Your marriage is one of the most important relationships you will ever hold during your lifetime. Here are 8 spiritual warfare prayers for marriage.
Prayer to Tear Down Strongholds
Lord of Heaven’s Armies, help me to fight for my marriage. Tear down these strongholds of anger and resentment that have come between us. Rather than feeling that our individual rights are being trampled upon and constantly need defending, help us remember that You have joined us together into one body. Let us instead seek to serve one another, and place the other’s needs before our own. Restore the intimacy that is Your divine plan for us. Amen.
Prayer to Overcome a Financial Power Struggle
Judge of all, help me do my part to win this battle to save my marriage. Our differences in spending habits and financial goals have led to a power struggle that is threatening to tear us apart. Help us learn how to reach financial compatibility. Help each of us avoid money mistakes or selfishness that would distress the other. Righteous God, search our hearts and minds and show us areas that are contributing to the problem. Amen.
Prayer to Break Toxic Communications
Chain-Breaker, I confess that I have caused frustration and pain because I’ve been yelling at my spouse, ignoring or making sarcastic comments, and not listening to my spouse’s point of view. I repent and want to break these sinful and hurtful habits. Holy Spirit, please teach me to practice mindful communication, to keep my voice low and pleasant, to respect and listen to my partner, and to remember we’re on the same team. Amen.
Prayer for God to be Lord of Our Home
Lord of Lords, I pray that You would be the Lord of our home and that we would do nothing to grieve Your Holy Spirit. I confess that I have been engaging in incessant arguing with my spouse, and I know that this is in direct defiance of Your teaching to be peacemakers. Help me to calmly and creatively find ways to resolve the issues that are irritating us, and help us to love each other as You have loved us. Amen.
Prayer for Sincerity
God of Truth, help me in this struggle to instill sincerity and truthful communications in our marriage. We haven’t been open with each other about our feelings, and our lack of honesty about finances and other issues has caused a breach of trust. May Your Holy Spirit guide me in authentic communications, and may I express myself candidly but lovingly. Help me to cultivate trust and transparency in my spouse through listening calmly and without judging. Amen.
Prayer to Break down Walls of Jealousy and Insecurity
God my Rock, please break down these walls of jealously and insecurity that are coming between us. Holy Spirit, please work in both of our lives so we can overcome feelings of low self-esteem, inadequacy, codependency, and possessiveness. Help us to avoid words or behaviors that would lead to these unhealthy feelings in the other. Help us to be aware of each other’s needs and work to meet them in a reassuring and healthy way. Amen.
Prayer to Take Authority over the Adversary
Lord my Strength, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, and that’s what he’s attempting to do with my marriage. Help me to take up my spiritual authority against the work of the adversary, and help us both to remember that we shouldn’t be fighting each other, but rather standing together against his strategies. Help us to be vigilant in his attacks against us, and to remember the victories we have experienced together. Amen.
Prayer for Renewed Energy in the Battle
God of Power, please renew my energy for this battle of preserving my marriage. Help me to not grow weary in doing good and to not give up, because I know that we will reap the harvest of an abundant and blessed marriage. Help me remember to pray continually for a peaceful relationship, and to give thanks – to both You and my spouse – for the many ways I am blessed. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.