No matter what is happening in our lives, we should thank God daily for His love, grace, and mercy. Here are prayers to help you thank our Lord for His goodness.
Prayer to the Maker
Maker of Heaven and Earth, I thank You because my past shows me that with You, I will always be blessed. You are the same God You were in past. I know that I can trust in You for my future. I thank You for the blessings I will experience, the tribulations I will overcome, the things that You will reveal and the wisdom You will give me over time. So right now, I thank You in advance. Amen.
Prayer for Victory in My Life
O God Enthroned on High, in spite of my current situation, I will give You thanks and praise because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Father, I choose not to worry about what I see. I pray for peace to rule in my heart. Lord thank You for what You’ve done, what You’re doing, and what You’re about to do. Lord, I cannot see the big picture, but I believe that you will give me the victory because it is You who is fighting for me. Amen.
Thanksgiving Not Anxiety Prayer
Wonderful Lord, Your word tells me to be anxious for nothing, but with thanksgiving, present my requests to You. I bring You my prayers and petitions, along with my adoration, knowing You already have a solution for any problems I might have. I shall praise and rest in You, rather than worry. I welcome Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I thank You in advance for Your loving care. Amen.
Prayer of Trusting in God
God of Victory, I thank You because I know that I can do all things through You. It is You who strengthens me and You are my greatest weapon against the adversary. Therefore, I will prosper, and I will be of good cheer because You have overcome the world. For this reason, I pray to You for what You will do through me in the future. Lord, I lean not on myself and I trust solely in You. Amen.
Shout to the Rock of Our Salvation
God, the Rock of our salvation, we sing and shout for joy to You. We enter Your presence with thankful hearts and make a joyful noise to You in song. You, our Lord, are a great God, King over everything. All creation belongs to You, for You made all things. We worship and bow down to You, our Maker, for we are Your people, the sheep under Your care. We place our present and our future in Your hands, trusting in You always. Amen.
Prayer to My Good Shepherd
Jesus, my Savior, thank You for ensuring that I am followed by Your goodness and mercy for the rest of my life. You are the Good Shepherd who guides me to the good parts of life; so, Lord, I thank You. I thank You that it is You who satisfies my soul and fills me with Your goodness, forever and ever. So, I pray to You for the goodness that I am promised now and in the future. Lord Jesus, I love You and thank You in advance. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks for Victory Over Persecution
Dear Lord, thank You for Your victory through the cross. Thank You for overcoming faith. Lord, I know that I will rise through trials and persecutions. I know that I can recover from failures and mistakes. I know that I will be forgiven and cleansed of my sins. Father, You cause me to triumph because You are good, powerful, awesome, and sovereign in my life. I rejoice in this great Scripture truth today. Nothing can keep me down. Thank You, God. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks for God’s Blessings
Lord, You promised abundant life. You assure me of blessings from on high. Thank You, Lord, because You fulfill Your promises each and every day. I know that I can count on You to provide for my tomorrow. I can rest in the truth that You will meet my needs. Lord, thank You for all the ways that You will bless me tomorrow and the day after that. I praise You because Your well of blessings will never run out. You are a wonderful Father. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks for God’s Unfailing Love
My good, good, Father, Your love never fails. Even when I fail You, You love me all the same. Thank You for a love that never gives up on me. Thank You for the comfort of knowing that I am secure in the promise that nothing can ever separate me from Your love. I thank You for Your perfect love that seeks the best in my life. I am grateful for Your sacrificial love that did not withhold the Lord Jesus Christ from me. Thank You for sending Him to die on the cross so that I can truly realize that You love me greatly. You are good. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks for a Great Future
My all-powerful God, thank You for all Your plans for my life. Your word says that Your plans for me are for a great future. I know that You will accomplish Your perfect will for my life. My future is safe with You. Keep me dependent on You, Father. Help me stay the course so that You can lead me safely and surely every step of the way. Thank You, Father, because You have destined me for a great life ahead. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks for Salvation
Redeeming God, thank You for salvation, full and free. You have promised an eternity spent with You by faith in Jesus Christ. Lord, even now, I thank You for a day of complete salvation from pain, death, and hell. I am encouraged by the assurance that nothing can ever separate me from Your presence again. Thank You for saving me, and thank You for everything good that awaits me in the next life. You are rich in mercy and grace. Amen.
We Do Not Lose Heart Prayer
Lord God, You are the Sustainer of our souls. Because we pursue spiritual riches, we do not lose heart in this present affliction. We praise You that we see the glorious light of Your good news. We thank You that You have made Your light shine in our hearts, so we can know Your glory. Like fragile clay jars containing this precious treasure, we know that our great power is from You and not from ourselves. We thank You for renewing our spirits every day. Amen.
