We pray for those we love and this is the best thing we can do for them. Here are beautiful prayers to pray for your boyfriend.
Prayer for Godly Love
Father, I pray that my relationship with my boyfriend is built on love and not lust. Love is patient, love is kind and does not envy. It does not boast, nor is it proud. It doesn’t dishonor others nor is it self-seeking. I want our relationship to be built upon Godly love because love always protects, trusts, and hopes. Love never fails. So, thank You, Father. Amen.
Prayer to Mold Him
Heavenly Father, I pray that You have Your divine way in my relationship. I thank You for my boyfriend and I pray that we do everything with love. I pray that You keep him completely humble, gentle, and patient. Continue to shape him to be more like You, give him the strength to continue on in the path that You have set for him. This is the prayer of my heart. Amen.
Prayer to Be a Godly Man
Oh Lord, my God, Your word says that we must do onto others as we would have them do to us. I pray that my boyfriend treats people with the same love that he expects in return. I pray that even when people do wrong onto him, he reflects You by forgiving them and remaining calm. I pray that my boyfriend is a role model to those around him, so that they may see Your goodness in him. Work through him so that he treats people the way that they would want to be treated. Amen.
Prayer for Encouragement
Dear Lord, I pray that You work through me to encourage my boyfriend to love others and to do good deeds. I pray that he and I continue to strive to show random acts of kindness to others, and do not give up on the world, like so many have done. I pray that I encourage him and he is able to encourage me. Let us stir up within one another the will to work effectively and purposefully for Your kingdom. Thank You, Father. Amen.
Prayer for Spiritual Growth
Righteous Father, I pray that my boyfriend finds his strength in You. I pray that he relies on and knows the love that You have for him. God, You are love. Whoever lives in love, lives in You and You in them. I pray that my boyfriend grows in his relationship with You so that his life will only reflect Your divine nature to those around him. Continually speak to his heart. Amen.
Praise Prayer
All-Powerful Jesus, You are to be greatly praised! I thank You for my boyfriend’s life. I pray that You continue to select who surrounds him because a companion of fools suffers fools, whereas to walk with the wise makes one wise. I pray that Your wisdom is the ultimate guide for my boyfriend’s decision-making, both while making important decisions and while making more trivial ones. Jesus, I thank You again. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
God of glory, I offer up this prayer for my boyfriend. I pray that Your word equips him in all that he does. Lord, I pray that the peace that You leave with him and the peace that You give to him will keep him for the rest of his days. I thank You that this is a peace greater than I can offer, a peace that cannot be found in the world. I pray that his heart is never troubled and I pray that he is never afraid. Amen.
Prayer to Walk in the Spirit
Sovereign Lord, I pray that my boyfriend will consistently walk in the Spirit, so he can effectively be used of You. May he surrender himself to the guidance of Your Holy Spirit so he won’t be doing the things his sinful nature desires. May he keep in step with Your Spirit in all areas of his life. May he pray in the Spirit, sing in the Spirit, and use the gifts of the Spirit to minister to the church and to those in need. Amen.
Prayer for Good Health
Jesus, the Great Physician, I pray that You will shower my boyfriend with good health. Protect him from infections, genetic diseases, and any other sort of illness. Guard him against harmful environmental toxins. Remind him to eat a healthy diet, to get plenty of exercise, and to not let himself get too stressed from the challenges of life. Help him not get involved in addictions that would harm his body or soul. Assist him in keeping a positive outlook on life and trusting in You as his divine Physician. Amen.
Prayer for Safety
O Mighty God, I pray for my boyfriend’s safety. When he is on the road or at work, keep him safe from accidents. When he’s playing sports or working on things around the house, protect him from harm. I trust in You, Lord, and in Your compassion and unfailing love. You are our refuge and shield. Place a hedge of protection around him from any danger. You are our light and our salvation. We have no cause for fear. I thank You, Father, for setting him out of the reach of harm. Amen.
Prayer for Prosperity
God, our Way-maker, pour out the blessing of prosperity on my boyfriend. May he thrive in all ways of his life. Make him successful in his relationships and in his career. May he overflow in happiness and satisfaction with his life. May he grow spiritually into a great man of faith. May he enjoy prosperous health. Bless him with financial wealth as he applies wisdom in his investments, and use him to be a blessing to Your church and to those in need. Amen.
