A troubled mind brings worry and a restless spirit. Here are 25 of the most encouraging prayers for peace of mind along with printable images to use or share.
Prayer to Quiet My Mind
I thank You, O God, my Savior, that You faithfully answer my prayers in such an awesome way. My Creator, You formed the mountains with Your power, and I trust You to care for these worries and cares that are stealing my peace. You quieted the raging oceans, and now I ask You to quiet my mind. I pray in the Name of Jesus, the Bread of Life, Amen.
I Lay It at Your Feet Prayer
All-Powerful God, when my thoughts surge up and seek to shake my rest in You, when anxiety and agitation and fear rise up to disturb me, please remind me to bring everything in prayer to You, to lay it all at Your feet with thanksgiving for Your provision and care, so that nothing will break the calm and security which I possess in You. I thank You, merciful and gracious God, that I can bring all my requests and burdens to You. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from a Restless Mind
O Lord, I come to You for protection from a restless mind. Turn Your ear to me and set me free. My mind is oppressed, in the cruel clutches of fear. I will always praise You, for You have been with me, caring for me since I was in my mother’s womb, and You have been my strength and protection all my life. And now, don’t set me aside, don’t abandon me. Be to me, O God, my rock of safety. Amen.
Prayer for a Clear Mind
O God, enthroned above the cherubim, display Your radiant glory. Show me Your mighty power. Come to rescue me, for my mind is disturbed with all these conflicting thoughts and the decisions I have to make. May Your face shine on me and bring a clear mind, free from distraction, and the wisdom to know what to do. Clear the way before me and revive me, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Amen.
Lift Me out of My Distress Prayer
Father, I pray to You, with hands lifted to heaven, asking that You lift me out of my distress and bless my mind with perfect peace. I am overwhelmed with longing for Your help. In my deep trouble, I search for You, Lord. I recall all You have done, for You are the God of great wonders! O God, Your ways are holy, and with Your strong arm, You have redeemed me. Amen.
Prayer for a Mind Free of Torment
Oh Lord, Desire of all Nations, You have allowed me to go through much suffering, but I am confident that You will restore me to abundant life again and lift me up from these depths of depression. Please give me a mind free of torment, and comfort me once again. I praise You because You are faithful to Your promises, O my God, I shout for joy for You have ransomed me. Amen.
Prayer to the Lord of Peace
Lord of Peace, it is my heartfelt desire that You give me Your peace at all times and in every situation. I thank You that Your Presence covers me with peace when I abide in You and Your Words abide in me. Lord, You are the only true peace-giver, and You know the unrest that tortures my heart. Please give me Your blessed rest in my spirit. All Honor, Glory, and Praise be to Your Name, Amen.
Pour out the Peace of Jesus Prayer
Oh God, my Strength, I beg You to pour out that peace that Your Son Jesus exhibited when He walked on earth. Pour out that tranquility of heart and spirit, that unruffled calm, in spite of calamities and life-changes and all the pressures and stresses of life. May Your peace sustain my heart through sacrifice and pain and struggle. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for the Gift of Peace
God of love and peace, I ask that You bless me with the gift of peace of mind and heart. I am so thankful that the peace You give is something I can’t get from anyone or anything else in the world. I don’t need to be afraid or troubled, because Your peace is my legacy, as I bring my will into harmony with Your will. I praise You because Your peace gives me the power to hold my wildest fears in check. Amen.
Prayer for the Deep Unrest of My Heart
My Lord and my Teacher, I confess the deep unrest of my heart. I desperately need the peace of mind that only You can give. I thank You that You have blessed me with Your Holy Spirit to dwell within me – Your presence is within me, and Your peace is inseparable from Your presence. Lord, may I be intentional about taking hold of Your peace that overcomes all conflict and contending desires. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for Peace-Giving Power
Only True God, as I open my heart in simple faith, may I receive Your rest. As I live in unbroken consciousness of communion with You, dear Father, submitting my will to Yours and living in full dependence to You, may I be at the center and foundation of Your peace-giving power. I live in eternal gratitude that the great sacrifice of Your Son Jesus secured the true beginning of all real peace, bringing us into perfect accord with You. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Rest to Penetrate
God of all grace, I pray for Your rest to penetrate to the very roots of my being. My soul longs for the calm, still, impregnable, all-pervading, and central tranquility that comes when I am right with You, when I am centered on You, and there is nothing between us. Holy Spirit, please guide me to that place and convict me of sin that inhibits that oneness with my Lord. I pray in the Name of Jesus, who brought us into the right relationship with You. Amen.
