There are many influences on our daughters in today’s world. These uplifting prayers for your teenage daughter will provide the protection and spiritual armor needed to function in today’s society.
Excellence Prayer
Father God, thank you for giving an amazing daughter. She is truly a gift from above. Lord, I commit all her plans into your hands. Give my daughter wisdom to make the right choices in her studies and life. Help her to start and finish each day with you. Remind her that you’re in charge of her life. May she do everything with excellence for the glory of your holy name. May she always be at the top and not at the bottom, above only and not beneath. It is in Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Cover Her with Your Love Prayer
Dear God, I bring my daughter before your throne of grace today. Cover her with your wings of love during this phase of her life. Lord, there are so many things that she may find confusing, so many questions that she has because of the experiences that she is going through. Drive out every confusion with your love and let your perfect love bring assurance in her heart. May she remain grounded in your word and continue to see beautiful things in you. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Friendship Prayer
Heavenly Father, your word says that bad company corrupts good character. Lord, I pray for my teenage daughter. Help her to find the right friends at school, church, and within our community. Connect her with good friends that will help her to be the person you created her to be. Help her to build long-term friendships that have eternal values. May she be a source of blessing to her friends and light to those that do not know you. Give her the gift of discernment that she may be able to differentiate good and bad friends. It is in Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Protection Prayer
Lord Jesus, I keep worrying about my daughter lately. She’s going through a lot of changes. I feel lost right now because I don’t know what to do. Lord, I cannot be with her all the time, so I don’t know what she’s doing when she’s not with me. Protect her from every manner of evil and help her to walk according to your word. Remove every obstacle that the enemy has placed her way and guard her against temptations that teenagers go through. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen
Purity Prayer
Lord, may my daughter be set apart unto you. She cannot remain pure by her strength. Holy Spirit, take control of her life and teach her all things concerning purity and life. May she walk in spirit and truth in her teenage years and adulthood. Lord, when others give her ungodly counsel, remind her of your word and encourage her to walk in it. Give her strength in her inner being that she may not cave when her peers pressure her to engage in sexual immorality and other things that don’t bring glory to your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Worth in You Prayer
Father, many teenagers are trying to find their worth in drugs, sex, and people they idolize. The pressure is causing most of them to lose track of who they are. As a result, many are ending up with depression, and some are committing suicide. Dear God, may my daughter know that her worth comes from Jesus alone. Holy Spirit, remind her that she is the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Help her always to remember that she is the beloved daughter of God, and no one can ever change that. When in doubt, help her to know that you love her so much. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Success Prayer
Heavenly Father, children, are a gift from you. Lord, I thank you for giving me a lovely daughter. She is everything I prayed for and much more. Father, I bring her before you today. I know that without you, she can do nothing. Grant her success in all her endeavors. Uphold my child with your righteous right hand and grant her favor with her teachers and friends. May she commit everything she does into your hands so that you can make it successful. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Endure Suffering Prayer
Lord Jesus, you endured a lot when you were here on earth. Even though you went through temptation and rejection, you remained faithful to the end. I ask you to help my daughter to endure suffering as a Christian teenager and to remain faithful to her calling. Help her to stay firm in her faith that she may not give in to the lies of the enemy. May she always remember her purpose and the one she serves. Fill her with divine strength that she may be able to persevere and remain faithful in all things. It is in Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Do Great Things for You Prayer
Dear God, my desire is for my daughter to do great exploits for the kingdom. Father, grant me the desire of my heart. May she find pleasure in the things that bring glory to your name, and may the pleasurable things of this world be like filthy rags before her eyes. Lord, I know there are so many things that teenagers go through that may cause them to stray away from the Christian faith. But with you by my daughter’s side, she’ll be able to fight the good fight of faith and serve you all the days of her life. I pray this believing in the name of your Son Jesus, Amen.
Help Prayer
Father God, help my daughter to return to her first love, and that is your Son, Jesus Christ. The pleasures of this world have blinded and caused her to drift away from her faith. Lord, remove wrong friends from her life that are giving her ungodly counsel. Forgive her for abandoning her faith and let her experience your love deeply that she may repent all her sins and come back to you. Give me patience and teach me how to relate to her during these challenging times. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen
Contentment Prayer
Lord, the enemy, is luring young people, especially teenagers, into his kingdom using things that seem pleasurable to the human eye. You have entrusted me with this beautiful daughter, and I want to say thank you, Lord. I use the authority that you’ve given me as a parent to declare and decree that my child will not be lured into the kingdom of darkness. She will serve you, my Father, and king for the rest of her life. Father, I thank you that you have set a standard over her life, and even when her enemies come like a flood, they will not prevail over her. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen
Her Future Prayer
Lord, I thank you for my daughter. She blesses me in ways I could never imagine. Jesus, help her to make choices that will impact her life positively in the future. Bring the right people in her life that will help her to make the right decisions regarding her education, relationships, and career. May she discover the unique gifts and talents that you have given her and use them as unto you and not man. Give us strength and Grace to take good care of her and lead her on the right path in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Discernment Prayer
Father God, I magnify your holy name today. You are clothed with majesty. You are from everlasting to everlasting, and no one can take your place. Help my daughter to be a better judge in all situations. Show her how to solve the problems teenagers encounter. Holy Spirit, fill her with the peace that surpasses all understanding when something is from the throne of God and help her to know when something is not from God. May she obey you even when it does not make sense. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Humility Prayer
Father God, I pray for my daughter to know your grace and love. May she remain humble through the pressures of life. Help her to remember that you are her deliverer and strong tower in those tough times. Holy Spirit, show her what it means to be humble so that she may treat others better. Through Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Health Prayer
Dear God, may my daughter prosper in health even as her soul prospers. If she has been hurt and wounded in her soul, heal and bind her wounds. Grant her good health that she may serve you diligently and draw people to your Kingdom. Remove anxiety from her heart and help her to be stable emotionally and mentally so that she can remain in line with her purpose. Remove pain from her heart and give her the peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Here is a great video from Pastor Rick Warren where he discusses how to bring out the best in your kids and others.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.