25 Inspirational Prayers for the New Year

A new year brings new hope and a fresh start. Here are 25 inspirational prayers for the New Year.

New Year’s Day Prayer
Our God who surrounds us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, we ask Your blessing over this new year. Surely You crown the year with all that is pleasant and good, and Your paths drip with abundance. We are so blessed to have You dwell among us. On this first day of the year, we commit ourselves to You anew, to love You with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love others as You love us. Amen.

New Year’s Eve Prayer
Lord enthroned in heaven, on this eve of the New Year, may we enter in with sanctified hearts and willing spirits to do Your will and follow Your commands. Search our hearts and show us any evil ways that we must purge from our lives. In all our endeavors in the coming year, may we do them with all our hearts, as unto You. We consecrate this year to You, dear Lord. Amen.

Family Prayer for the New Year
God who hears our prayers, look with favor on our family in this new year. May our home be a sanctuary of peace and praise to You. May we honor and respect one another and do everything we can to live in harmony. We ask Your protection over our home and over us as we go to work, school, and other activities. May we remember to meditate on Your Word and talk about it together and apply it to our lives. Amen.

Prayer for God to Bless the New Year
Our God who goes before us, overtake us with blessings in this new year. As we faithfully obey You, set us in a high place. Place a shield about us wherever we go and prosper the work of our hands. Give us good health and strength. Contend with anyone or anything that threatens us. Establish us as Your holy people. May we only move upward and never downward. Amen.

Prayer for Peace and Calm
Lifter of my head, I ask for divine tranquility throughout this new year. May Your peace surround me as You calm the storms of my life to a whisper. When I cry out to You in my troubles, deliver me from my distress. I rejoice in the serenity and repose that only You can bring. When anxious thoughts multiply within me, help me remember to bring all my cares to You and trust You to work on my behalf. Amen.

Prayer for Increased Faith
Faithful One, You have been ever true and constant, even when I have been weak and hesitant in my faith. In this new year, I pray that You help me build up my most holy faith through meditating on Your Word, through prayer, and through praise. Help me to be less dependent on myself and other people, and more dependent on You. Help me to expect the unexpected from my God of wonders. Amen.

Prayer for Hope
Lord, my source of hope, I pray You will fill me with joy and peace because I trust in You. I pray in this new year that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. May this hope be a strong and trustworthy anchor for my soul. May it lead me through the veil and into Your inner sanctuary. Help me to wait quietly for You, for You are my fortress of hope. Amen.

Prayer for Strength and Power
My Rock of strength, in this new year may I grasp the surpassing greatness of Your power to us who believe. I pray that I will be strong in You and in Your mighty power. May I put on the full spiritual armor You have given me, so I can take a stand against the devil’s schemes. From Your glorious, unlimited resources, empower me with inner strength through Your Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for Unity in the New Year
Everlasting Light, may our families and our church be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit. As we enter this new year, may we be unified through the good and pleasant bond of peace. Help us to walk in a manner that is worthy of the calling we have received from You. Help us live and work together in all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love. Amen.

Prayer for Forgiveness
Righteous and Just Lord, we are blessed that if we confess our sins to You, You are faithful and just to forgive us. May we be careful to repent and confess our sins to You throughout this coming year. Forgive our many sins and help us to live pure lives before You. Let us not enter this new year holding a grudge or bitterness against someone else. Help us to graciously extend forgiveness as You extend forgiveness to us. Amen.

Prayer for Grace
Savior of those who seek refuge, we are thankful that we have a Great High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses. Loving Jesus, You were tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin. May we start out this new year by coming boldly to Your throne, our gracious God. May we receive Your mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most. Thank You that from Your fullness we have received grace upon grace. Amen.

Prayer for Courage
My Lord, powerful and mighty, I pray that I may be strong and courageous throughout this new year. Help me not to be afraid or discouraged if setbacks come my way or I am in frightening circumstances. Remind me that greater are You who is in me than anything or anyone in the world. Help me to be watchful against the attacks of the enemy but not fearful. Help me resist the devil and stand firm in my faith. Amen.

Prayer for Kindness
Ever-present God, I resolve to treat others with godly kindness in this new year. Help me not to walk in bitterness or anger, or to speak hurtful and unkind words. Instead, help me to be kind to others and tenderhearted. Help me overlook offenses and be forgiving, just as You have forgiven me. Help me to extend tenderness and care to those in need. Help me to show consideration to others, regarding them as more important than myself. Amen.
Prayer for Purity
Light of the world, throughout this year, may I reflect Your light through personal purity. Because of my hope in You, may I purify myself, for You are pure. Help me cleanse myself from everything that can defile my body or spirit. May I work toward complete holiness because I fear and reverence You. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. May I enter Your presence with clean hands and a pure heart. Amen.

