You love your children more than anything, and you want them to live long, prosperous lives lived for Christ. Here are 25 beautiful prayers for your children, including images you can print to use and share.
A Prayer for Blessing
Jesus, my Savior, who could number the wondrous gifts You give to us? My children have blessed me beyond any semblance of what I deserve. They have brought joy, meaning, and purpose to my life. I ask that You continue to bless my children and my family. Give us this day the things we need to survive in life and help us to always seek Your face. Jesus, in Your mercy, hear us. Amen.
Keep My Children Prayer
All-Powerful Father, within the protection of Your wings, no evil can penetrate. You ward off the wolves and evil spirits from Your children. Just as You are a good Father, so also, I want to be a good protector for my children. Send Your holy angels to protect my children. Keep them out of all harm and danger. Guide their feet and their hands and keep them from temptation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer Against Bullies
God of Heaven’s Armies, it is nearly impossible for children to grow up without having a negative experience with a peer. Often, these peers are bullies who seek to bring others down around them. Lord, in the likely case that my child encounters a bully, I ask that You give them the grace to resist them with love. Give them the right words to use. Help them to be peacemakers, seeking always to defer from violence, where possible. Lord, make this happen. Amen.
A Prayer for Godly Influence
Sovereign Lord, if I could be with my children every step of their lives, I would ensure they were always safe from bad influences. And yet, I understand all children have to experience life on their own. In light of this, I pray that You send good friends and influences into their life. Give them solid friends and mentors who have their best interests at heart. Give them the courage and ability to say “no,” and to avoid the pressures that society places upon them. Help me to be a good guiding influence for my children so that they feel comfortable coming to me about anything. Lord, have mercy. Amen.
A Prayer to Guide
Lord Jesus, You have a special place in Your heart for children. You teach us that pure faith is child-like. It teaches us to be dependent upon You. Take my children, Lord. Grant them a sure and strong faith, so that they learn to rely solely upon Your provision. Help them to grow up strong in their love for You so that they become a light in this dark world. Amen.
A Prayer for Confidence
Almighty Father, there is so much that goes on in a child’s life that can deal blows to their confidence. Everyone goes through difficult experiences that can hurt our sense of self-worth and value. Lord, give my children a sense of confidence that flows from their identity in Your Son, Jesus. Let them rest in the certainty and security of Your perfect work on the cross. For there is no truth greater than the victory You won for us. Amen.
A Prayer for Godly Discernment
Righteous Savior, being made in Your image, You have given us all a conscience. We can distinguish between what is good and what is evil. Lord, I pray that You will work to form the conscience of my children. Mold their hearts and minds so that they reflect the goodness and holiness revealed to us in the incarnation of Your perfect and beloved Son. Grant this, even this very day, Lord. Amen.
Light of the World Prayer
Lord of the Nations, You are the light of the world. Yet, in Your great benevolence, You grant us the ability to participate in the illumination of all creation. Lord, I ask that You illuminate the hearts of my children. Give them a light from which the darkness flees. Let them be a ray of light in the lives of those they encounter each day. Most importantly, give them light so that they can see their path. Keep them on course and steadfast in their devotion to You all the days of their lives. Amen.
Prayer for Future Spouse
O Jehovah, my God, every parent wants the best for their children. Though the idea of marriage is still a long way off, I pray for the future spouse of my children. I ask that You bless them and keep them. I pray for You to form their conscience. Give them patience, faith, and compassion. Mold their hearts to be a good spouse and, if it is Your will, good parents. You are a God who is faithful in all things. Praise be to Your name. Amen.
Prayer for Future Plans
O God, my Promise-Keeper, in many times in many places, You spoke through Your prophets about the plans that You had for Your people. You set good things before us that we may walk in good works to the glory of Your name. I ask that You lay out Your plans for my child’s life. Open all of the right doors and close all the doors that lead away from You. Do this that they might live in the light of Your love. Amen.
A Prayer for Peace
Most Gracious Lord, this modern world knows a level of stress and anxiety that previous generations could not have imagined. In such a fast-paced life, it is so difficult to find any semblance of peace. Father, I ask that You spare my children this anxiety wherever possible. Give them a peace that surpasses all understanding. Let them not live to please mortals, but to honor You in all their ways. Lord, mercifully grant us this petition. Amen.
A Prayer for Joy
Most High God, we are a people who scarcely experience joy with regularity. So much joy is stolen from us through the idolatry that we encounter each day. Lord, help my children to rediscover the joy of the Lord. Give them the joy that flows from a clean heart and a renewed spirit. Let them rejoice in the forgiveness of sins and the hope of everlasting life. Amen.
