Getting a blessing from the Lord as you walk into your newly formed marriage is one important way to seek long-term success. Whether a prayer is recited by both the bride and groom or said by the officiant during the exchange of vows, prayer is a critical element of any Christian wedding. Here are some of the best Christian wedding prayers for the bride and groom.
Wedding Prayer
God of loving devotion, may this couple be filled with love for each other that reflects your love for them. Your love always trusts, may they always trust each other. Your love always hopes, may they always be filled with the hope that is found in you. Your love always perseveres, may their love for each other endure through the difficulties of life. Your love never fails, may their love remain strong until the end. Fill them with your love, that they may love each other in the same way. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Bound Together Prayer
Loving Father, thank you that you are faithful to fulfill all your promises. Your word says that this couple has been joined together by you. We pray that nothing would separate this bride and groom. May they be bound together by your unending love. Protect their relationship from attacks and danger. Give them assurance that you are always with them and are faithful to the end. May the words of their mouths and the meditations of their hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Physical Intimacy Prayer
Lord, our Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you are the source of all true joy in life. We pray for the marriage before us and ask that this couple would enjoy the gift of physical intimacy that you have blessed them with. May they give and receive pleasure with an attitude of thankfulness to you. Your word says that you are a Good Father who gives us good gifts. Please help them to use this gift wisely to love and bless each other. To you, our God, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Financial Blessing Prayer
Generous Father, thank you that you know our every desire and need. Please guide this couple as they make decisions over their finances. You have said that we do not need to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, we should present our requests to you. Hear this prayer and give them wisdom. Please help them to let you lead in all the choices they make. May you bless them financially so that they may be a blessing to others. May you establish their hearts as blameless in holiness before you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Filled With the Love of God Prayer
Lord of unfailing love, may the bride and groom be filled with love for each other that reflects your love for them. Your love is not easily angered, may they be slow to anger and rich in love with each other. Your love keeps no record of wrongs, may they be quick to forgive each other. Your love rejoices in truth, may they be honest with each other. Your love always protects, may they protect each other. May they love each other in the same way they have been loved by you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
One Flesh Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that you are our protector and provider. You have promised that you will never leave us or forsake us, you are always with us. You have joined this man and woman together as one flesh. Help them to work together in their relationship. May they support each other, encourage each other and serve each other. Please help them to love each other in the same sacrificial way that they have been loved by you. You are the God of hope. Fill them with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit they may abound in hope. In your mighty name, Amen.
Communication Prayer
Eternal God, thank you that you are the light of the world, guiding our steps on your path. Please help this couple to communicate well. Give them the grace to listen to each other carefully and speak in love. Remove any bitterness and resentment from their mouths Lord, and may their words be words of kindness and gentleness. May their communication be the building block of a healthy relationship. Guide their words and their hearts Lord, in submission to you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with them. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Fruitful Marriage Prayer
Mighty God, thank you that you give the gift of abundant, eternal life. You have said that your people should be fruitful and multiply, that your love should overflow from us to others and that we can participate in creation with you. As we pray for this marriage we ask that you would give the gift of children and cause the love in this couple to overflow towards them. Increase their faith that they would view their lives in the light of eternity. May they know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. May they be filled with all the fullness of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
God as Center Prayer
Father God, thank you that you are our creator, you know us better than anyone else. You brought this couple together and you have promised that you have plans and a purpose for them, plans to prosper them and not to harm them. Remind the bride and groom that you are the center of their relationship and that you are the one who watches over their future. May they look to you for wisdom and guidance. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Forgiving Marriage Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that you have forgiven all our sins at the cross. We pray for the longevity of this marriage and ask that, when they experience conflict, they would be quick to forgive in the same way that they have been forgiven by you. Help them to deal with conflict in a way that makes their relationship stronger. You have promised that you will make all things work together for their good. Please help them to trust you in the midst of conflict. We make these requests in your powerful name, Amen.
