Our God is big, and He can provide big if only we seek Him and His word. Here are 10 powerful prayers for abundance, including images you can print to use and share.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Joy
Jesus, my Savior, Your Word states that You sent Jesus to bring us life in abundance and for our joy to be full. Lord, in this moment of my life, may it be a moment where I receive an abundance of joy from You. Regardless of what may happen or what is happening now, I want to look back in memory of how joyful this time was. Teach me the true joy of childlike trust in You, my heavenly Father. Thank You. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Resources
God our Great Provider, I want to serve You with my life. You know my situation and my position and how much I want to be able to give generously. Grant me an overflow of provisions in my finances and household. Let me be able to bless others with the blessing You have given to me. I do not want to put material things above You but help me to seek this with the mindset of advancing Your kingdom. Thank You for Your blessings. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of the Fruit of the Spirit
Precious Holy Spirit, Your Word states that if we walk by the Spirit we will not gratify the desires of the flesh, and You will produce the fruit of the Spirit. I want to grow in godliness and see the fruit of the Spirit in my life. Let my life be characterized by You working on my heart to change me from the inside out. Thank You that You have given Your Spirit to do this in me, precious Holy Spirit. I will love You for all of my days. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance in Making Disciples
Oh God of my Salvation, the Lord Jesus has instructed us to go bear fruit. Like the sower who sows in the good soil, let my life be one witnessing those responding joyfully to the Word of Christ. I greatly desire for You to use me to reach others – help me to share Your love and Your truth to those around me. I want to fulfill Your Great Commission in my life and make disciples everywhere I go. Show me opportunities to share the Gospel and guide me in what I say. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Favor at Work
Righteous Savior, in everything I do, I want to do it for You. Thank You that all work is unto You because You are my heavenly master. In my workplace, I ask that You grant me favor with those around me. Let them recognize the work that I do and the value that I contribute to the job. May I be like Joseph who gained favor with everyone he was with. I ask this not to feed my own self-importance but that I might glorify You in my job. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Opportunities
O Jehovah, my God, You lead my life in the direction You want it to go. I ask that You continue to place the right opportunities in my life. Even if it might not be the direction I want in life, I ask that You lead to the paths which are good for me. Lord, open doors I am meant to go through and close doors I am meant to leave alone. I ask that You provide me with exciting opportunities so that I realize more and more that You are the one who gives good gifts. To You, my good God, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance in Friendships
Compassionate and Gracious God, I will face all kinds of challenges in this world. Having friends who accept me as I am while encouraging me to pursue godliness will enrich my life. It would be a true blessing to have David-and-Jonathan friendships with them, where they and I will love one another well. Wherever I set foot, may I find friends waiting there. Make me a person who approaches people in love and goodwill. Thank You for Your good gift of friendship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Time
God of Miracles, You know the end from the beginning. I am constantly caught up in busyness and never feel like I have time for anything. I need Your help to prioritize and manage my time. Help me realize that time is a gift from You and that every day, every breath is not guaranteed but only given by Your hand. Make me aware of how precious the time that I have is. Change me, Father, so that I might live in a way where I can be generous with my time in serving You and others. Amen.
A Prayer for an Abundance of Patience
God of Loving Devotion, You have been so patient with me. But I find I lose my patience and become angry with others. I need You to change my heart. Make me more patient. I cannot change myself, but You can, and You promise to work within me. Give me more patience when I am in traffic. Give me more patience when I am at work. Give me more patience with my family. Remind me that You have been so much more patient with me than I ever could to anyone else. Thank You. Amen.
A Prayer for an Overflowing Abundance of Love for Others
Abba, Father, You are so loving towards me. You have given me life and breath and everything. Give me a greater understanding of how high and wide Your love is. Develop a super-abundance of love in me for others. I realize I struggle to love those around me. Center me in Your love and change my heart to love others. Keep me from becoming callous to those around me but ground me in love for others. As Jesus so loved me, spur me on to love others. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.