Prayer for a Broken Heart
Oh God, I am so brokenhearted without my father. I know that he is with You in heaven, but the loss hurts. I do not know how to find peace with this, so please help me. Your Word tells me that You are close to the brokenhearted. You Word tells me that You save those who are crushed in spirit. Lord, I pray that You make my spirit feel whole again. Wake me up from this bad dream. Give me peace. Help me to cope. I need to feel more of You in this painful period so that I do not remain brokenhearted or crushed. Fill the huge empty space I feel. Lord, I do not want this loss to break me, so Lord, strengthen me and let me feel the warmth of Your presence. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort to Break Through
Righteous One, Your Word says that those who mourn are blessed because they are comforted. How is this, my gracious God? I do not feel blessed or comforted right now. Lord, I am mourning. My father has died and I cannot bear the thought of this world without him. I pray that Your divine comfort reaches my heart and fills me with Your peace. Lord, I love and adore You. I believe Your Word, but I just don’t feel Your comfort. I pray against the plans of the enemy to keep me in my sadness and mourning. I know that You are my God. I know that Your Word tells me that You are the God of every good thing. Convince my heart, oh Lord, that my joy is in You. Show me that my peace is in You. Have Your define way in me, Lord. This I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Hope
Lord, I mourn right now at the loss of the person I loved intensely – my father. I thank You for blessing me with him. I thank You for giving me hope in this sad time. We were buried with You in baptism into death, so that just as You were raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in the newness of life. Thank you for allowing my father to live again in perfect peace in Your kingdom. I pray that this hope comforts my family and I during this difficult time. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Knowledge of Reunification
Dear God, we wait for the time You come again. We magnify Your name because it is You who will change our lowly body to be like Your glorious body, by the power that enables You to subject all things to Yourself. Father, we thank You because we know that our father who has passed is with You in his glorious body in heaven. So, we thank You because we know that his death on earth is not the end of his life. Lord, we find comfort in knowing that we too will get the opportunity to be with You in heaven and reunite with our earthly father. Amen.
Prayer for Strength
Eternal Savior, I will not fear for You are with me! You are my God, Your Word declares that You will strengthen me and help me. Lord, You see my heart, mind and soul. I ask that You strengthen each area of me as I struggle to stay strong after the passing of my father. Lord, please uphold me with Your glorious right hand! I pray that Your divine strength keeps me all the days of my life. I pray that Your Word surrounds me and resonates in my heart during this hard time. Lord, I love You, adore You, and need more of You right now. Amen.
Prayer to Feel God’s Love
Dear Lord, we are convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of You, which is in Christ Jesus. Lord, even though we have lost our father, we have not lost Your love and neither has he. So, we thank You for Your love, which surpasses all things. We bless You that Your love is our comfort as we mourn. Lord, we pray that Your love envelopes our family so that we do not become broken and bitter by the pain that we feel right now. In Jesus’ almighty name. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
Father, honestly, right now my heart is troubled. But Your Son tells me that in Your house are many rooms. If this weren’t true, He would not have told us so. Nor would he have told us that He was going to prepare a place for us there. Your Son also said that He will return and take us with Him so that we can be where You are. Lord, I know that my father is with You in heaven. I thank You that a place was prepared for him there. Lord, I pray that the idea of my father living eternally with You brings peace to my heart. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.