The idea of surgery can be scary, but you can pray to God to guide the surgeon’s hands and bring you out of it safely and into complete restoration and healing. Here are 15 powerful prayers for healing after surgery.
Prayer for My Healing after Surgery
Jesus, the Great Physician, surgery is not something anybody wants to endure. It fills me with anxiety and fear, and I dread my recovery and the pain that comes along with it. Because You are a good and gracious God, I beg You of Your boundless mercy to heal me quickly from this surgery. Work through my doctors, nurses, and other caretakers to help me to heal as quickly as possible, through Christ, Your Son. Amen.
Prayer Before Surgery for a Loved One
O Lord, my Healer, surgery is given to us through medical advances that have come about by Your loving providence. Still, for Your people, it is a scary thing to go through. Oh Lord, You know the person close to me who is soon going under for surgery. I ask that You bless, keep, and protect them through his/her procedure. Give his/her surgeon a sure and steady hand, that they may address the problem and heal quickly. Amen.
Prayer after a Bad Accident for a Loved One
Lord God, turn Your ear toward me and let my cries ascend to You. Someone beloved to me has been in a grim accident. I fear for his/her life as he/she is being rushed to care. Lord, in Your boundless mercy, spare his/her life. Give them the strength, stamina, and hope to pull through this horrible event. Bring healing and comfort to those who are caring for him/her. Amen.
Prayer to Trust God for My Healing
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, You teach us not to fear those who can harm the body but to fear those who can throw both body and soul into the fires of hell. I entrust my body unto You to bring healing and restoration. Help me to trust in You evermore, to put my trust in Your holy name, through Christ, the Lord. Amen.
Prayer for My Peace after Surgery
Most merciful God, I know that I have a long way to go in my recovery from surgery. I dread all of the pain and setbacks I know that I will have to face. Yet, I have tasted and seen that You are good above all things. I know that You will uphold me, whatever trials may come. Uphold me with a hopeful and peaceful spirit, that I may welcome the challenges ahead of me and honor You in my trials. Amen.
Prayer for Hope of a Full Recovery for Myself
Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, I do not know how long it may take for me to recover from surgery. I long to able to do all the things I used to be able to do, but I know it won’t be easy to return to such a place. I ask that You give me the fortitude and motivation to put in the work needed to make a full recovery. Uphold me with a renewed heart and mind. Amen.
Prayer for Strength for My Recovery
Lord Jesus, You have made it clear in Your word that our strength is not of ourselves, but it is Your strength that is made perfect in our weakness. For right now, I am very weak. I cannot do even the most undignified things. I struggle just to do basic things. In light of my condition, I ask that You embrace me in my weakness, and impart to me Your strength, so that I may once again walk in the fullness of life. Amen.
Prayer to Endure Rehabilitation
Compassionate and gracious Father, rehabilitation from surgery is like a metaphor for life, for he/she who endures to the end will be saved. I am so fearful of rehabilitation. I wince when I think of the pain and discouragement that will come along with the process of getting back to full health. In this, I ask You for strength to endure. Help me to deal with the pain and the setbacks with a good and positive attitude. Help my light shine before all, so that they may see the wonders You can work through me, and bring glory to Your holy name. Amen.
Prayer to Draw Close to Christ in Recovery
Most gracious God, though I am dreading the complications of life after surgery, I know that You can dwell in the most difficult times of our lives. I ask that You be present with me in my suffering, for You know what it is like to suffer in our flesh. Bring me close, that I might have communion with You through suffering. Let me feel Your presence, my God. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for My Healthcare
Loving God, how wonderful it is that You have given us so much to be thankful for. Through the loving kindness of people, You have blessed me with excellent caretakers. Through them, Your loving hand is demonstrated to me, and I am so incredibly humbled. I lift Your name and rejoice, for You have done wonders in the sight of all people. I thank You, Lord, for Your graciousness and compassion on me. Amen.
Prayer for Hope of Full Recovery for a Loved One
Heavenly Father, someone known to You and I alone is recovering from a daunting surgical procedure. The road to recovery for him/her will be a difficult one, and his/her faith will be challenged deeply. In light of the upcoming struggles, I ask that You bring peace and resolve to his/her heart. Give his/her mind, body, and soul strength to make a full recovery, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Loved One to Endure
Lord Jesus, at the hands of sinful men, You endured the worst the world can offer. To follow You is also to learn to endure. A loved one is recovering from surgery and needs Your strength to endure his/her calling. Give him/her the strength to endure all things through You, for You reign forever over all things, and all things return to You. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for Loved One’s Medical Care
Oh Lord of all creation, I give thanks and praise to You for the wondrous things You do. My loved one has the most incredible people caring for him/her. Although his/her recovery will be very difficult, it has helped his/her spirit to have such wonderful people surrounding him/her. I ask that You continue to bless him/her in his/her recovery. Richly bless the hands that are nursing him/her back to health. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Loved One’s Safety in Surgery
Lord God, surgery presents so many dangerous things. On top of natural risks, some infections and mistakes can happen that are outside of the surgeon’s control. Send Your holy angels into the operating room to watch over all involved. Give the surgeon and nurses wisdom, prudence, and a clear mind so that they might perform to the best of their abilities through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Loved One’s Peace to Heal
Most high God, as my loved one returns from surgery, he/she will be quickly put to the test. He/she will be under intense stress and will have to endure a painful recovery. It can be very difficult to dig deep to find the motivation to make a full and quick recovery. I ask that You calm my loved one’s mind. Bring peace to his/her inner turmoil, so that he/she can recover as swiftly as possible. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.