Prayer to Be Secure
Lord, my High Tower, I intercede for my boyfriend. Please help him to be secure. First, I ask that he be secure in his faith, without any doubt of Your goodness or Your salvation. I ask that he be secure in his job, without fear of being laid off. May he be secure in our relationship and know how much he is loved. I pray that he will be secure and at ease with himself. Help him be confident in the abilities You have given him. Amen.
Prayer for Spiritual Identity
Father God, the mighty One, help my boyfriend to gain an understanding of who he is in Christ. May he know his spiritual identity – who You created him to be. Keep him from trying to find his identity in what he does, but rather in who he is – Your creation, Your child, Your friend. Empower him to live his life as You intended and to fulfill his destiny. May the lies and negative things spoken over him by other people fall away, and may he realize that he is who You say he is. Amen.
Prayer to Enjoy Life
Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth, I pray that my boyfriend will learn to really enjoy life. May he not focus too much on his work and studies that he forgets to take time to enjoy the wonders of Your creation. Help him to develop a fun-loving spirit, and to have high-spirited and enjoyable times with his friends, family, and me. May he consider life a wonderful adventure and learn to be lighthearted and playful. Teach him to live in the moment, trusting You, and not constantly worrying about the future. Amen.
Prayer for Good Communication Skills
Jesus, the awesome One, please help my boyfriend be able to express himself well. Develop within him good communication skills. May he listen well and respond appropriately. Help him use his body language to show that he’s confident, comfortable and caring. May his words be clear and concise, and may he communicate in an open and friendly way. May he show understanding and respect for other points of view. May he use his words and body language to express his needs and opinions in a way that is received well by others. Amen.
Prayer for Perseverance
God of hope, I ask that my boyfriend be a man of perseverance. May he persist in prayer, even when his requests aren’t answered immediately. May he persevere in other spiritual disciplines, such as meditating on Your word, fasting, and being faithful in the church. May he have a strong drive to finish the things he has started, even when he encounters difficulties along the way. Give him the grit to keep pressing on through any obstacles, accomplishing his goals and plans. Amen.
Prayer to Be Forgiving
Immortal God, I pray that my boyfriend won’t be a person that is always holding grudges against others. Empower him with the grace to be forgiving and understanding. Remind him that if he doesn’t forgive others, he cannot expect Your forgiveness for his own sins. Enable him to make allowances for the faults of others and not be easily offended. Give him insight and patience when he deals with people who are argumentative or mean. Instead of engaging in angry exchanges, remind him that a gentle answer turns away wrath. Amen.
Prayer to See as God Sees
Lord of the ages, make my boyfriend a man of unusual perception. May he not just see what is apparent on the surface, but may he see what is underneath. May he see people the way You see them, for You see their hearts. Develop his spiritual eyes to see as You see. May he see the spiritual realities that so many people are blind to. May the eyes of his heart be enlightened, so he can understand the incredible greatness of Your power for us who believe. Amen.
Prayer for Joy
Glorious Father, bless my boyfriend with the unspeakable joy of the Lord. As he grows in intimacy with You, and as he walks in the Spirit, may his joy be complete. May he spend quality time in Your presence, where there is fullness of joy. May his joyful spirit infect others with the happiness that can be found only in You. May he be a testimony to the work of God in his life as he constantly praises You through good times and also in times of hardship. Amen.
Prayer for Career
Faithful God, pour out Your goodness and prosperity over my boyfriend’s career. Give him favor with his superiors and with his co-workers. Help him to swiftly learn the skills he needs to know and make him quick and efficient as he completes his tasks. May he be conscientious in his work, producing high-quality results. May he move through the ranks in his career as his integrity and hard work are recognized. May he be innovative – finding solutions to problems. May he get along well with those in his workplace and be a sweet testimony for You. Amen.
