6 Powerful Prayers for Dementia Sufferers

Psalms 46:10
Father please help those who are going through this deterioration of health. Lord they may not understand why they have this condition, but I pray that in the unknown mysteries of the world they can remain still and know that You are God. Dementia does not take away their identity in You, for You are the Good a Shepherd, we are Your sheep and Your child. Thank You for Your tender mercies towards those with this condition, we pray, Amen.

Isaiah 26:3
Dear Lord, Your Word says that You will keep the minds of those who fixate on You in perfect peace. At times it is hard to recollect certain things, and is a struggle to push through this condition, but we thank You for being our everlasting peace. We pray that You are always at the center of our mind, because when we have You we have everything. Your divine peace is what surpasses all understanding, Amen.

Galatians 6:9
Righteous God, I promise to praise You for the rest of my days. I will praise You despite how I feel and I will not be weary in doing so. In due season I will reap if I do not faint or grow weary. I pray for strength to fight with my faith during this experience of suffering dementia. Lord, I choose to cling onto You because in all of life’s uncertainties, You are the solid rock on which I can stand, Amen.

Proverbs 17:22
Matchless God, we give You thanks because You are good and Your mercies endure forever. Lord You are our Good Father, our Light in the darkness; everything good comes from You above! The joy that You have given us is the medicine to my heart. Lord we pray for every dementia sufferer and we pray against a broken spirit in this difficult time because that is like dry bones. Have Your divine way in us, Amen.

Psalms 61:2
Dear Savior, from the end of the earth I will cry out to You. When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. I cast all my fears onto You, I cast my anxieties onto You and receive Your spirit within me. I cannot face this dementia without You, as not having You would be like having a broken leg without a cast. Savior I know You hear my cries, You are the rock that is higher than I, Amen.

1 Peter 5:7
Eternal God, we cast all our cares upon You because You care for us. Lord we adore You because You want our burdens to be light. You will not let us face dementia alone, because You are always with us. Father we pray that in this journey we remember that although people may not understand, You do. You see our heart and our mind clearer than anyone else or any doctor. You are our best friend and the greatest physician, we love You Lord, Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.