A Prayer for Priorities
Lord Jesus, You promise us that whenever we pick up our cross to follow You, You will provide for us. Therefore, with all the temptation to pursue worldly things, I ask that You help my children to prioritize. Help them to see what is truly important in life. Help them to live in the light of the Gospel, understanding that there is more to life than just the pursuit of our passions. Lord, grant this in Your name. Amen.
Purity Prayer
O Lord, Mighty in Power, You know the amount of pressure that young people are under to abandon Your word in terms of their sexuality. Yet, Your word endures forever. Therefore, shield my children from the lies of the godless. Help them to remain pure amid temptation. Help them to find a spouse who can share a pure and holy marriage, bringing honor to You. Lord, hear us. Amen.
A Prayer for Good Health
Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, it is heartbreaking how many young people are dealing with illnesses. Cancer, diabetes, various addictions – these are all very serious threats to our youth. Lord, please shield my children from the ravages of illness. Send Your healing Spirit through their body. Uphold their natural defenses against pathogens and disease. Let their bodies function properly and normally. Amen.
A Strong Education Prayer
God of Light, You teach us to love the Lord with all our mind. I ask that You bless my children’s education. Give them good and competent teachers who can instruct my children in all subjects. Help my children to be serious in their studies, making every effort to challenge themselves intellectually. Give them a formidable mind that can be used for the growth of Your kingdom. Amen.
Prayer for Bedtime
God, my Fortress, we have come yet again to the end of another day. You have kept us today from all harm. You have protected us from the schemes of the evil one. You have fed us our daily bread. I ask that You keep us this safe through this night as well. Send Your Holy Spirit to wash over us and Your angels to protect us. If we should not make it to the morning, I pray that You take us unto Yourself. Through Christ, Your dear Son. Amen.
Prayer for Endurance
Holy God, the man who is grounded in Your word is like a tree firmly planted by a river. He is unmovable, and his faith is unshakable. Lord, I pray that You give my kids this same steadfastness. Make them like immovable bulwarks that cannot be moved. Give them a skin thick enough to endure the trials of life, yet without any hardness of heart. Lord, mercifully hear this prayer. Amen.
A Prayer for God’s Favor
God of Increase, there is nothing good that one receives that is not from Your hand. If one is prosperous, all he has comes from the Lord. I ask that You make Your face to shine upon my children that they might find favor in Your sight. Bless them, Lord. Uplift them by Your righteous right hand. Give them Your peace. In Your great mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
Grace Prayer
Almighty Father, in life, and especially in adolescence, we often stumble. We fall over and over again. It can be so easy to get down on ourselves and give up on our quest for holiness. Lord, I pray that You extend grace to my children so that when they fall, they have the grit to get back up again. Give them the blessed assurance that You are a forgiving God, and that You do not hold their sins against them. In the holy name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer for Integrity
Living God, not all who claim Your name are part of Your body. Many who have confessed Your name have now fallen away. You are a God who does what He says He is going to do. You keep Your promises, as You are faithful. Lord, I ask that You bestow this same integrity onto my kids. Give them firm resolve and dignity. Help their “yes” be “yes” and their “no” be “no.” Amen.
Wisdom Prayer
Abba, Father, those who seek after wisdom will surely prosper all the days of their lives. I ask that You impart Your wisdom to my children. Give them sharp and capable minds. Make them as shrewd as serpents and yet as gentle as doves. Equip them for their life’s tasks, and help them to make sound and informed life decisions. In Jesus’ most precious name. Amen.
Prayer for Gratitude
Jesus, my Savior, the best gifts in our life would be far more appreciated were they not so common. It is so easy to take things for granted, and yet it cannot be forgotten that You provide. Let not my children forget where their prosperity comes from. Help them to see Your active hand in their lives, and to have thankful hearts for the many things You have given them. Help them to be grateful to others as well, that others might give credit to their Father in heaven. Amen.
Prayer for Salvation
Oh God of my Salvation, there is nothing more precious in all the universe than the gift of salvation. You spared no cost to provide this for us, Lord. You gave up Your only begotten Son that we might experience this salvation. I ask that You extend grace and forgiveness to my children as well. Draw them unto Yourself and claim them as Your own, Lord, for in You alone we hope for eternal life. Amen.
A Prayer for Hope
Father in Heaven, my children have been going through a difficult time. They seem discouraged, like their lives are being drained from them. Each day is a new challenge for them. Gracious Lord, give them a hope that transcends all understanding. Help them to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Send them Your Spirit to assure them of Your ever-abiding presence. Let them face the day with faith and courage. In Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.