Patient Love Prayer
God of love, may this couple be filled with love for each other that reflects your love for us. Your love is patient, may they be patient with each other. Your love is kind, may they be kind to each other. Your love does not envy, may they not be envious of each other. Your love does not boast, may their relationship be built on humility. You love does not dishonor others, may they honor each other. Your love is not self-seeking, may they love each other with a selfless love. Help them to love each other well. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Worship Together Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you that you can satisfy our every desire and need. You have said that if we delight ourselves in you, you will give us the desires of our hearts. Please help this couple to encourage each other to trust in you for every aspect of their lives and relationship. Help them to spur each other on in their faith. May they worship you together. You are the God of endurance and encouragement. Help them to live in harmony with each other, that together they may, with one voice, glorify Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Blessed Marriage Prayer
Heavenly Father, you have created joy and gladness, pleasure and delight, love, peace and fellowship. Pour out the abundance of your blessing upon this couple in their new life together. Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts and a crown upon their heads. Bless them in their work and in their companionship; awake and asleep, in joy and in sorrow, in life and in death. Finally, in your mercy, preserve them into eternity with you. May your love enfold them, your joy sustain them and your spirit empower them. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Bride and Groom Prayer
Everlasting Father, thank you that you never fail to keep your promises. You have promised that our faith will never be put to shame when our trust is in you. We pray for this marriage and trust you to keep them safe in your hand for the rest of their lives. Please help them to rely on you in their relationship, whatever the future may bring. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with them always. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Generational Blessing Prayer
Loving Father, thank you that you are the light of the world, guiding our steps on your path. Your word says that you are able to bless us abundantly in all things at all times. Help the bride and groom to view their relationship in the light of eternity. We ask you to show grace throughout the generations. We pray that their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond would know your blessing. You are able to do far more than all that we ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us. To you be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Strong Marriage Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you that you are our rock and fortress, we can always find refuge in you. We pray that the bride and groom would be strengthened to love each other in good times and in bad. Your word says that, even though we walk through the darkest valley, we need fear no evil, for you are with us; your rod and your staff, they comfort us. Give them the strength to trust you during the joyful times and during the difficult times. May you fill them with eternal comfort and good hope through grace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Bless This Marriage with Joy Prayer
Lord God, we are blessed to join this dear couple on this happy day. As we look at the joy shining on their faces, we pray that joy would chase after them throughout their lives. May the rejoicing of today overflow into the years ahead as they grow and blossom together. Crown this marriage with the inexpressible joy of your Holy Spirit. Protect them from sorrow and unhappiness. As they draw closer to you as husband and wife, fill their hearts with gladness in celebration of their lives in you. Amen.
Prayer for Love That Covers
Abba Father, thank you for this happy day, which this couple will remember and cherish for years to come. We pray that, more than anything, this man and woman will love each other deeply, for love covers a multitude of sins. May their love for each other be sealed in their hearts and give them the grace to forgive each other when they sin against each other and when they fail each other. Fill them with an attitude of serving one another so that you are glorified by their sweet spirits. Amen.
Blessing of Peace Prayer
Jesus, our Prince of peace, we bless your holy and powerful name on this glorious day. With all that is in us, we praise you, Jesus, and thank you for all you have given us. We thank you that you satisfy us with good things. Now we pray a blessing of peace over this bride and groom. Continually grant them serenity and tranquility in every circumstance of their married life. Look with favor on this man and this woman, Jesus. Fill them with your humility and gentleness so they maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Amen.
A Cord of Three Strands Prayer
Sovereign Lord, you are the Fountain of living waters. Our mouths declare your loving help to us, although we can never know its full measure. We thank you for bringing us to this season of laughter and dancing. Bless this bride and groom in their marriage. May it be a cord of three strands – each of them firmly bound together with you, in an unbreakable union. May they rejoice and do good together all of their lives. We thank you that what you have done endures forever. Thank you for making everything beautiful in its time. Amen.
Make Perfect in Love Prayer
Father God, the all-sufficient One, what a magnificent day to celebrate the union of this man and this woman. May they walk before you all their days in the light of life. Perfect their love for one another and for you. Truly, Father God, we are able to love because you first loved us. As they love one another, may your presence abide with them and perfect your love in them. As they obey your word, bind them together in unity and as one flesh. As they live in love, may they live in you and you in them. Amen.
