Grief can quickly make you feel like you are collapsing into a pit of loneliness, but instead, you can turn towards God’s comforting arms. Here are 25 powerful prayers for those who mourn.
Prayer for Those Who Mourn
Gracious Father, You are the one who is with us in our grief. You say, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Father, comfort my friend and be with her. Give her new knowledge of Your unfailing love and everlasting peace. Come and meet her where she is, dear Father, hold her hand and embrace Your brokenhearted child. Save her crushed spirit, Father. She needs You now. In the name of the one who understands the depth of every human emotion, Jesus, our hope. Amen.
Prayer for Rest and Relief from Sadness
Compassionate Father, I need Your help in my friend’s life. Be his shield and uphold him in Your mighty hand while he is grieving. Relieve him from his suffering and refresh him in the midst of mourning. Restore his joy and fill him with Your comfort. O Lord, I ask that he knows the warmth of Your love again and again. I ask that he emerges from this horrific experience with a new self that is created to be like You and that he experiences the good plans You have for him. By Your Spirit, and because of Your Son, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Refuge in God
Dear God, my Refuge, my Rock, You say that, “You are our refuge” and that You are an “ever-present help in times of trouble.” Show my friend that hiding in the shadow of Your wings is the safest shelter in the world. Although sadness may color her world, fill her with the joy and peace that comes from believing in You. Raise her up, breathe hope over her and make her shine like the sun. Bring her to a place of renewed strength. By the name of the one who has overcome the world, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Closeness to God
Creator God, You are near to us and will draw closer to those who draw close to You. I thank You for the promises laid out in Your Word. You love us and You sent Your Son to die so that we can have an eternal relationship with You. I pray for my friend who is mourning. Turn his eyes toward You and help him to seek You. May he find You in Your Word and be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Let him ask You for the blessings You so abundantly provide. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Blessings
God of Blessings, in Your Word, You promised that those who mourn are blessed because of the comfort coming to them. I pray for my friend who mourns. Comfort her, dear God. May she know Your presence and the blessings of the hope and peace that You give. I pray for a realization of the good gifts which You grant to Your children. She needs You to show her Your love right now, dear God. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer Against Despair
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, You give so much hope to those who call on Your name. Father, grief can be damaging if it gives way to despair. In this prayer, I want to ask on behalf of my friend who has suffered a heavy loss. May he know the love of Jesus, which guards against despair. May You cover him in the healing shadow of Your wings. Pull him close to You, Father, and embrace him in the restorative warmth of Your love. Amen.
Prayer for Healing
Jesus, the Great Physician, You are the one who will restore us on that final day from every wound, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. In this time of grief, I pray that You impart knowledge of the surety of Your promises on my friend. I pray for my friend to trust that You will heal her, either in this life or the next one. Thank You that You care for her. In the name of the one by whose stripes we are healed from sin, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Contentment in God’s Presence
God of All Comfort, You are our refuge and shield. You comfort us and promise to never leave us. Even when the disciples mourned Your Son’s crucifixion, they were later comforted by His resurrection. God, I know that You promise a day of resurrection in that final day. I ask that my friend, even in his grief, is able to grab hold of this hope for that final day. O, how glorious it will be to see Your kingdom come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen.
Prayer for Loneliness
O God of Loving Devotion, in Your Word I know that nothing will ever separate Your people from the love of Christ. For my friend, I pray that she knows and experiences this ever-present love. Show me, Lord, how I can best be a companion to her and an instrument of Your love. In this time of sadness and loneliness, show my friend how to begin a renewed relationship with You. In the name of the one who is with us to the end of the age. Amen.
Prayer of Trust and Confidence in God’s Goodness
O God Enthroned on High, You are a good and loving God. I know that You are a refuge and a solid rock to all who humble themselves and call on Your name. But, Lord, sometimes it is hard to know this in my heart in the face of sorrow and I know this is the case for my friend. Father, in the midst of his mourning, help him to see Your face. Help him to see how good You are. Help him trust that his loved one’s body is gone, but the spirit lives on for an eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
Mighty God, You are the one in whom there is hope and peace forevermore. Pour out a fresh sense of peace on my friend in her suffering. May she experience a stillness in her emotions that brings rest and comfort. Ease her anxiety and make her mind tranquil. Father God, I ask that You fill her again with Your Holy Ghost, who is our guarantor of that day when You will bring Your kingdom and Your peace to a restored heaven and a restored earth. In the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus, my King. Amen.
Prayer for Hope
O Jehovah, my God, You have given indescribable hope to all who call upon Your name. While grief may feel like it overcomes and overwhelms, hope will win out in the end. I pray this knowledge of hope empowers my dear friend during his time of sadness and grief. Give him assurance of the day when You will wipe every tear from his eyes, God. May he and I together praise You, our living hope, for Your goodness and for the coming of the day when there will be no more death. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for How to Support Person Mourning
Lord God, it is Your desire and Your command that those who belong to Your kingdom never cease growing in affection towards each other. Show me how to best support my friend in her time of weeping. Guide me on how to sensitively and lovingly comfort her. You say that You heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Lord, make me Your hands and feet so that I may bind her wounds and bear her burdens. In the name of Jesus and by His Spirit, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Moving On from Loss
Sovereign God, You are with us always in every step. While You never promise life will always be easy, You do promise to be with us. In this time of grief, empower my friend to be able to move forward with his life. Give him time to mourn and the resolve to continue with his life. Guide me so I can overcome the awkwardness of talking about his loss and so I can lessen the deep, pervasive loneliness he is feeling. Make me Your vessel so I can help him through his suffering, and he can move on from his loss. In Jesus, our living hope. Amen.
