting Life Prayer
Creator and Sustainer, my God, thank you that you made the universe and all it contains. We are all made in your image and reflect your attributes. I praise you for the way that my mother demonstrated your love throughout her life. You have promised your children an inheritance of eternal life. I thank you that my mother is now safe in your presence. Fill me with your spirit in my time of need. Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power and strength, be unto you my God forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Living God Prayer
Lord of lovingkindness, I commit my dear mother to you. Please receive her into the Kingdom of the Living God. May she enjoy eternal rest and joy in your presence. I thank You that she now has life forever because she put her faith and trust in you. I am grateful to have had her in my life but would never want to hold her back from heaven’s joys. I will hold dear my memories of her and strive to follow in her footsteps. Amen.
Strength in Weakness Prayer
O Lord, my God, you are my refuge and my strength, my ever-present help in times of trouble. I feel adrift in the storm of grief since the death of my mother. Thank you that you always hear the prayers of your people. Hear me today as I cry to you for help. Fill me with your strength, comfort me through your spirit and hold me close to you. May I find deep encouragement in your promise that my mother is with you in paradise. May I praise you in this difficult time. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Thankfulness Prayer
Jesus, my Sustainer, I thank you for the unique gifts and abilities that you gave my mother. Throughout her life, she reflected your image in the love that she gave to others. May I be filled with joy from the memories I cherish. Throughout history, you have consoled your people as they mourn. Your people have been filled with hope due to your promise of eternal life. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with me always. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Cherished Memories Prayer
Precious Holy Spirit, thank you for your endless supply of mercy and grace. My mother’s life came to an end with a hope that comes from trusting in your promises. May the sorrow that I feel be transformed into thanksgiving for her life and her love. As I deal with the pain of loss, may I be reminded that death has ultimately lost its sting because of the resurrection of Jesus. May grace, mercy, and peace be with me, from God the Father, and from Jesus Christ, the Son, in truth and love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Heal My Heart Prayer
Compassionate Father, thank you that you remain the same yesterday, today and forever. As I mourn the loss of my mother, may I find reassurance that she now abides with you. As I experience this unexpected change, may I be strengthened in your unchanging love. You held my mother close and you continue to draw near to me. May my eyes be fixed on the cross, that my gaze would be fixed on the light of your glory through the darkness of this situation. In life and in death, you are Lord of all. To you alone belongs all glory and praise. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Jesus Our Redeemer Prayer
Father, all-sufficient One, I deeply grieve my mother’s passing, but I find solace that Jesus our Redeemer lives and intercedes for us. May my mother who has departed her mortal body rest in peace. In your abundant grace and mercy, please forgive the sins she confessed before her death. Receive her into the wonders of heaven. I wait in confident hope for the blessed day when she will rise from the dead with a glorified and immortal body. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.