Bless This Union with Kindness Prayer
Beloved and almighty Father, we sing for joy to you as we rejoice over this bride and groom. You have given them a true gift in giving them each other in holy matrimony. We pray that you will bless this union with kindness. May your lovingkindness and truth meet together in this marriage; may righteousness and peace bless every kiss. Fill them with patience and honor for the other, make them slow to anger, and help them protect each other for the rest of their lives. Clothe them in compassion and forgiveness so they have a love that endures through time. In Jesus’ holy and loving name, amen.
Prayer for Lifetime of Faithfulness
Father God, you are the Author and Perfector of our faith. May this man and woman fix their eyes on you throughout their marriage. May they celebrate your mercies that are renewed every day and know how great your faithfulness is toward them. May they proclaim your love every morning and your unfailing promises to them every night. May their love for one another stand firm forever and may no one or no thing ever come between them. May they honor and respect their covenant of marriage to each other all the years of their lives. Amen.
Prayer for Abundantly Healthy Marriage
Righteous Savior, you call forth songs of joy as we share in this wedding today. Bless this couple with an abundantly healthy marriage. Lord God, fill their souls with your Holy Spirit and establish their marital home on you as its Rock and Foundation. We pray that their words to each other will be gracious like honeycomb, sweet to their souls and healing to their bones. We pray that together they will do what is right in your eyes and shun evil, bringing health to their bodies and to their union. We ask you today to care for this marriage, shower it with your love, and enrich it abundantly. Amen.
Prayer to Love as Christ Loves
Sovereign Lord, pour out your Spirit of love on this man and woman who are joining as one today. May they love each other throughout their lives as you love us. May they submit to one another out of reverence for you. May their love for each other be sacrificial and reflect the way you cherish and care for us. May they be filled with all the good things you have to give them as they devote themselves to you and to each other. Amen.
Legacy Prayer
Almighty and everlasting God, you left a beautiful legacy for us to follow – of endless love, tireless service, and relentless goodness. May this sweet couple who have joined in holy marriage leave a priceless legacy for their own children and grandchildren. May they be an example of all that is good and right and desirable in a marriage of two people totally committed to you. Arm them with the strength to carve out a pathway for others to follow. Amen.
Unquenchable Love Prayer
O Jehovah, our God, our hearts are touched by the sweetness of the love between this bride and groom. May they continue throughout their lives with an unquenchable love for each other. Even as they pass through the storms of life that might threaten to subdue their love, may their passion for one another burn like a blazing fire. May their love grow like a mighty flame that can’t be stopped. Preserve their lives and keep their feet from slipping as they follow you. Amen.
A Light to Others Prayer
Jesus, my Savior, we are in awe of the wonderful things you have done. Thank you for bringing this bride and groom together today to pledge themselves to each other. May the brightness we see in them on their wedding day continue to burn, and may they be a light to others. As each morning dawns and each evening fades, may they shine your light on each other and on the world around them. As the moon reflects the sun, may their lives reflect you to everyone around them. Amen.
Blessed Ministry Prayer
O Lord, our Great Shepherd, as we celebrate this union, our hearts rise up with joy and make your praise glorious. As this couple steps into their new life together, give them a blessed ministry. May they first minister your love and your word to each other and to their children. May they be prayer warriors for each other, and, together, for the needs of the community and of the world. Use this couple in the outreach of your church to teach the gospel and minister to the needy. Bless them, Lord, and make them a blessing. Amen.
Humility and Gentleness Prayer
Compassionate and gracious God, how awesome are your works! We praise you for this couple today who have joined in the holy sacrament of marriage. Just as godly marriage reflects Christ and the church, may they reflect the humility and gentleness of Jesus. May they not be given to anger, but instead, be soft and sweet to one another and to others. May they not have inflated egos, but instead put each other first and work toward building each other up. May their love never fail, and may their home be a tranquil sanctuary where you are elevated and at the center of everything they do. Amen.
