Hearing that your friend has been diagnosed with cancer knocks the breath out of you, but you want to remain strong and present for your friend during their fight. Here are 20 strong prayers for the healing of cancer for a friend.
Prayer for a Friend with Cancer
Father, my Miracle-Worker, You allow the sun to shine on the just and the unjust. The rain falls on the righteous and the wicked. Though my friend is a wonderful person, they have found themselves embroiled in an extremely difficult battle with cancer. Lord, come and give him/her strength. Prepare them mentally, physically, and spiritually for this battle. Give them the faith and desire to fight and win. Amen.
Prayer for Grace of Healing
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, You have taught us that every act of healing is a miracle that comes from Your unending grace. For we deserve nothing, yet You give everything. Because You are gracious and merciful, bring life and healing to my friend with cancer. Fill them with Your grace, so that their bodies may heal and bring glory to You. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance in Cancer Treatment
Most merciful God, the cancer-fighting process becomes both exhausting and disorienting. The sheer amount of treatment, schedules, and healthcare professionals my friend is interacting with during his/her cancer battle is overwhelming. Please simplify this process and guide my friend through this difficult maze. Give them clarity and peace of mind. Send caring people into his/her life so that this process becomes easier to navigate and manage. Amen.
Prayer for a Dying Friend
Lord God of all loving devotion, how might I comfort a friend who is dying of cancer? They have fought bravely and valiantly, and are now nearing death. Be with him/her now and at their final hour. Give them a heart that is comforted and assured of their place with You, and when that time comes, receive Your servant and welcome them into Your loving arms. Amen.
Prayer for a Dying Friend’s Faith
Most gracious God, I pray for the faith of my friend who is now slipping away from this life. Give them a firm trust in the person and work of Your Son, Jesus. Let him/her cling to the cross, confident in the bloodshed for the remission of his/her sins, and the redemption that You won for him/her. Strengthen their faith, that he/she will win their promised crown. Amen.
Prayer for Acceptance of Diagnosis
Almighty and everlasting God, the diagnosis of cancer is a shocking and traumatic ordeal. One cannot prepare to hear those terrifying words. Yet, someone close to me has been diagnosed with cancer. In light of this diagnosis, I ask that You calm his/her nerves and anxious mind. Give them the courage and acceptance to understand what they are up against. Let them not place hope in any person or doctor, but help them to place all hope in You alone. Amen.
Prayer for a Dying Friend’s Courage
Holy God, Light in the darkness, I cannot comprehend the fear and anxiety one faces when they are near death. It is difficult enough facing life, much less death. As my friend is being called home to You, God, I ask that You give them courage and peace. Let them rest assured in Your goodness and mercy, so that they may pass from this life without pain and sorrow, but in the comfort and joy of a life well-lived and a future with You. Amen.
Prayer for a Joyful Spirit
Lord of unfailing love, joy is that transcendent jubilance in Your Spirit. It has the power to uplift and sanctify us in Your holiness. Even amid my friend’s struggle with cancer, I ask that You fill him/her with Your abundant joy. Let no root of bitterness take hold, but let Your wondrous love spring forth through them, that they may be forever transfigured by You. Let him/her shine as a light in a dark world, and bring many others unto You. Amen.
Prayer to Ease Anxiety
Father God, the prospect of death strikes fear and anxiety into even the most faithful. For who can stand up to death? Who has crossed its line and come back to tell about it? O Lord, as my friend draws away from this life, I ask that You send Your comforting Spirit to wash over him/her. Let them not rest in their deeds, but in the assurance of a clean conscience and new heart won for them on the cross and given to them through Your resurrection. Amen.
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Lord God, our Peace-Bringer, the prospect of death makes us run through our entire lives in our minds. We obsess over sins, grievances, and possible regrets. As my fried nears their dying moment, I ask that You give them Your peace. Calm their mind and thoughts of regret. Instead, bestow upon them a tranquil and calm feeling, so that they may peacefully transition to the next realm, where every tear will be wiped from their eyes. Amen.
