Many things in life can derail your relationship off its track. Having the strength and faith to overcome these obstacles are paramount to reaching long-term relationship success. These healing relationship prayers for couples who are struggling will help you open your heart to restoration.
Divine Help Prayer
Father God, there is disharmony in our relationship. We have tried to reconnect, but things seem to be getting worse. Lord, you say in your word that two are better than one, and I believe this to be true. But God, right now, we are on the verge of a divorce and desperately need divine intervention to salvage our marriage. Rekindle our love so that we can remain as one. War on our behalf. Do not let the enemy come between us. Bind us with cords of love that can never be broken. Help us to understand each other’s needs and give us wisdom so that we can rebuild this relationship. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Prayer for Better Communication
Father in heaven, heal our marriage today. Hurtful words have been said in our marriage, and I ask that you would help us heal from those wounds. Please help us communicate with one another in a better way. May we both learn to choose our words carefully, and may we be ready to overlook each other’s faults for the careless words that we speak. Dear God, let your Spirit direct our conversations with one another. Clear our minds that we may get a better insight into what the other person is saying. Help us to listen more, listen first, talk later, and even talk less. Help us be more considerate and loving when we speak to each other. Amen.
In Your Hands Prayer
Father, give us peace as a couple. We argue and just don’t get along with each other. I am not even sure we like each other anymore. We have done everything that we know how to do so we can keep our relationship together. But Father, we need to stop doing things our own way and start doing things your way. Show us your way. Guide our thoughts and our actions. Father, we know that your grace is sufficient for us as a couple. We have the confidence that we will have victory as a couple because we put our relationship in your hands. Our trust is in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for Intimacy
Gracious God, please help me in my marriage today. There’s a great distance between me and my spouse, and we are both struggling to keep this marriage together. Oh, Lord, revive our desire for intimacy in this marriage. Whatever is hindering us from drawing close to each other, please remove it. Help us see those blind spots and those walls that we must break down so we can be closer to one another. Break down our pride, selfishness, and even passiveness. Help us take charge of this relationship and do whatever it takes to connect and cling to each other. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Peace in Relationship Prayer
Dear God, we are going through one of the most challenging times in our relationship. Love and respect have been replaced by arguments and mistrust. Father, I am full of resentment, and so is my partner. Take away these feelings of resentment and give us peace and joy. Let peace reign when we communicate with each other. Let your spirit take control of our relationship. May we do things that are pleasing to you as a couple. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Unity
Dear God, please heal my marriage today. Unite us in mind and spirit. I know that we have our differences, and we don’t always think the same way about things. But I ask that you would bless our marriage with oneness. Give us the wisdom to bridge the gap that’s ripping our marriage apart. I ask that where there is disagreement, may we learn to compromise and agree to let the better idea and right perspective win. Help us learn to be humble and listen to each other. Father, please unite us today and heal our struggling marriage. Amen.
Understanding Prayer
Father God, I am struggling to understand my husband, and he doesn’t understand me either. Things between us do not seem to be working. But Father God, I know that nothing is impossible with you. You know us inside and out. You know our hurts and pains and how to mend our broken hearts. Help us to understand each other. Remove any preconceived assumptions we have about each other from our hearts. Help us to see each other the way you see us. Bring us closer together than we were before. Thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Revelation Prayer
Lord Jesus, you know the things that are hidden deep in our hearts and are causing us to drift away from each. We are on the verge of breaking up, and I need your help. I know that your will is to keep us together because you brought us together. Please teach us how to love each other the right way. If there are things we are doing – knowingly or unknowingly – to hurt each other, Lord, reveal them to us and show us how to change. Help us to make informed decisions that will strengthen our relationship and bring glory to your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for Spirituality
Our Father, we need you in our marriage. Only you can heal and strengthen this failing marriage. Please intervene today. We both draw to you in our weakness. Please support us with your love and your words. Let your Spirit lead us both back to you, and may we place you at the center of our lives and at the center of this marriage. I know that we can weather any storm and overcome any struggle if you are there walking with us all the way. So please, lead and enlighten us. Help us spend more time praying to you and reading your word together as a couple. Bring us back to faithful church attendance and private meditation on your word. Amen.
Healing Prayer
Father in heaven, you are our God. You brought my partner and me together. That is why I boldly come before your throne of grace today, Lord, asking you to heal our relationship. There has been so much hurt between my partner and me, caused by arguments, pride, and the schemes of the enemy. Lord, heal our hearts and minds. Help us to see ourselves as being on the same side, and not against each other. Wash away any bitterness that is in our hearts with the blood of your Son, Jesus. Restore our relationship and make us fall deeply in love again with each other. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Financial Recovery and Contentment
Father, please help us with our finances. It’s been causing stress in our marriage. Help us recover financially. Show us the best ways to better handle our spending and to be able to save money so that we can meet our financial obligations. We trust in your provisions. You promised to meet our needs, and we yield all our worries to you today. Help us learn contentment and patience. Give us self-control so that we don’t spend on things we don’t need and learn to prioritize the essentials in our household. Father, in times of need, help us draw closer to each other for support. Let our financial problems make our marriage even stronger from now on. Amen.
