Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain even though it is not always visible. Here are 25 strong prayers for emotional healing.
Prayer for Jesus’ Love to Be My Medicine
Sweet Jesus, thank you for Your promise to be our refuge in times of trouble and the hope this brings to those who struggle. The Bible is full of accounts where You moved on behalf of Your children. I come before You today seeking this same help as I am going through a time of turmoil. I am under a great deal of emotional burden and pain, and I can’t find a way to rise above the pain. Gracious Lord, I need You to be my Refuge during this difficult time. I am pouring out my heart before You, seeking Your help and healing. I pray that Your love and presence will be the medicine needed to heal my wounds. Please bring me to safety and guard me until I have healed. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Healing Presence and Strength
My righteous God, I am before You attempting to figure out what I need to pray for, and it is so quiet that I can hear my heart beating. My anguish is intense, and I can’t think or breathe. Please send Your precious Holy Spirit to anoint me with Your peace, so I can at least pray. Please be gracious to me because my beleaguered spirit needs Your presence. Please come and walk with me and be my strength and salvation as I pass through this valley of emotional pain. Heal my distressed soul and restore strength to my bones. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Healing Power and Abundant Strength
O God of my increase, as I come before You, I feel as if I will faint. I have been battling against my oppressors and the pain they brought into my life. Mentally, I am exhausted and need Your help. Your Word promises that You will strengthen the weary, and I pray for strength in abundance to help me through this battle. Refresh and heal me, Lord, and lead me to the Scriptures You want me to pray over my life. You also promise to increase the power of the weak. Please grant me the power to defeat the enemy of my mind and restore my emotional health. In You there is power and strength in abundance, please pour it out on me. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Healing Touch and Powerful Love
God of my Strength, I come to You my Refuge because You are always available to help Your children. You, Lord, are the only One who can grant me strength when I am weary. I need Your help to find my way out of my emotional crisis. Honestly, what happened to cause this is the lesser of the worries at this point. My emotional well-being is my primary concern right now, and I know that You are the only One who can help me. I pray for Your healing touch to be upon my life and please fill my heart with Your powerful love. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Path to Deliverance
Faithful Lord, emotionally I am a mess right now, and I cannot seem to be able to get a handle on how to find my way out of my distress. Emotions are controlling my life, and I am asking for You to please heal and deliver me. You said You would save the brokenhearted and deliver those in trouble. Lord, nothing I do is working to help with my broken heart, so I am dependent upon You to save and lead me to Your path of deliverance and healing. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Victorious Deliverance
Lord of unfailing love, I have read that there are many afflictions for the righteous, but only now do I understand the meaning of afflictions. My current circumstance is causing profound emotional distress. All the pain and stress are consuming my mind and strength. My emotions are dominating me, and nothing I do is gaining control. I pray that You will deliver me from all my troubles. Knowing You will deliver me brings comfort to my anguished soul. As I breathe in the love and power that back up all Your promises, I can pray with confidence that You will deliver me and grant me victory. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Merciful Deliverance
Loving God, my body feels like it is breaking under the weight of my anguish and emotional distress. Please stay the hands of my attackers and shield me from their hurtful words and actions. I am crying out to You because I don’t want to continue to try to do this on my own. Please speak Your Word over me and bring all that I need to get through this challenging time. I pray that Your unfailing love rescues me from my distress. May Your mercy heal and deliver me from my agony. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Well-Being and Restoration
Creator and Sustainer, I feel as though I am in a battle for my sanity right now. So many things are pressing in on me at the same time, and the stress is unbearable. I realize that the real source of my problem is the pain I am struggling with. My pain has taken me to a hard, emotional place in my mind. Lord, I have prayed and sought Your face, but I find no relief. Before all this, I think I did not fully understand the anguish King David was trying to express in his psalms. Now, I get it. I come to ask for You to renew a right spirit within me and be my victory in the battle for my emotional well-being. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Peace of Mind
Jesus, my Peace-Bringer, I have no peace in my heart right now. I try to process the hurt that was inflicted upon me, but my heart is so full of grief, I can’t the peace of mind I need. Lord, You told me that I could come boldly before You, so I want to be honest with You since You already know my heart. I feel like I have done something to lose Your protection or Your love. I believe this is my emotions speaking out of the circumstances, and not my mind. My mind is reminding me of all the scriptures that talk about Your steadfast love. Lord, I am praying that You will bring Your peace into my life, the kind that will dominate and heal me emotionally. Guard my heart and mind Lord, and keep me fixed on Christ Jesus until this emotional crisis passes. Amen.