Life of Peace Prayer
O Lord, Mighty in Power, I thank You for my life. I do not know what will happen in the future, but I thank You because I know that Your peace will rule in my heart for the rest of my life. You have called me to live a life of peace. So, Lord, I pray that You will teach me to be thankful in the good and bad times, knowing that You are with me. This is the prayer of my heart. Amen.
Pressed but Not Crushed Prayer
God, You are the Strength of Your people. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We thank You in advance that we are never abandoned by You. Even when we get knocked down, we are not driven to despair. We are grateful that, through suffering, the life of Jesus may be seen in us. As You use us to reach more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and You will receive more and more glory. Amen.
Gratitude for Armor Prayer
God of Heaven’s Armies, thank You for equipping me to stand against the plans of the enemy. Thank You for the armor that will help me to be victorious in Your name. Oh Lord, thank You for giving me the strength to overcome the battles that I have not yet faced. I thank You for the deliverance I will experience because of Your Word, which is everlasting. Amen.
Your Loving Devotion Prayer
God, the Ruler of all things, we serve You with gladness, coming into Your presence with joyful songs. You are our God, You made us, and we are Yours. We give thanks to You and bless Your name, for You are good. Your loving devotion continues forever, so we need not be apprehensive about what is to come. Your faithfulness endures to all generations. We can walk with confidence into our future, knowing that You withhold no good thing from those who love You. Amen.
Thank You for Restoration Prayer
Lord, You are my Strong Tower. I thank You that I do not need to be afraid or dismayed. You are my Savior, and You will bring me to a place of quiet and ease. I thank You in advance that You will restore my health and heal me. You will have compassion on me, and You will restore all that has been lost. A sound of celebration will come out of my mouth, for You will honor me and establish me. Amen.
I Exalt You Now Prayer
God, You uphold my life. I am in pain and distress – protect me and bring Your deliverance. I praise Your name in song and exalt You now with thanksgiving. May everyone who seeks You be revived in their hearts. May they rejoice in Your actions on our behalf. I thank You for listening to our needs and not ignoring the things that hold me down. I thank You for bringing a time of favor. I thank You that You will answer me and rescue me. Amen.
Unshakeable Kingdom Prayer
God, You are the Alpha and Omega – our Beginning and End. Since we are receiving an unshakeable kingdom, we are filled with gratitude. We worship You with reverence and awe. We thank You that we come to the city of the living God and to myriads of angels in joyful assembly. We thank You that we come to You, the Judge of all, with our spirits made righteous and perfect. We thank You for Jesus, the mediator of our new covenant, who shed His blood for us. Amen.
Thankful in Every Circumstance Prayer
Father, You are our Spring of living water. We rejoice and pray without ceasing. We give thanks to You in every circumstance, for this is what You desire. Help us not to grieve or extinguish Your Spirit through grumbling and ingratitude. Help us to realize and practice Your continual presence. Whether our circumstances are favorable or challenging, we commit to thanking You, for You are always good, ever working on our behalf. Even in hard times, You are developing patience and endurance within us. Praise You, O wonderful Lord. Amen.
Made Complete in Christ Prayer
Lord of hosts, we are overflowing with thankfulness because Christ Jesus is our Lord. Help us to continue to walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith. We thank You that we have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. We thank You that in Christ, all the fullness of Deity dwells in human form. Thank You for protecting us from deception, ungodly philosophy, and the spiritual forces of darkness. Amen.
Gratitude in Our Hearts Prayer
Almighty God, we are thankful for being called as members of Your body. We are thankful that Your word richly dwells within us as we teach and encourage each other with all wisdom. We sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to You with gratitude in our hearts. Whatever we do – our words and our actions – we do it in Your name, Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through You. We thank You that we are the elect of God, holy and beloved in Your sight. Amen.
Thank You for Strengthening Me
Christ Jesus, my Lord, I thank You for strengthening me. I’m awed that You have considered me faithful and given me work to do for You. I am full of gratitude that I was shown mercy, even though I acted in ignorance and unbelief. Lord, I thank You that Your grace continually overflows to me, along with faith and love. I thank You for displaying Your patience in me, as an example to those who will believe in You for eternal life. Amen.
You Carry Us Forever Prayer
Jesus, our Good Shepherd, we thank You that You carry us forever. Blessed be You for hearing our cry for mercy and helping us – now and in the future. You are our eternal strength and our shield, and our hearts trust in You. We rejoice and give thanks to You with our song. You are the continual strength of Your people, a stronghold of salvation for Your anointed. We thank You for Your salvation and for richly blessing Your inheritance. Amen.
Triumph in Christ Prayer
Sovereign Lord, we give thanks to You, who always leads us triumphantly in Christ. We give thanks to You, for through us, You spread everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of You. We are grateful that to You we are the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved – a fragrance that brings life. We are thankful that our competence in building Your glorious kingdom comes from You, and we praise You for Your Spirit brings life. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.