Prayer to Trust God
O Jehovah, my God, a cancer diagnosis turns someone’s entire world upside down. My friend has just had to endure those horrible words, and now he/she needs Your help. Draw him/her unto You during this time of refining trial. Let their heart trust upon Your goodness, so that they may not fear whatever fate lies ahead for them. You have defeated death, Lord, and hell has no victory. Amen.
Prayer to Rely on God’s Word
O Lord of all, what other solid foundation is there if not Your most holy word? For in times such as these, where my friend has been diagnosed with cancer, Your word is his/her foundation. All other ground sinks beneath them. Jettison all doubt from his/her soul. Let them be comforted and assured by the truth of Your word, that You will never leave nor forsake him/her. Let him/her feel Your Holy Spirit indwell within him/her. Amen.
Prayer for Strength to Endure Treatment
Jesus, the Great Physician, all strength to endure comes down to us from on high. For what could be more grueling than treatment for cancer? Lord, be with my friend who is entering cancer treatment. Strengthen his/her faith and give life and resilience to his/her body, so that they may be able to get the most out of their treatment and be healed of their disease. Lord, in Your mercy, hear this prayer. Amen.
Prayer Against Resentment
Maker of heaven and earth, like in most trials we face in this world, we are tempted to become resentful in times of challenge. As my friend battles cancer, he/she is tempted to blame others or even You for the terrible hand he/she has been dealt. As they are wrestling with this diagnosis, I ask that You guard his/her heart against resentment. Shield them from all forms of hatred, and instead fill their hearts with hope and joy of the resurrection. Amen.
Prayer for Hope with Cancer
Most holy God, cancer has the potential to rob those we love of their hope. Yet, it also has the power to drive us deeper into Your love and instill us with a divine understanding. Help my friend who has been diagnosed with this dreaded illness. Give them hope that surpasses all understanding and keep his/her heart and mind in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Strengthened Faith
Holy and mighty Lord, come and dwell among us. Kindle in us Your fire, that we may impart Your strength to my friend, who is sick with cancer. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, I humbly ask that You bolster and strengthen the faith of my friend who is engaged in this refining fire. Though we do not know Your purpose for this affliction, we ask that You give him/her the faith to trust in Your good plan. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort
Father God, cancer is such a chilling diagnosis. The sheer word is enough to bring even the strongest among us to tears. As my friend has recently embarked on his/her cancer journey, I ask that You comfort them with that peace that surpasses all human understanding. Give them a transcendent outlook, so that they fear nothing in this world, and are confident in Your victory over death which no longer has a sting. Lord, in Your mercy, hear this. Amen.
Prayer to Send Comforting Friends
Sovereign Lord, You teach us in Your word that there is strength and comfort in numbers. Bring holy people into my friend’s life as they are undergoing treatment for cancer. Let them lean on solid shoulders and be comforted by the presence of those who will carry his/her burdens, as You have commanded us. Guide me in what I should do and say to comfort my friend, and help me to be a solid friend in their time of need. Amen.
Prayer to Uplift Mood
Lord God, Faithful One, I come to You to ask for help for my friend amid his/her valiant fight with cancer. He/She has fought so hard, and is so tired and worn out from the drugs and other treatments. It is hard for them to stay positive and motivated to continue the fight. I plead with You to send Your Spirit of peace and joy to uplift his/her mood. Help them to take things one day at a time, stopping to enjoy life’s gifts, truly be in the present, and accepting whatever Your plan is for his/her life. Amen.
Prayer for Grace to Endure
Lord Jesus, our merciful and faithful High Priest, we can do nothing apart from Your marvelous grace and mercy. As my friend continues to fight a daily battle against this dreaded disease, I implore You to continue to give him/her the grace to endure. Nourish him/her in both body and spirit, so that he/she can heal in both body and spirit, and return to normal life as soon as possible. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.