Love for Each Other Prayer
Almighty God, we ask you today to help us show love to each other, instead of animosity. Let this relationship be guided by the love you have for us and not our selfish interests. May our hearts be filled with your overflowing love. Help us to overflow with that love, and spread love to others wherever we go. Holy Spirit of God, remind us of your unconditional love so that we can always walk in your love as a couple. Give us the grace to be kind to one another even when we disagree. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for Love
God of love, we pray for your overwhelming love to heal our marriage. We’ve made mistakes in this marriage. Sometimes, we fail to show the right kind of love for each other. And so now we ask that you would teach us to love one another with the kind of love you have for us. Let our love be unfazed by the struggles we are facing in this marriage. Let our love grow stronger with each passing day. Help us appreciate and not criticize each one’s uniqueness in this marriage. May we learn to love all through the good and bad times. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Forgiveness Prayer
Lord, help us to forgive each other the way you have forgiven us. Remove pride and arrogance from our hearts and help us to walk with humility as partners. Teach us how to be gracious towards each other, especially when we are disappointed by what our partner has done. Help us to truly understand each other. Soften our hearts that we may be quick to forgive and not hold grudges against each other. Give us the patience to stay calm and be slow to anger. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.
Prayer for More Time Together
Loving Father, we commit our marriage to you today. We admit our marriage is in trouble, but I know that with your help, we can bounce back. We ask that you would open up our time schedules so that we can prioritize our time with each other. We pray that this will draw us closer and awaken our passion and desire for one another. May we rebuild the friendship and put more importance on being together as husband and wife. Don’t let anything hinder us from spending time together as much as we should. Bless our marriage today. Amen.
Transformation Prayer
God Almighty, your name is always glorified when the relationships of your children thrive. Please transform our relationship so that it may align with your plans and your word. Let this transformation helps us be salt and light to other couples that are struggling in their relationships. Uproot the bad seeds that have been planted in our relationship by the world and let your word be the only standard upon which we measure ourselves. May your love and grace transform our hearts and minds that we may live for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray. Amen.
Prayer for Protection and Faithfulness
Dear God, protect our marriage today. I know we are both struggling to keep this marriage together. I ask that you would help us remain faithful to each other. Don’t let the marital problems we are facing pull us away from each other and towards another person. Please protect us from infidelity. Help us remain true to our vows to love and be faithful to our spouse even though things are not going well right now. Father, guard our hearts and minds and keep us faithful in this marriage. Amen.
Growth Prayer
Dear Lord God, I feel like I am stuck in a relationship that has no sense of direction, and this is causing a lot of agony in my life. I know that you put my partner and I together for a higher purpose. Help us to walk in that purpose together. Father, show us areas we need to grow as individuals and as a couple. Grant us the grace to follow what you tell us to do. Fill us with the courage to step out of our comfort zones and what the world calls “normal” so that we can represent the kingdom and glorify your holy name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Healing for a Hurting Marriage Prayer
Father, we come to you knowing that you are all-powerful in every situation. We know that you put us together as a family, as you said in your word that, “the two shall become one flesh.” This marriage was started by you, now please help us strengthen our marriage. We are grieving today, Lord, for we have hurt you by taking our marriage lightly. We have not treated each other as we should have. Help us get back on the right path and be obedient to your word, for your word is a light on our path. Speak to us in that still, small voice. Comfort us with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your healing, Lord. Amen.
Prayer to Give It Up to the Lord
Lord, I have not always allowed you to guide my relationship with my spouse. I come to you to repent of that. Take control of my spouse, because I cannot do so. Sometimes I feel that I have lost control, and that makes me anxious. But, Lord, I know that you are still in control, because your word says so. Because you know what to do, I surrender my desire to know everything. Please guide me in what I should do. Speak to him/her, in times when I cannot do it. Allow him/her to hear your voice, and give me patience so that I can love him/her as I should, with the love that you first gave me. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Perfect Plan
Lord, you are the faithful one. We are sad because our marriage doesn’t seem to be working out the way we had planned. The problem is that we did not rely on your will, but our plans instead. We want to be strong, but we are weak. The apostle Paul said that your grace is sufficient, and that your power is made perfect when we are weak. So help us to be weak in your presence. We want to hear your voice, not our own desires. Teach us to love your word, not the words of the world. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Prayer of a Rejected Spouse
Lord, I am struggling today. Struggling to love my husband/wife. The pain of rejection is impossible to bear, but I know that you experienced this pain countless times. Teach me the secret of loving someone who doesn’t love in return. Give me the grace that you yourself gave so many times. I want to restore this marriage, because it was founded on your promise to make the two into one flesh. I know that he/she is your child, prone to follow the flesh, just like I am. Teach me, Lord, for I am listening. Amen.
Prayer for Loss of Trust in a Marriage
Lord, I come to you today as my trustworthy Father. Lately, I have lost all trust in my husband/wife, but I pray that I can learn to trust again. I know that he/she has made mistakes, just as I have. Teach me to have confidence again, knowing that he/she is not perfect, but you are. Show me how to have grace, as you do. It was you who put us together, so I know that you can make us whole again. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Prayer for a Hurting Spouse
Father, I come to you today for my spouse, and ask that you would help him/her. He/she is in pain, and this pain is affecting our relationship. He/she is confused, O Lord, but you are not the author of confusion. You are the author of a sound mind. Please give my spouse confidence that you are the great Healer, our Rock and Advocate. I know that he/she believes in you, but my spouse is struggling to open up to me. Lord, I place all my worries about him/her into your hands. You are our refuge and our strength, our very present help in trouble. I will not fear, though everything around me is shaken. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for Assurance in Uncertain Times
Lord, these days are so scary in our marriage. While we don’t know what the future looks like for us, we know that you hold our future. It seems that we have so many problems and that the very foundation of our marriage is so fragile now. But you are our rock and fortress, and you will lead and guide us. Teach us to trust in you, even when our life is uncertain. Thank you, Lord, for this great assurance, that you will never leave nor forsake us. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may rest at peace in you. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.