Praying for your sweet baby boy before he even makes his entrance into this world, and then continuing to pray for him every day after is a precious gift not only for your baby boy but also for you as the new parent to this beautiful gift of life. Here are 25 strong prayers for your baby boy.
Prayer for a Son
Abba Father, You are the Giver of all good gifts. We ask that You would be pleased to bless our family with a baby boy. We thank you for our beautiful daughters who have stolen our hearts, and now we long to complete our family with a son. Surely You withhold no good thing from those who walk with integrity. Thank You for all the good things You have done for us. Amen.
Prayer for Healing from Sickness
All-sufficient One, we pray for Your healing of our baby boy’s illness. May his fever come down, may he begin to eat again, and may all discomfort be eased. We pray for the medicine to work well against the sickness, and that he will be well soon. Help us be good caregivers to him and know what to do when he is fretful. We thank You that the prayer of faith will raise up the one who is ill. Amen.
Prayer for Healing from Chronic Illness
Lord our Advocate, we pray You will stretch forth Your mighty hand and heal our infant son. This illness has harassed him for some time now. We pray You would lead us to a good specialist, and that our baby boy would get the correct treatment. Whatever is beyond medical science, we leave in Your merciful hands for a healing miracle. Increase our faith and relieve our son of pain and sickness. Amen.
Prayer for Baby in Womb
Author of life, we are in wonder of Your awesome gift of life. We pray Your blessing over our baby boy as he grows in the womb. We pray that You protect him from genetic defects and anything that would interfere with normal development. Thank You for watching over him as his organs and limbs and all parts of his body are woven together. We thank You that he is fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works! Amen.
Prayer for Safe Delivery
Fountain of living waters, may Your hand of compassion cover our baby boy and his mother through the birth process. We pray for safe and healthy delivery with no complications. We are so eager to hold him in our arms soon, and we thank You for this miracle of life. We thank You for knitting him together in his mother’s womb. We thank You that Your loving eyes watched over his body as it was forming. Amen.
Prayer for the Health of Our Newborn Son
Creator God, thank You for this miracle we hold in our arms. We pray for perfect health for our newborn son. May his reflexes be perfect, may his oxygen levels be optimal, and may he eat well and gain weight quickly. We pray against jaundice, colic, and any other disorder. We pray for perfect development, and that he will meet all his first-year milestones on time or early. Amen.
Prayer for Successful Circumcision
Blessed are You, Most High God, who has given us this beautiful gift of life. We thank You for sustaining our new son and his mother through pregnancy and childbirth. We thank You that You have enabled us to reach this occasion with a healthy newborn. And now, as he undergoes this circumcision, guide the hand of the one performing it. May there be no complications, may pain be minimal, and may the area heal quickly. Amen.
Blessing for New Baby Boy
Blessed Lord, from the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise. Now we ask You to look with favor on this new baby boy. We commend him to Your care. May You bless him with excellent development, good health, and a joyful spirit. As he grows older, may he learn about You and love You with all his heart, soul, and mind. May he be used of You to do great things for Your kingdom. Amen.
Prayer to Dedicate My Son to God
Mighty God, I thank You with all my heart for this beautiful baby boy You have given me. And now, I dedicate him to You. I commit to raising this boy according to Your Word and Your ways. I commit to setting a good example before him of godly living, excellent character, and love for You and others. I commit to raising Him in Your church. May Your blessed Holy Spirit guide me as I teach this child to know and love Your Word, and to be a servant in Your church. Amen.
Prayer for Baby Boy to Sleep
Lord of peace, may Your loving hand rest on my child, and may You grant him a good night’s sleep. May he not be restless or fretful or hungry or uncomfortable, but may he sleep peacefully through the night. I thank You that You are my refuge, my help, my stronghold. I thank You for coming to my aid now and helping my son and me to get the rest we both need. Amen.
Prayer for Mother of Newborn Baby Boy
Lord of strength, thank You for blessing this family with this healthy and handsome baby boy. We thank You for a safe delivery and ask You to bless his sweet mother. Give her the rest that she needs to recover from childbirth. May she be able to nurse him with no problems. When she feels unsure of herself, may Your Holy Spirit gently guide her. May she be a good mother to this dear boy in all ways. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude
Lord of lovingkindness, we are simply overwhelmed with joy as we gaze on our delightful bundle of joy. Our hearts overflow with praise and thanksgiving for our precious baby son. Words cannot express our deep gratitude for Your kindness to us. Thank You for giving us this dear child and for giving us a safe and uncomplicated delivery. Thank You for growing our family and expanding our hearts beyond what we thought possible. Amen.
