To celebrate bringing everyone together, check out these awesome prayers to use for family reunions.
Heavenly Father, I pray for this family reunion and I thank You for allowing us to gather on this special occasion. Thank You for filling us with love so that we have not brought our children to wrath, but we have brought them up in the training and instruction of You. I pray that You keep us on Your righteous paths and keep us rooted in Your love so that we can have many more family reunions in the future, Amen.
Ephesians 6:4
Dear Lord, I proclaim that my offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and we shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in me and my offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed! Father, You are with us and because of this our generations shall be blessed and covered by Your grace. Continue to turn Your countenance towards us, continue to be the voice that guides us as we celebrate this family reunion, Amen.
Genesis 28:14
Righteous God, we rejoice for You have enabled us to train up our children in the way that they should go so that even as they have aged, they have not departed from it. Thank You for this family reunion. We celebrate the fact that we have raised many generations that are in line with Your ways. Keep them close to You, even after we go our separate ways and return to our various areas, cover us with Your love and fill us with Your Spirit, Amen.
Proverbs 22:6
Omniscient God, we know that there is a season for everything, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted. Today is the time to celebrate the reunion of this family, we do not take it for granted that You have allowed this day to happen in its season. I pray that we continue to do all things according to Your time, Amen.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
Holy God, Your word states that You will bless those who fear You, both the small and great alike. Eternal God, this family has feared You for generations upon generations and we reunite today to honor You! It is clear that You have kept Your hand upon us because even though we may be small in size, the blessings over our lives are great and are clearly Your doings. May You continue to give us increase, us and our children! Amen.
Psalm 115:13-14
God of Love, I thank You for giving us the strength to bear with each other and forgive one another whenever we have had grievances against each other so that we can come together for this family reunion. I pray that we continue to forgive as You have forgiven us. I declare that this family reunion will be the beginning of many peaceful gatherings, I pray that You fill our hearts with Your Spirit so that we can continue to reflect You when we deal with one another, Amen.
Colossians 3:13
Praise be to God Almighty! Blessed is Your name! I rejoice for You have kept this family together long enough so that we can reunite today! Your word states that whatever You have joined together, let no one separate; we know that Your hands are what brought us together. It is by Your grace and by Your might that we are still together to commemorate this family union. I declare unity and strength amongst this bloodline. I declare protection over what is Yours, Amen.
Mark 10:9
Awesome God, I thank You for this family reunion. How good and pleasant it is when Your people live together in unity! Thank You Father for being the glue that has held this family together. Many obstacles have come against us, many trials and tribulations could’ve broken us, but by Your power we still stand. It is You who has given us the strength to remain faithful to one another, just like You have been faithful to us, we submit to one another out of reverence for You, Amen.
Psalm 133:13 & Ephesians 5:21
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