Prayer for Patience
God of peace, I pray that You would infuse my boyfriend with the spiritual fruit of patience. Help him to be pleasant and kind to people who may take a long time to do something. Empower him to give a gentle answer to people who are angry. When things don’t happen in his life as quickly as he would like, remind him to rest in You and trust in Your timing. Assist him to be patient when he encounters trials and give these hardships up to You in prayer. Amen.
Prayer for Kindness
Gracious God, I pray that You develop in my boyfriend the quality of kindness. May he be friendly, generous, and considerate of others. May he be helpful to those in need, without expecting anything in return. As he grows spiritually, may Your lovingkindness flow through him and impact his relationships with the people in his life. Empower him to be compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others. May he love others as You love us and consider others as more important than himself. May he be a man known for being courteous, respectful, and sympathetic. Amen.
Prayer for Integrity
God of Truth, please help my boyfriend develop into a man of integrity and honesty. May he consistently hold strong moral values, no matter what the rest of the world is doing. May he always stand up for what is right, even if he’s criticized for it. At his workplace, may he be known as a man who is truthful, ethical, and who works hard, whether or not anyone is looking. May he be guided by the principles in Your word and remember that he is accountable to You. Amen.
Prayer for Leadership
Eternal King of heaven’s armies, I pray that you will grow excellent leadership skills within my boyfriend. Help him pay attention to the people in his life who are outstanding leaders and follow their example. Help him follow the guidelines in Your word about leadership and the lives of Jesus and the apostles and prophets. May he also find good resources to help him learn about how to become a person who guides and influences others. Help him become a man who will inspire people and do great things. Amen.
Prayer for Gentleness and Humility
Loving God, I pray that my boyfriend will be a man of gentleness and humility. May he be easy-going and kind and peaceable with others. May he be strong in character, but soft and tender toward others and slow to anger. May he always place himself under You and honor You as the King of his life. May he never be proud or arrogant, but quick to listen to others and learn from them. Keep him from being preoccupied with himself, but keep his focus on You and on others. Amen.
Prayer for Honesty
Father of lights, bless my boyfriend as he follows after You and develops strong morals. I pray that he will always be truthful, straightforward, trustworthy, and sincere. Even when faced with great temptation, may he turn away from lying, cheating, or stealing. Help him remember to match his actions with his words. May other people know that when he tells them something, that it’s true, and his word is honorable. May he be honest with himself and allow Your Holy Spirit to reveal areas that need growth. Amen.
Prayer to Be a Supportive Person
Steadfast God, I ask that my boyfriend be a supportive partner to me and supportive to others in his life. May he be a good listener, looking at people when they talk and responding positively. May he consider others’ wants and needs. Help him to pay attention to others and the things they like and how they are doing. May he be a man who notices when someone needs assistance and is quick to offer his help. May he encourage others with his words and actions. Amen.
Prayer for Spirit of Thanksgiving
Father God, the just and mighty One, I pray that my boyfriend would live in a spirit of thanksgiving. May he have an attitude of thankfulness for all the blessings You have poured out over him. May he be grateful for what others do for him as well. Help him reject a spirit of grumbling, which leads to foolish thinking and a darkened heart. Center his mind on Your goodness and Your enduring love. Build his faith as he remembers and as he thanks You for all the ways You care for him. Amen.
Prayer for Good Work Ethic
Lord God, our Strength, help my boyfriend to understand that hard work and diligence will benefit him greatly in life. Help him be goal-oriented and focused on getting his work done. Guide him in setting correct priorities for what work is most urgent. Help him to do his work well and embrace a positive and professional attitude toward his supervisors and his tasks. May others enjoy working with him because he is never lazy and has a happy spirit about him. May he be blessed for his good work ethic. Amen.
Prayer for Plans and Goals
God, Ancient of days, as my boyfriend is considering his future, may he seek out Your priorities and Your destiny for him. May his plans and goals line up with Your perfect will for his life. Guide him, Lord, and bless his future. Establish his plans as he commits his way to You. Give him the desires of his heart as he delights in You. May he persevere in his goals and be rewarded for his work. Amen.
