One look at any news channel shows a nation falling apart, but we know that our God is big enough to make us whole again. Here are 15 powerful prayers for our community.
Prayer for Zero Prejudice
King of glory, we thank You for how You taught the story of the Good Samaritan to show us we are all brothers. We thank You for teaching us to love others regardless of racial differences, economic differences, developmental differences, or any other differences. May our community and city be known for love and fairness and not discrimination. Eradicate prejudice from our hearts, our words, and our actions. Help us love as You love. Amen.
Prayer for Peaceful Demonstrations
Lord, our Protector, as people gather in our city and our community to demonstrate against injustice, may peace prevail. In the Name of Jesus, stop anyone who would try to hijack these protests to create violence and chaos. Stop anyone who would seek to harm others, cause damage to buildings or vehicles, or loot businesses. May these peaceful protesters be able to state their cause without distraction. May justice and Your love and peace prevail. Amen.
Prayer for Healing
Lifter of our heads, we pray for healing in our city and our community. So many people are suffering a world of hurt. We pray for healing and justice for those who have been treated unkindly throughout their lives. We pray healing and prosperity for businesses that are struggling through so many challenges – for the families that own them and for their employees. We pray for healing and wisdom for our leaders as they strive to achieve peace and order. Amen.
Prayer to Come Together to Overcome
Lord of light, I pray that unity may prevail in my community. Help me to be an instrument of Your peace. Help us in the city to come together to resolve the issues that affect us all. Help us cooperate well in overcoming health issues and prejudice. May we each bring our experiences and our expertise to the table and work out solutions together. Help us to listen well, to empathize, and brainstorm the best path for our city. Amen.
Prayer for Revival in Our City
Lord, our Redeemer, bring revival to our city. I first pray for spiritual revival, bringing repentance, restoration, and renewed focus on You. May that revival begin in my own heart and spirit right now. I also pray for economic revival – that You would raise up innovative businesses that are hiring local people and contributing to our economy. May You raise up an excellent work ethic among our population, so our city prospers. May this be a city of light. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
God our Refuge, we plead for peace for our city. We pray that You will calm this storm of rage and violence that has overtaken our city. Help us to work together to resolve the issues that are triggering anger. May we who have sinned against others repent, and may we receive forgiveness and restoration from You and from those we have offended. We pray for a spirit of unity, love, and peace to drive our thoughts, actions, and words. Amen.
Prayer for the Children of Our Community
Loving God, we lift our children up to You. The children in our city have gone through so much disruption in their lives. Many of them have suffered significant losses. Show us how to best minister to them – to provide their basic needs as well as keep them safe and give them hope. Help their parents to support them well and not be overwhelmed with all the challenges our community is going through. Bless our children. Amen.
Prayer for Perseverance to Improve City
Lord our Strength, please empower us with the perseverance we need to continue working to improve our city. Sometimes it seems we are taking one step forward and two steps back. Strengthen our fortitude to keep pressing on, no matter what the obstacles and challenges. May we be steadfast and unwavering in our prayers for this city, and in our practical actions to turn things around. Encourage us, we pray, by showing us ways our work is bearing fruit. We thank You for Your strength. Amen.
Prayer for Compassion for Others in Our Community
Majesty on high, may Your love and compassion flow through us and to those around us. Give us pity and concern for their misfortunes and suffering. Give us the compassion and empathy we need to understand what those in our community are going through. Help us to love them well. Help us not to judge or condemn, but rather come alongside them to offer support and to be Your hands and feet. Amen.
Prayer for Softened Hearts and Forgiveness
Righteous Judge, help us not to seek revenge or bear a grudge against our neighbors in this community, but to love them as we love ourselves. Help us to forgive those who have wronged us and pray for those who have mistreated us, so You will forgive our offenses against You. Soften our hearts, Lord, to love our enemies and to do good to them, just as You are kind to those who are ungrateful and evil. Amen.
Prayer for Blessings to Rain Down
Mighty One, may Your blessings rain down over our community and city. May You bring peace and harmony where there is violence and dissent. May You bring prosperity and hope where there is poverty and despair. May You bless our leaders with wisdom and insight where there is confusion and a lack of understanding. May You bless our hearts with Your love and peace and joy where there is hate and unease and grief. Amen.
Prayer for Love of Fellow People
Sovereign Lord, You have commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Help me to do that in my community and throughout my city. Help me understand the problems my fellow people are going through and find ways to help them in ways they need it most. Help me to love others no matter what their race or other differences. Help me to receive their love as well. Help me not permit grievances to block giving or receiving love. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom in How to Move Forward
God, our Rock, we pray for stability in this city that has been tormented with disunity and discontent. Give us all wisdom on how to move forward successfully. Help us to strive to understand the others’ perspectives, and to find common ground. Give us insight into what will best solve the complex problems we are facing. Help us to negotiate a new path that will be better and brighter than before. Amen.
Prayer to Center on Jesus
Dear Lover of our souls, may I and those in my city seek to center our focus on You. I pray that You will bring those who don’t know You into Your fold. May we who do know You draw closer in holiness and oneness with You. May we strive to live the life You modeled when You walked this earth. May we reflect Your image. Purge anything from us that doesn’t look like You. Amen.
Prayer for Hope in Our Community and City
Lord, our Protector and Shield, defend us from anything that would crush hope in our community and city. May confident expectation that good things are on the horizon rise up in our hearts. May we, individually and collectively, look to You as our ultimate hope and our champion. Give us faith in place of despair, and resilience in place of resignation. Turn our anguish and desperation into elation and assurance. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.