Prayer for an Emotional Stronghold of Healing
Lord my Rock, I am about to break emotionally and have nowhere else to turn but You. In hindsight, I should have started with You, and then I would not be in this painful situation. I pray that You keep my mind steadfastly set upon You and what You will do amid this crisis. I feel shaky right now, so I pray that as my eternal Rock, You give me the firm footing on which to stand. Please grant me the ability to take You at Your word and trust that You will bring me peace of mind if I keep my eyes on You. Lord, guide me to a place of healing. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Victory Over Negative Thoughts
Precious Lord, thank you for loving Your creation and all You do to watch over us. I need to talk to You about a problem I am having controlling my thoughts. My recent exposure to a mean-spirited person has taken its toll on me emotionally. I think about my encounter with them all the time and relive the hurt over and over. You want Your children to focus on things that are pure and lovely, and my mind is on anything but that. Please grant me the ability to be victorious over my negative thoughts. I pray that You heal my pain and return joyful thoughts to my mind. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Obedient Thoughts
Mighty God, I am before You today because I need Your help with my negative thoughts. Emotionally I am a wreck and do not know what to do to get everything back in control. I want to apply Your word to my mind and negative thoughts and pray for Your help. I want to cast out all negative thoughts from my mind because the negativity is filling my mind with things opposed to Your purpose for my life. I pray that You will help me bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Lord Jesus, You were victorious on the cross and made way for my salvation. Be victorious again over my mind. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Joyful Strength
Gracious and kind Lord, I am here before You as Your brokenhearted child. The emotional grief I have been dealing with has become more than I can bear on my own. Your Word tells me not to grieve because Your joy is my strength. Lord, I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but I do not feel joy nor strength. Please come and intervene in my life and help me overcome my sorrow and debilitating thoughts. I pray You grant me your joy in abundance as I walk this path to emotional healing. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and a Forgiving Heart
Forgiving Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins and for not holding them against me. You did not punish me as I deserved and openly forgave me for my sins through the sacrifice of Christ. The truth of Your love and forgiveness is ever before me, but my wounded heart wants to hold onto unforgiveness for the person who hurt me. I pray for the same love that forgave me to flood my heart and enable me to forgive. I am hurt, but I know that unforgiveness is against Your will and only hinders my relationship with You. Lord, I don’t want anything to do with unforgiveness, please help me! Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Strength to Forgive
Loving Father, You have poured out Your love on our lives through the gift of Jesus Christ. I was dead and separated from You by my disobedience. Jesus, You are the grace of God given to rescue the disobedient from a life separated from Him. This love has been lavished on me and changed me, how is then that I can be harboring unforgiveness toward someone who hurt me? What is this within me that can so easily forget Your forgiveness? Have I become the servant who had an enormous debt forgiven, yet was unwilling to forgive the small debt owed them? May I not be found guilty of this sin in my life. I am emotionally hurt, but please grant me the strength to be Christ-like. Please heal the wounds which are fueling this unforgiveness. I pray You wash this sin from my life, restore love to its rightful place in my life, and grant me the strength to forgive. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Faith to Trust the Lord
Lord, my Refuge, I love that You love me with such a holy and intense love. Now, as I go through this time of healing from the hurts inflicted upon me, I need Your love more than ever. Please pull me in and give me shelter in Your love and heal me. I struggle to understand why I am in this painful place, but that should not be my focus. My focus should be on praying for You to reinforce my faith so that I can trust in Your perfect will for my life. Lord, I can’t see the future, so I can’t see the impact this will have on my life. I pray that You give me the faith to trust Your sovereign purpose which has allowed this trial. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Faith to See the Beauty
