Each new day is a gift, and the choice is ours to make it a good one. Here are 25 inspirational prayers for a good day along with printable images to use or share.
Follow Me Prayer
Gracious and Compassionate Father, as the Psalmist proclaims, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Why should today be any different? Are not all days given from Your gracious hand? I ask that You make today spectacular. Make today more than spectacular. Make it phenomenal, Father! Give me many reasons to rejoice today, for You are a God who delights in the joy of Your people. Amen.
The Day the Lord Has Made Prayer
God our Great Provider, this is the day that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. For every day flows forth from Your good nature like a spring from the Earth. I ask that You make this day no different. Bless this day, Father. Amen.
A Prayer for a Good Workday
Jesus, my Savior, work has been very taxing and stressful lately. I am dreading walking into that building today, and am already feeling stress and anxiety just thinking about my upcoming day. Jesus, make this day a good day at work. Help me to handle my workload with a calm, methodical clarity. Give me a pleasant attitude. Shield me from the influence of bad actors in the office, that my character might not be marred, and my motivations remain pure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Rejoice Always Prayer
Faithful Father, You teach us in Your Word that we should at all times and in all places rejoice and give thanks to You. I will rejoice today and give thanks that You have given me this gift of life. I ask humbly for Your mercy in today’s endeavors. Let Your Holy Spirit dwell in me today. Amen.
A Prayer for Today’s Challenges
Almighty and Everlasting God, You have said that in the world we will face trials and tribulations. Yet, we need not fear, for You have overcome the world through Your Son, Jesus. I ask for His strength through Your Holy Spirit, that I too may participate in his Lordship over the world. Give me what I need to overcome the challenges of today, through Christ, my Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for a Good Day
Lord, Chain-Breaker, yesterday was a very difficult day. I am still discouraged and tired from it. My heart is bitter and full of resentment. Break me of this, Lord. Let today be a good day, that my heart not be hardened toward my God and my neighbor. You live and reign with Your Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
A Prayer for Grace
God of Blessing, truly You are a God who bestows grace upon grace. Your mercy is boundless. Unlike we who are spiteful, You are ever so gracious. Pour out Your grace upon me today, Lord. Help me to live today as pleasing to You. Continue to mold me into Your Son’s image, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Daily Bread Prayer
God, my Sustainer, You taught us to pray every day that we would receive our daily bread. Make today a good day. Provide for us so that our needs are fulfilled. Help us to spread the good news of Your salvation to the ends of the Earth. Give me a refreshed spirit, that all today’s endeavors may be righteous in Your sight. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
A Prayer for Opportunity
God of Increase, You lay all things out before us each day. All things are directed according to Your good governance. I ask that You make today great in terms of opportunity. Open the right doors for me so that I can make the best of this life You have given me. For Your goodness endures forever, Lord. Amen.
Servant of All Prayer
Father God, the one who follows Your Son is perfectly free. Yet, he/she is also the servant of all and a slave to righteousness through Your only begotten Son, Jesus. Lord, this very day, make me a servant of all people. Let me seek not my own fulfillment, but that of my neighbor. May today be great in Your sight. Amen.
Bless Your Laborers Prayer
God of Enduring Faithfulness, there is an abundant harvest in Your field today. But Your workers are precious few. Therefore, send me today, Lord. Help today be good to me, that I may serve my neighbor in light of Your coming kingdom. Help me to proclaim Your salvation in thought, word, and deed, that all my doings reflect Your victory over sin and death. Amen.
A Prayer to Avoid Sin Today
All-Powerful Father, You want all sheep who You have drawn to Your Son to be kept safe. Yet the Devil is a cunning adversary. He lies in ambush, waiting for me to slip up and devour me. Lord, help me today to avoid sin. Keep me from temptation, that today would be holy and productive for You and those around me. Amen.
Fisher of Men Prayer
Good Lord, when You approached Your disciples as they were fishing, You told them to follow You. You said they would become fishers of men. How true this is, Lord, for You have brought an immeasurable number into Yourself. Lord, let today’s catch be great. Make today’s nets full as You made the apostles’ nets full after Your resurrection. In Your boundless mercy. Amen.