Prayer for Strength
Almighty God, You are a refuge and a strength to those who come to You. I ask that You uphold my friend with Your right hand in this period of sadness. Run Your mighty power through her veins so she can continue to do the things she needs to do while she is grieving. God, please lift her head and wipe her tears so she can face each new day in her life without her loved one. Give her the energy to walk through this empty darkness to the light on the other side. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for Them to Give Strength to Other Mourners
Lord of Heaven’s Armies, through Your Holy Spirit, You work in us to enable us to love others. I pray for my friend who is now grieving, and those around him who are also mourning the tragic loss of their loved one. Help my friend to be a bulwark of strength and support to those around him. Give him the wisdom and sensitivity on how to best help others grieve, while he is also grieving. Fill him with Your power to carry him through his pain so that he can help others through theirs. In the name of Jesus, who gives strength to the weary. Amen.
Prayer for Practical Challenges after Loss of Loved One
Lord Jesus, our Merciful and Faithful High Priest, I am coming to You to ask for help for my friend. Lord, You know what has happened and the overwhelming pain and the grief she feels. Give her the strength to get out of bed in the morning. Give her hope so she wants to continue with her life without her loved one. Let her cling to You and the coming of the future resurrection. Give her the energy to work through the practical and logistical challenges she now faces because of her loved one’s absence. Guide her so that she can work through these obstacles as she faces her life without her loved one. In the name of the one whose love is immeasurable. Amen.
Prayer for Faith from Unfair Death
Lord God of Enduring Faithfulness, You created us and You know us completely. I pray for my friend who is suffering the loss of a loved one. You understand him totally. I pray that he turns to You, the God who understands. I pray that You give him comfort and safety as he cries out to You. I pray that Your unfailing love penetrates his heart so his faith stays strong. Let him not doubt Your goodness even though it seems that his loved one was unfairly and prematurely taken from this earth. Help him surrender his unbelief in this time to You, dear God. Help his unbelief and help him give it all up to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort
Merciful God, You are compassionate and the God of all comfort. In our troubles and the depths of our sorrow, You are with us to give us peace. Be with my friend who mourns, Father God. May she know You as her rock and the one who will wipe away her tears. May she find comfort in Your promise of eternal life and that she will one day see her loved one again. May she rejoice knowing her loved one is at peace and experiencing endless joy with You. In the name of our loving Savior. Amen.
Prayer to Grieve Well
Jesus, our Savior, You created us with our emotions and have made us to grieve in times of loss. You know our pain. You wept when You learned of the death of Lazarus. You grieved in the Garden of Gethsemane before You were betrayed by Judas. Help my friend, dear Jesus, whose heart is heavy with sadness. You know the depths of his searing pain and despair. May my friend grieve fully and completely so that he may begin to believe in the goodness of life again. May he have hope because he knows that while in the night he may weep, joy is coming in the morning. In the name of the one who knows our pain. Amen.
Prayer Against Depression
Light in the Darkness, come near to my friend during this time of sadness and grief. Help her to know Your presence. Protect her from the valley of despair and the trap of depression. Be with her and impart hope in her. Take her hand and let her feel You beside her in their darkness. Indwell Your Holy Spirit in her soul and radiate Your love through her body. In the name of the one who cares for our sorrow. Amen.
Prayer Against Fear
Righteous Savior, You know the end from the beginning. You work for the good of those who love You. You have not given us a spirit of fear, dear Savior. Help my friend cling to You for strength, love, and a calm mind during this sad time. Even in the dark emptiness of sorrow, You prove faithful and You shower Your steadfast love on us. Help my friend to face the future unafraid because You are with him. He is Your child. In the name of the one who conquers all, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Rest
Abba, Father, I need Your Spirit to work in my friend’s life. Give her rest, O Father. Grief has depleted her energy and vigor, and she is broken. Enliven and empower her with Your Spirit. Renew the life within her and transform her mind so that she can see Your pleasing and perfect will for her life. Give her opportunities for positive and restorative rest that will help her to move forward on the path You have chosen for her. In the name of the one who gives us comfort. Amen.
Prayer to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
Compassionate Father, You say that if we ask anything according to Your will, that You will grant it. In Your Word, You have commanded Your people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I know that this is Your will. I pray that in this time of grief and sorrow that my friend may be filled anew with Your Holy Spirit. May Your Holy Spirit comfort him and give him hope of a future filled with meaning. May Your Holy Spirit indwell in him and fill him with the joy only You can give, Father. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer to Be Quiet and Still
Sovereign Lord God, You are so good and Your faithfulness stretches higher than the sky. While sorrow and tragedy surround my friend, may she rest in the eye of this storm, knowing that You are the God who is with her. Jesus has promised that He is with us always and that He will comfort those who mourn. Please help her believe these truths. Calm and quiet her soul, Father God, as You work in her to restore her hope and joy. In the name of the one who has promised us His kingdom. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.