Most merciful God, I am so grateful that I can come to You with my pain. Emotionally I am devastated and feel like I will never be the same. Many beautiful things are born out of pain. I, however, do not seem to have the faith to see what beautiful things can come from the betrayal I have experienced. Your Word says that without faith, it is impossible to please You, and that we must believe in You and that You will reward us. Lord, I want to be pleasing to You, I ask for You to increase my faith. Help me to trust that You will heal me and that You will bring something beautiful from this experience. Please bring beauty from my ashes. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and the Holy Spirit’s Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I come to You, my Shelter, during these difficult days. I am seeking Your covering over my life and emotional well-being. Lord, I see no way to rectify my situation. I don’t know how to find forgiveness in my heart for the person who hurt me. I don’t know what to do with the pain I am feeling. I don’t know what to do with the mean words and actions that play through my mind throughout the day. I sometimes even dream about my painful encounters. Now, I have started second-guessing my decisions. I come before You, but I don’t know what specifics to pray for other than general healing. Precious Holy Spirit, please go to the throne of God on my behalf. Please ask God for the things I don’t know I need, for what I should do, and for healing. You know everything I am thinking and feeling, so I ask for You to pray for me. Into Your hands, I surrender everything I am. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and a Way Out of the Pain
Faithful Lord, I am going through one of the greatest emotional upheavals of my life. I need You more than ever to help me get through. Someone has hurt me, and the pain is blocking my view of Your way out of the trial. I know You have a purpose for the pain, so I need Your healing love to please guide me in the direction of Your will. Set You path to healing before me, take me by my hand, and walk me in Your perfect will. I surrender my suffering to Your holy purpose and await Your healing and guidance. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Restorative Sleep for Mind and Spirit
Precious Loving God, be my shadow of rest in this dry and thirsty land I am crossing. My emotional distress is a trying time for me, so much so that my sleep is that of a burdened person. I feel like the Psalmist whose tears covered his pillow. I need healing for the hurt I have gone through and I need peaceful sleep. I pray for the promise of sweet sleep and that You use it to restore my mind and spirit. As I lay down tonight to sleep, please be my refuge from this storm and use the living waters to restore my soul. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Joyful Hope
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, I pray for Your healing power be extended to me, Your child. I suffer deeply from the pain inflicted upon me by another person. Your Word tells me to be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. This is why I am here now, pouring my heart out to You. We are to be joyful in hope, but I have neither joy nor hope. What am I to do Lord? I come to You my only hope and ask that You heal me. Please help me to be patient to wait for Your will, faithful to pray for it, and joyful as I hope for Your healing. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Restored Hope
Everlasting Lord, I stand before You as a broken flower in a storm. The hurt I am experiencing from the hand of another has broken my spirit and crushed my hope. Then, I remember the Scripture that tells me that the reason You wrote down Your beautiful love story is because You wanted to provide us with hope. I pray that You will bring me hope from seeing Your hand move in the lives of Your children who lived before me. I pray for encouragement to come to my soul. You are the same God, and You see me and listen to my prayers. I come to You encouraged that You will bring healing to my broken spirit and restore my crushed hope. You alone are my Healer, come near and restore Your child. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Supportive Friends
Jesus, my Shield, I have been fighting this emotional battle, but I am losing. The emotional wounds inflicted by another have reaped havoc in my life. I need some reinforcements for the battle. Lord, I remember how Moses’ arms grew weary during the battle and You sent Aaron and Hur to help hold his hands up so the Israelites would win. I am praying for an Aaron and Hur to be sent into my life Lord. I ask You for someone who can come alongside me and help me through this difficult time. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and a Priestly Blessing
God of blessing, I am Your suffering child who comes before You seeking Your blessing. My world and mind have been rocked by the hurtful words and actions of another person. My battle is hard enough with my own thoughts, but now I also have the hateful words of another to deal with. Lord, please heal and revive me according to Your lovingkindness. I pray now the priestly blessing over my life. I ask that You bless and keep me; make Your face shine upon me, and be gracious to me; lift up Your countenance upon me and give me peace. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing and Gratefulness for God’s Purpose
Righteous Savior, I am so grateful for the precious gift of God’s love I have in You. Your sacrifice has opened up a cherished life together. I have hit a hard place in my life that has caused some emotional wounds. I know that in Your faithful love, even this painful experience will fulfill a beautiful purpose. I am grateful for the growth that it will bring, but I do need help to get there. Lord, I ask that You lead me to a place of healing. As I heal, please help me to see what I should hold onto from this experience and what I need to let go of because it is harmful. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.