Praying for the conversion of non-Catholics to the one true Church, and helping them to repent for sins performed in the past, is just the first step to seeking redemption. Here is a look at 6 good prayers for conversion to Catholicism that will help bring you to a life led by faith.
Prayer for a Living Faith
Most Holy Mother and Queen of the Rosary, by the merits of Jesus Christ, I pray that you will give (name) a living faith in the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. May he/she see the darkness of the sins he/she has committed, repent and turn to Jesus, your Son, receiving the atonement paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus, and loving Jesus with all his/her heart. Thank you, blessed Mother, for your mercy and love now and forever. This we ask, Mother, in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Fount of Mercy Prayer
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, we come to You with a contrite heart and with faith for (name) that You will give him/her the grace of conversion. O blood and water that gushed forth from the heart of Jesus, as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You. Enlighten this mind that is ensnared in ignorance and sin and darkness. Bring him/her into the fold of the one and only Church founded by Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer to the Good Shepherd
Lord Jesus, loving and merciful Savior, holiness and salvation cannot be found outside of Your atoning work. In Your name, we ask that You would give grace for (name) to accept the teachings of our most holy faith, and to come into Your fold, oh Good Shepherd. Give him/her spiritual wisdom and understanding to embrace the truths of Your Word as taught in Your Holy Catholic Church, the one and only true Church. Deliver him/her from the power of darkness and into Your eternal Kingdom. Amen.
Prayer for a Lost Lamb
Most gracious Lord Jesus, only in You is redemption and forgiveness of sins. Please enlighten Your lost lamb to see the truth. Flood his/her heart with light so that he/she can understand the confident hope You have given to Your holy people. Bring him/her to conversion so they might share in Your rich and glorious inheritance. May he/she grow in the knowledge of You, with wisdom and insight, being made full and complete in Your body, the Holy Catholic Church. Amen.
Prayer for the Soul in Peril
Mother of our Savior, at the cross, I intercede for the soul of (name), who Jesus redeemed with His precious blood. Virgin, most faithful, you know the unhappiness of those who have not received your beloved Son, Jesus, as Savior, and whose souls are in peril of eternal damnation. In your great mercy, touch his/her heart and guide him/her back into the bosom of your Church, the sole Church of Jesus Christ. Teach him/her to live a life worthy of your Son, Jesus, bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to the Bishop of Souls
Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd and Bishop of souls, we come to you in humility, requesting by Your most Sacred Heart that (name) will be converted to You, so that he/she is fully pleasing to You, full of good works for Your Kingdom. Precious Blood and Word of God, You are his/her only hope of eternal salvation. Be pleased to lift him/her from perdition, for You bought our freedom with Your blood. Beloved Deliverer, may Your Spirit draw him/her to You. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.