Prayer for Reliability
Lord, my Promise-Keeper, I ask that You aid my boyfriend in being dependable. Help him understand the importance of being a man that others can rely on. Guide him in making realistic commitments, and then keeping them without having to be reminded. Assist him in keeping his promises and doing what he said he would do. Help him to plan ahead so he can show up on time and work efficiently, so he can finish projects when he says he will. May developing better dependability empower him for success at work and in his relationships. Amen.
Prayer for Warmth and Friendliness
Lord of encouragement, I pray that my boyfriend would project warmth and friendliness as he interacts with others. I ask that what is in his heart would be displayed in his actions and words. Help him to show interest in other people’s thoughts, feelings, and needs. May he demonstrate how much he values others through being sincere and kind. Help him pay attention when others are talking and use body language like smiling or nodding to show his care for them. I pray that others will love to be around him because of his warmth and compassion. Amen.
Prayer to Abandon Anger
Abba Father, I pray that my boyfriend would not react with a hot temper when things aren’t going his way or when people say something rude. Your word tells us that we must get rid of emotions like anger and rage, because this does not produce the righteousness that You desire. Help him abandon anger and resist the temptation to argue with difficult people. May Your Holy Spirit rule in his life, so that he is calm and peaceful within himself and with others. Amen.
Prayer to Be Fair-minded
Almighty God, I pray that You would enable my boyfriend to see both sides of an issue. Help him be fair-minded and not always insist that his opinion is the only valid one. When he is at work or in ministry and needs to make decisions, empower him to listen carefully to all the options. Help him use good thinking skills to weigh the pros and cons and to decide the best way forward. May he be a peacemaker through understanding and validating the views of others, even if he doesn’t fully agree with them. Amen.
Prayer to Be a Prayer Warrior
Lord of hosts, may my boyfriend be a prayer warrior, going to battle against the spiritual forces of evil. May he be tender to the prompting of Your Holy Spirit for what to pray for and how to pray. May he walk in godliness and purity, so his prayers are effective. Help him always remember that prayer is effective, that prayer changes things, and that prayer can make the impossible happen. May he have an intimacy with You that permits him to come boldly before Your throne of grace. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Stability
Living God, I ask that You grant emotional stability to my boyfriend. Give him the power to stand strong in difficult situations. Keep him even-tempered so he can handle adversity. Help him remain calm, capable and productive, despite stress and frustrations. Protect him from worry, anxiety, depression, and emotional outbursts. Help him avoid negativity and ingratitude, and press forward toward peacefulness. Empower him to maintain control over his thoughts and emotions. Enable him to stay grounded by giving his problems and concerns to You. Amen.
Prayer to Be Energetic and Productive
God of glory, my boyfriend has many responsibilities at work and at home, so I pray that you would help him get everything done. Give him the energy and motivation he needs when he gets up in the morning and may it continue throughout the day. Help him to have the strength to work hard and be productive. Bless everything he sets out to do and empower him to achieve his goals and deadlines. Guide him in setting priorities for the most important tasks that need to be done. Amen.
Prayer for Knowledge and Insight
Father in heaven, bless my boyfriend with the knowledge and insight he needs to be successful in life. I pray he won’t be intimidated by people who are smarter or more highly educated than he is. Instead, I pray he will ask questions and learn from them. Help him get into the habit of reading, asking questions, and pursuing knowledge. Help him expand his mind through thinking up solutions to common problems, getting into discussions about current issues, and exploring new knowledge in different areas. Amen.
Prayer for Generosity
King of heaven, I pray that You will guide my boyfriend into being a generous and giving person. May he be faithful in tithing to the church, as well as giving offerings to missions, relief work, and other special needs. May he be generous in helping out those less fortunate than him. Help him to be generous with his time, so he’s not just following his own interests, but taking time to help others and spending time with those who need companionship. Amen.
Prayer for Studies and Training
God, Builder of all things, I pray You will come alongside my boyfriend as he is studying and training so that he can have a good career. Lord, bless him in his studies and training. Give him alertness in his classes and as he is reading. Help him understand the material and be able to apply it to real-life situations. Give him a good memory so he can remember the knowledge he is getting and do well on tests. Fill him with godly grit in continuing in his studies and training even though it is exhausting and hard. Fill him with a passion to do well and have an amazing career. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.