A Humble Morning Prayer
O Jehovah, my God, You have kept me from all harm and danger through yet another night. What a beautiful morning You have made. Let today flow with abundance. Give me joy and happiness, that others may see the radiance of Your glory shine through me like a lamp in the darkness. Give me today my daily bread, that I have enough to get by, through Christ, our redeemer. Amen.
Abide with Me Prayer
Most Holy Lord, I need Your presence at every waking hour of the day. For my soul longs for You. From sunrise to sunset, I seek Your face. Lord, abide with me today. Make it good. Take not Your presence from me, but fill me with Your Spirit as Your glory filled the tent, for You live and endure forever. Amen.
Be My Fortress Prayer
God, my Fortress, unlike people, whom You have given the Sabbath day, the enemy does not rest. It strikes at every opportunity because it knows I am weak. Yet, You are strong, Lord. Embrace me today. Shield me and be my fortress, so that I can endure today’s attacks. Make this day better than yesterday, so that I can continue to grow in Your grace. Amen.
Give Me Strength Prayer
God, my Refuge, from the time we are young we understand that despite our weakness, You are infinitely strong. Each day comes with a unique set of challenges, and today is no different. Lord, help me to endure today’s challenges cheerfully and with courage. Let me remember always the great love You have shown to me, that I may take refuge when today’s burdens become hard to bear. Mercifully hear me, Lord. Amen.
Let Me Taste and See Prayer
Heavenly Father, those who have tasted Your goodness understand its sweetness. I am learning that we must, again and again, return to taste and see that You are good. Lord, today, allow me to taste Your goodness yet again. Do not let me fear that I might continue to stumble, for Your forgiveness is eternal. You do not turn Your face away from me. Lord, hear this prayer and let my cries rise to You. Amen.
A Prayer of Daily Thanks
Jesus, my Savior, Your gifts are superabundant. They are so automatic that we often forget to thank You for the many little mercies You show us each day. Jesus, let today be good and let me give thanks for it. Continue to graciously uphold all things, even when we don’t notice Your action every second of the day. Bless this day, gracious Jesus. Amen.
Resurrect This Day Prayer
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, it has not been a good start to the day. Things seem like they are falling apart, and I don’t know what to do. Yet, with You, all things are possible, for You have the power to bring back even the dead. I ask that You resurrect this day, Lord. Bring it back to life and restore the goodness that You have made. Amen.
A Prayer for a Better Attitude Today
O God of Loving Devotion, recent events have left me mad and embittered. I am not fun to be around, and I am sure that my bad day is also ruining someone else’s. Reform my attitude today. Help me to see that even when things seem bad, Your goodness still shines through. Give me a heart of gratitude and mold my thoughts to be kind, positive, and uplifting this very day. Amen.
Guidance Prayer
Lord, my Light in the Darkness, we are often so blind that we cannot get through our day without stumbling. We are truly like the blind leading the blind, and I feel like I am certainly bound to fall into a pit at some point today. Send Your Spirit to guide me so that I can avoid today’s pitfalls. Keep me out of the Devil’s reach and make my path clear. Lord, graciously turn Your holy ear towards me. Amen.
A Prayer to be Content Today
God of All Comfort, the last several days, I have struggled with coveting. It is so hard for me to be content. Each day is the same, as I am pummeled with ads and suggestions designed to get me to seek after things that lead me away from You. Lord, shield me today from these things. Make it a better day, where I do not want and rejoice in what I already have. Amen.
A Prayer for a Productive Day
Father God, I feel as though I cannot get anything done. I have been very distracted and unable to be productive. I ask that You would make me productive today. Help me to manage my time efficiently and have laser-like focus while working. Make this day reflect the work of my hands and bring glory to Your name. Amen.
A Prayer for Good Influences
Jesus, our Great Redeemer, we encounter many people each day. It is likely that we are influenced by the people we keep as company. I ask that You bring people into my life that will further my Christian walk. Let it be this very day, Lord. Spare no second in bringing me godly influence and wise counsel, so that even today will be pleasing to You. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.