Prayer for the Quiet of a Harmonized Nature
Oh God who holds all things together, I plead for the quiet of a harmonized nature as I make You Lord of all my thoughts and desires, my righteousness, my all. Only then will unsatisfied desires and inner schisms melt away. Christ, I take You as the Light of my mind, the home of my desires, the aim of my efforts. You are enough for me, You are my treasure, You are my quiet satisfaction. Amen.
Prayer for Healing of Inner Discord
My Lord and my Master, I pray that You will heal the inner discord of my mind. I feel fragmented by all the competing forces that demand my attention and bring unrest. Lord, please enter my mind, and bind all these things under Your hand, and harness them under Your guidance. You are gentle, yet powerful, and I ask that You calm my stormy soul. I pray in the Name of Jesus, my True Vine. Amen.
Prayer for True Tranquility
My God, You are Supreme over all creation. I ask that You bring me true tranquility as I pursue peace with others. Your Word teaches me that the underlying cause of conflict is our central selfishness. As Your divine love pours into my heart, may it cleanse me of all self-centeredness and replace it with Your gentleness, sympathy, compassion, insight, and patience. May I be an instrument of Your peace, and in so doing, receive Your peace of mind. Amen.
Prayer of Submission to God’s Sovereignty
My Lord, You are First in everything, and I yield myself to Your lordship over my will. I seek harbor from this storm of agitation as I rest in Your sovereignty, knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love You. Holy Spirit, please remind me that nothing can shake that settled peace that is my inheritance when I remember that You are in control, that You are for me, and nothing can be against me. Amen.
Prayer for Soothing Tenderness
Lord of my Peace, I come to You with a mind full of the rushing and busyness of life, needing focus and rest. Lord, please remind me that it’s okay to be quiet because then I can hear Your still, soft whisper. Remind me that it’s ok to just sit and reflect on You and Your promises, for that is what delivers me from this wretched state. Bring to me Your soothing tenderness. Amen.
Prayer for the Peace of God to Rule in My Heart
Heavenly Father, I pray that the peace that comes from Christ will rule in my heart. I thank You that You called me to live in peace. I am thankful that You supply all my needs, and that I need not worry or fret about situations. Help me not be agitated by what others do or say, but to make allowances for them and forgive those who offend me. Give me the gentleness and patience that I need for my peace of mind. Amen.
Prayer for My Soul’s Health
Lord, I thank You for Your peace that comes from unity with You and with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray for inner tranquility and health of my soul. I thank You for the witness of Your Spirit that is my inner Safeguard. I know that my soul will prosper when I am full of Your Word and conscious of the grace I possess in You. In the Name of Jesus, our Mediator between God and man, Amen.
Prayer for an Overwhelmed Heart
O God, listen to my cry! My heart is overwhelmed. I wait quietly for You, my victory, my unshakable fortress. When my mind feels broken into pieces, I come to You for restoration, and I pour out my heart to You. I trust You at all times. I thank You, dear Lord, for Your power and Your unfailing love that will support me and lead me to victory. I praise You for eternity, Amen.
Rescue Me Prayer
Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me. I am feeling confused and full of doubt, and my mind is racing with anxious thoughts. Please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my Helper and my Savior; O Lord, do not delay. Bring clarity of thought and calm assurance. I thank You that when I search for You, I am filled with joy and gladness in You. In the Name of Jesus, the Resurrection, and the Life, Amen.
Prayer to the God of Miracles
My God of Miracles, please hurry to help me. I will keep on hoping for Your help in bringing calmness to my thoughts. I praise You even now, knowing You will bring healing and deliverance. I rest in Your saving power, and I praise You for Your mighty miracles. Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the highest heavens. Who can compare to You? Amen.
Guide Me with Your Counsel Prayer
Lord, please feel pity for me, for I am needy. Please rescue me and defend me from these anxious thoughts that oppress and assault me. I feel like I’m losing my footing, that I am slipping into darkness, and every day I am in pain. But when I sit before You in quietness, Your Holy Spirit teaches me, You hold my right hand, and You guide me with Your counsel. Thank You, Jesus, for interceding for me. Amen.
Restore My Mind Prayer
O God, who do I have in heaven but You? My health is failing and my spirit is weak, but You, O God, remain the strength of my heart. Please restore my mind to perfect health and wholeness. You are mine forever, and I desire You more than anything on earth. O Sovereign Lord, I have made You my shelter. It is good to be near You, my God. I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do. Amen.
Free Me from this Burden Prayer
O God, my strength, free my shoulders from this burden. You know all the cares and concerns that dominate my thoughts and make my soul heavy. Set me free, Lord, so my heart and mind can be at rest. I know You are the giver of good things. Lord, I will listen to You and follow Your leading, as I know You will make a road through this wilderness. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.