John 14:27
Holy God, Your Word says peace You leave with me and Your peace You give to me. You do not give to me as the world gives, but what You give us is eternal and never fades. So during this funeral, I pray that I do not become troubled and I pray that I do not become afraid. I ask You to surround me with an overwhelming peace as I mourn my loss. I pray that I do not become crippled by the pain, but let my heart not be troubled, Amen.
Isaiah 41:10
Awesome God, I will not fear for You are with me! I will not be dismayed because You are my God! I know that You will strengthen me, because Your word tells me that in my weakness I am made strong. I know that my help comes from You. Lord, uphold me with Your righteous hand, I thank You for never letting me go. During this funeral, I thank You that I am not alone in my pain and sadness. I have You by my side, Amen.
Psalm 46:1-10
God of heaven, You are my refuge and my strength; You are my ever-present help in this difficult time. During this funeral, I will not be afraid even though it feels like my world is falling apart. Despite the way I am feeling, I must be still and know that You are my God. You are with me Father, and I know that You are my fortress. I will not be shaken by what I experience. You will be exalted among the nations and You will be exalted in the earth, Amen.
1 Corinthians 15:50-52
Oh Lord, I thank You because I can place my hope in You. Flesh and blood cannot inherit Your kingdom, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Father, we will not all sleep but we will be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed! Lord, during this funeral, I thank You because I know that at the sounding of the trumpet, I will see my loved one again in Your glory, Amen.
Philippians 4:7
King of Glory, I declare that the peace that comes from You transcends all understanding and will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus! Lord, during this funeral, I need You in this difficult time Lord and I need You for divine strength and comfort. It is only by Your grace and mercy that I will find peace in my pain, so help me Father. Help me to feel Your presence even as I grieve. King of healing, fill my heart Amen.
2 Corinthians 13:3-5
King of my peace, I give You praise because You are the Father of Compassion and of all comfort. You are God, who comforts me in all troubles, so that I can comfort others. So, during this funeral, I pray that You surround me with Your loving arms. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through You. I need more of You so that I can feel Your divine presence Lord! Amen.
Psalm 23
Lord You are my shepherd, therefore I will lack nothing because You are committed to me. You make me to lie down in green pastures and You lead me beside the still waters. Father restore my soul and keep me on Your path. During this funeral, I declare that even though I am experiencing great pain right now, Your rod and staff shall comfort me. Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me for the rest of my days, Amen.
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