Prayer to Maintain Unity of Spirit
Precious Holy Spirit, we are so happy and grateful to see what you have done in the lives of this man and this woman. As they walk down the road of life together, may there be no divisions among them, but may they instead be perfectly united in one heart, one mind and one thought. Guide them so that they keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. May they bear with one another in love. May they diligently preserve their togetherness, cherishing their holy bond for all of their lives. Amen.
Governed by Golden Rule Prayer
God of infinite love, be gracious to this bride and groom and bless them. Make your face shine on them. May their marriage be governed by your golden rule. May they always remember to treat each other in the way they want to be treated. Help them put themselves in the place of the other, striving to understand the other’s challenges and desires. May they live in harmony with one another, sharing themselves completely and fully, speaking kindly, and encouraging each other for the glory of your name. Amen.
Blessing of Thankfulness Prayer
Everlasting Father, as this new husband and wife set out on their life journey together, may they be a people of thanksgiving. May they rejoice before you for your provision, for being their Father and their Defender. Empower them to develop the habit of constant thanksgiving for your blessings, and fill them with the desire to worship and praise you daily. Keep them from the sins of grumbling and complaining. Every time they think about each other, may they give thanks to you for the gift you have given them. May their positive and thankful spirits be a testimony of your goodness. Amen.
Let No Man Separate Prayer
God of power, we bless your holy and precious name, for you hear our prayers and do not withhold your loving devotion. We thank you for leading this bride and groom into a relationship, and that today they are pledging their love and faithfulness to each other for their entire lives. We thank you for establishing marriage from the beginning of creation so that this man and woman can become one flesh. Since they are united as one, let no man separate what you have joined together. Amen.
Prayer for Mutual Encouragement and Support
Lord, our Wise Counselor, we exult you who rides on the clouds and rejoice before you as we celebrate the love of this couple. Thank you for bringing them together. Now that they have joined as one, may they help each other succeed and prosper in all parts of their lives. If one stumbles, may the other catch and encourage them. May their union be blessed with gentleness, compassion and support all their days. Amen.
Pour Your Love into Their Hearts Prayer
All-powerful Father, we praise you whose strength is in the skies. Bless this couple who are joining in holy marriage. We thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit to pour your love into their hearts. May their union be blessed with divine love, which will carry them through the trials and tribulations of life. Develop within them endurance, strength of character and hope, so their marriage is a stronghold of your loving devotion. Amen.
Live Together in Understanding Prayer
God of wisdom, our mouths are filled with your praise and your splendor. As this couple unites in marriage, we pray you flood them with blessings. May they always honor and respect the other. May they live together in understanding. May they be considerate with each other as equal partners in your gracious gift of life. May they be pure and reverent toward each other, so nothing will hinder their prayers. May they be like-minded and sympathetic to each other through their new journey together. Amen.
Prayer for Perfect Harmony
God of wonders, your goodness reaches to the heavens. We pray that this bride and groom will walk with you all the days of their new life together. May they clothe themselves with the love that comes from you, which binds them in perfect harmony. May they always be tenderhearted toward one another and may your peace rule in their hearts. Even when they are old and gray, may their lives of divine harmony be a testimony to the next generation of the indwelling power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Joyful in Hope Prayer
O God of loving devotion, our hearts are full of your glory today as we celebrate this wonderful event. May the marriage of this man and woman flourish all their days. May they always be joyful in hope, patient through times of testing, and persistent in prayer. May they rejoice together and weep together as one person. May they live in earnest expectation of your blessings in this life and the glory in the life to come. May this hope pervade all aspects of their relationship and overflow to everyone around them. Amen.
Prayer to Grow in Sincere Love
Radiant Lord, we celebrate the love that has brought this couple to commit to a lifetime together. We pray that every day of their life they will grow in sincere love for each other. Today, they may think they could not love each other more than they do now. But in the decades to come, may they look back and see how their love has grown and matured. Protect them from anything that might erode their love, and may they outdo one another in devotion and honor for the other. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.