Praying before sleep is a great way to leave all the things that we love and hold dear in God’s hands so that He may watch over them while we sleep peacefully. Here are 9 good goodnight prayers for loved ones.
Goodnight Prayer for a Spouse (Wife)
Dear Mighty God, bless my precious wife and all that she does for our family. Let her always know how much I love her and need her. Give her fulfilling rest through the night, wake her with a well-rested spirit, and provide her with the energy she needs to make it through the day tomorrow. Thank you for giving her to me and always keep her safe. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Goodnight Prayer for a Spouse (Husband)
Dear Precious Lord, thank You for my amazing husband. Bless him throughout the night with beautiful dreams of heavenly places, give him his well-deserved rest, and wake him in the morning feeling ready for any challenge. Keep him safe at all times, and always let him know how much I love him. Make sure he knows just how much I appreciate all he does for our family. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Goodnight Prayer for Children
Lord, tonight and every night, please watch over my children and protect them as they sleep. Always keep them safe. Allow them to have peaceful sleep and rest with sweet dreams of contentment. Bless every breath they take and show them the early morning sun, filled with promises of a new day. Continue to remind them that You are always near, and You are their hope for tomorrow. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Grandchildren
Dear Precious Lord, help my grandbabies to sleep well. Give them peace through the night, keep them safe, and hover over them with every breath they take. Shine your presence brightly so that all harm will stay away and all evil will disappear. Anything in their minds that may keep them from resting well, please pull it out. Allow them to overcome fear, even in their sleep. Bless their night with happiness, care, and love. In Jesus’s name, pray. Amen.
Prayer for All Children
Dear Sweet Jesus, please give peaceful, loving rest to my children. Bless those that live with me and those that just seem like mine and live away from me. Help all of us as parents to be mindful of their needs, their wants, and their personality traits. Help us to make time to take care of more than just the basics. Let us see the beauty in their ways, the wonder in their ideas, and appreciate the love they have added to our lives. As they sleep, fill them with the knowledge that they are loved and wanted. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Foster Child
Almighty God, thank you for giving me this child who has dearly blessed and added so much love to my home. Even though the stay might be temporary, I ask that You always allow this child to remember how much they are loved and how I care for them. Remind them that no matter what they’ve been told, they are worth more than gold. Allow them to wake fully rested and ready for a sunny new beginning in the morning. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Parents
Wonderful Savior, continue to bless my parents as they work so hard to take care of me. I pray they get a night full of deep, pleasant sleep. I hope they are well adjusted and ready for a fresh start in the morning. If I can make their night better, or their mornings easier, show me how to do that. Let them know that out of all the stars in the sky, they shine the brightest in my world. Please help me every day to show them appreciation and love for all they have done for me. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Grandmother
Dear God, I pray for my thoughtful and kind grandmother. I appreciate her so much, and I would love for her to have a great night’s rest. Give her peace with every breath and allow her to wake up fully refreshed land vibrant. Rain down Your overwhelming glory on her as she sleeps, and let her be delighted in You as she wakes. Bless her in all that she does and keep her safe. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.
Strength Through the Night Prayer
Sweet Lord, I pray for my grandfather. Please give him strength through the night and place sweet dreams of love in his mind. Shower down contentment and delight as he finds tranquil rest. Bless him with a healthy spirit, fresh faith, and an energized body as the rises in the early morning. In Your lovely name, I pray. Amen.
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