Prayer to be Generous
Our Lord who provides, may we honor You in this coming year through a spirit of generosity. May we always be ready to give more of ourselves than is necessary or expected. May we be generous with our finances and generous with our time in helping others. May we be the cheerful givers that You love, supporting Your church, Your mission around the world, and ministering to the needy. You lavishly pour out on us blessing upon blessing; may we likewise bless others unselfishly. Amen.

Prayer for Perseverance
My God who overcomes, in this new year I pray that I might exhibit the godly virtue of perseverance. Give me the grit to keep on going, even when the end goal seems remote or even impossible. Give me the resolve to persevere even in the face of opposition or hardship or initial failure. I especially ask that I continue to persevere in my prayers, for You said to keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking. Amen.

Prayer for Self-control
Only Wise God, I resolve to exercise self-control in this new year. Help me in this resolution, as Your Holy Spirit works in me. May I supplement my faith with moral excellence and self-restraint. I especially pray for control over my words. Help me not to sin against You through using swear words, saying hateful things to or about others, and speaking in anger. I also pray for self-control in my time, in my eating habits, in exercising, and in regularly spending time in Your presence. Amen.

Pray for Financial Blessing
My God who works wonders, I pray that You would bless me financially in the coming year. I pray that my work will be productive and bring in a generous income. I pray that my investments will be wise and that I will get a good return. I pray against anything that would deplete my resources, such as unwise overspending or unexpected repairs to my house or car. Help me to live in financial freedom, for You are the God of increase. Amen.

Prayer to Grow Closer to God
Lord my Shepherd, my desire for this new year is to grow closer to You. I confess I am easily distracted from drawing in toward You. Help me exercise self-discipline in coming to You first thing in the morning in prayer and studying Your Word. Help me to actively practice Your presence through communing with You even as I go through the activities of the day. Help me to listen to Your Holy Spirit’s guidance for my lifestyle and decisions I make. Amen.

Prayer for Fortitude
My God who contends for His people, I pray for the empowerment that I will need in this coming year. I pray I will be fearless in the face of evil. I pray I will be strong against temptation. I pray I will have the fortitude to do what is right, even when it means paying a price. I pray for the strength of mind to resist enabling my loved ones in self-destructive behaviors, but instead display tough love as needed. Amen.

Prayer for Patience and Resilience
Lord my Stronghold, I ask that You bless me with patience and resilience throughout this coming year. I pray that I will recover from difficulties quickly, without losing my resolve to persist. I pray I will have the patience to overcome frustrations and work steadily toward my goals. May I cultivate self-composure, so I am not hijacked by emotions during stressful times. May I have tolerance when obstacles block my path and deal with them diplomatically and patiently. Amen.

Prayer for Financial Goals
My God who works wonders, I pray for Your power in achieving my financial goals for this new year. First, I pray that I will get out of debt. I pray You will give me the self-control to stick to a budget and steadily pay off my bills. I also pray for an increase in my income. May my diligence and resourcefulness be recognized, so I get a promotion or a higher paying jo. I thank You for providing abundantly more than I ask or expect. Amen.

Prayer to Be Sacrificial
Father God, Your only beloved Son sacrificed His life, so I and the rest of the world could be redeemed. As I enter this new year, help me to have this same mind as Jesus Christ, my Savior. Help me to be sacrificial rather than always looking out for my own interests. May I be willing to give time to help others. May I give sacrificially to Your work. May I unselfishly allow others to shine. Amen.

Prayer to Be One
Most Holy God, protect us by the power of Your name as we move into this new year so we will be united. We pray that we will all be one, just as You and Your Holy Son, Jesus, are one. As Jesus is in You, and You are in Him, so may we be one in You and You in us. May we fit together in perfect unity and harmony, so others will know we are Your people by our love. Amen.

Prayer for Church Family Unity
God of love, we pray a special New Year blessing over our church family. As individuals, we have many parts, but we all are baptized into one body by one Spirit. Help us remember that although we all have different gifts and abilities, we are equally important to one another, and we must use our gifts to build each other up. Help us live in harmony and care for each other, suffering together and rejoicing together as one. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.