Prayer for Baby Boy Having Surgery
Blessed Hope, we intercede for our precious baby boy. As he goes into surgery, may everything go well. May he tolerate the anesthesia without any issues. Guide the hand of the surgeon and may this procedure be successful. May the incision heal quickly, and may our son recover from this surgery without incident. We place him into Your arms of compassion and ask that You watch over him through this surgery. Amen.
Prayer at the Death of Baby Boy
Father of compassion, our hearts are broken at the death of our sweet baby boy. We know that all his days were written in Your book and ordained for him. We thank You for giving us this brief and cherished time with him. We thank You that You are now holding him in Your own arms. Heal our hearts, we pray, and help us through this agonizing season. Let us see hope. Amen.
Prayer for Baby in NICU
God, our sure foundation, we thank You for Your support while our child is in Neonatal Intensive Care. We pray that Your healing would flow over our newborn baby boy. May his lungs work perfectly and may his oxygen levels be ideal without needing a respirator or supplemental oxygen. Heal his brain from any damage caused by this trauma. May he feed well and gain weight quickly. May his development be perfect with no lingering disability. Amen.
Prayer for Baby Boy’s First Birthday
Faithful One, thank You so very much for giving us our adorable son. As we celebrate his first birthday, our hearts are filled with wonder at Your gift to us. We thank You that he is healthy and happy and developing well. We thank You for all the joy he brings to us with his enchanting ways. And now we ask that You bless him in this coming year and throughout his life. Amen.
Prayer for Birthday Celebration
Glorious Father, we are so blessed and joyous to be celebrating this milestone in our baby boy’s life. We pray that this celebration will exalt You, for You are the reason for our happy occasion. We pray that our son will continue to develop normally and be healthy. We ask that in this coming year, he will become aware of You and Your love for him. Help us to teach him well. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Injuries
God my Rock, I ask for Your divine protection over my baby boy. Now that he is moving around more and exploring his world, guard him against injuries, fall, and bumps to his head. Give me wisdom – help me not to be over-protective, but to keep his environment as safe as possible. Help me to hold him correctly and for him to not try to wriggle out of my arms. I thank You for Your watchful care of my son. Amen.
Prayer Against Hernias
Lord of mercy, I pray that You would protect my infant son from any hernias. If he should have one, help me to realize what it is, and to get him to the care of his doctor. If he requires surgery, may the procedure be safe and successful, with no complications in healing. Lord, I thank You that You are my strength and my shield. I thank You for Your loving care of my son. Amen.
Prayer for Parenting Skills of Baby Boy
Ancient of Days, please guide us with Your Holy Spirit’s wisdom in knowing how to parent our baby boy. We are daily faced with decisions regarding discipline, food choices, health issues, and more. O Lord, often we are overwhelmed and fear making a bad mistake. Please help us know how to meet these challenges and what to do. Please help us to be excellent parents to this wonderful son You have given us. Amen.
Prayer for Developmental Issues
Sovereign God, we lift up our baby boy to You. He seems to be having some developmental issues and is late in meeting some of his milestones. Please help our pediatrician to make a correct diagnosis regarding this developmental delay. Help us to understand what the problem is and get him whatever help and therapy he needs. We pray for Your healing to his body and brain and for normal development. Amen.
Prayer for Unity as Parents
Eternal Father, we thank You for blessing us with each other and with our baby boy. And now we ask that You help us achieve unity as we parent our son. We each bring our own opinions and backgrounds and philosophies regarding feeding schedules, bedtime, how to handle behavior issues, and more. Help us to be able to listen to each other well and to come into agreement on the best plan of care for our baby boy. Amen.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Our Baby Boy
King of power, we are awed by our precious son You have given us. We ask that You protect him from all evil – both physical and spiritual. We know the adversary seeks to steal, kill, and destroy all that is good. In the most holy name of Jesus, we come against all devious plots of the powers of darkness against our baby boy. We pray against illness, injury, disruption of our home, or any other evil. Thank You for protecting our son. Amen.
Prayer for Spiritual Development
Ruler of all, we intercede for our son. Even though he is still an infant, we pray for him to develop spiritually as he grows up, so he is well established in his faith. Help us as parents to teach him well as he is growing up and to demonstrate faith-filled lives before him. May he come to know You as his Savior at an early age, and overflow with the fruit of the Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Abuse
All-powerful God, please protect our son from any kind of abuse. We know that there are sexual predators out there and others who might cause harm to our baby boy. Give us discernment when hiring babysitters or when leaving him in the care of family members or friends or the church nursery. We pray against any kind of abuse – sexual, physical, or emotional. And we ask for patience for ourselves in those times when his behaviors are irritating. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.