Police Officers willingly put on a uniform every day and protect our communities, and some end up making the ultimate sacrifice. Here are 10 powerful prayers for fallen police officers.
Prayer for Fallen Police Officers
Lord of all, You came to Earth to show us what true love looks like. You taught us that love was about sacrifice, virtue, and service. You taught us that love means to lay down Your life for one another. For fallen officers everywhere, we thank You for their selfless example of courage and valor. We ask that You bless and keep the families and friends of these fallen officers. Wipe every tear from their eyes, Lord. Help them to heal and to move forward in a way that honors his/her memory. Amen.
Prayer for Fallen Police Officer Families
Heavenly Father, bless and keep the families of the fallen police officers. Though the officer made the ultimate sacrifice in their line of duty, their spouses and children are also making an enormous and continuing sacrifice in living on this earth without their loved one. O Lord, help us to rally around these spouses as a community. Help us raise these children as if they are our children. It takes a village, Lord. Bring us together around the family of a fallen officer to be that village for his/her family. Give us the means to uplift them and bear their burdens, as You taught us to do in Your testament. Amen.
Prayer for Those Who Did Not Come Home
Compassionate Father, no police officer leaves home without the fear of not returning at the end of the watch. It is a fear that is lived daily. Unfortunately, the worst does sometimes come to pass, and lives are left shattered. O merciful Lord, bless and keep the hearts and souls of those who have lost loved ones in the line of duty. Wipe away the tears from their eyes. Soothe their pain and bind up their wounds through the wounds of Your beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Everlasting Peace
Jehovah Shalom, our God of peace, so many officers who are on the front lines to protect us never make it back home to their families. We pray for these fallen officers, Lord, who gave their lives for us. We pray for the families of these heroes, who have to now endure life without their loved one. Lord, society tries to move forward, but there is always bloodshed occurring. We approach Your throne of glory to beg of You for peace. Bring peace to this land, Lord God. We plead for Your divine intervention to quiet our hearts and unify our communities. Stop the violence that occurs amid our cities. We thank You for all the police officers who have died protecting us, and ask that You send an everlasting peace so that our officers on the streets may be safe and return home. Amen.
Prayer for Healing from Loss of Police Officer
Jesus, the Great Physician, the loss of life of one of our police officers is so very painful and devastating to endure. It can ravage a community for such a long time. I ask that You come and dwell in our midst. Let Your holy word be a healing balm that soothes our wounds and allows us to heal from the loss of this police officer. Help us to learn from his/her selfless example of dedication and devotion to protecting us. Let our memories of him/her not be ones of sadness for their loss, but of celebration of a life lived in the image of You. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
O Lord, our Great Shepherd, the ultimate example has been shown to us through the work and ministry of Your Son, Jesus. Yet, in daily life, You raise civil servants who also lay down their lives for the protection of others. We magnify You, Lord, for continuing to show us what it looks like to serve and suffer in a redemptive manner. Help us to put into practice the example of these fallen officers in our own lives, so that their sacrifice may not be in vain. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for Their Example
Lord Jesus, the endeavors of police officers are often thankless. They must deal daily with the most wicked and volatile members of society. Sometimes, this interaction even costs them their life. For this example, we praise and thank You. For like You, they are often mocked and scorned. Yet, even for their enemies, they laid down their life. Amen.
Prayer to Turn Curses into Blessings
Most merciful God, when an officer does not make it home, it seems as though a curse has fallen upon us. It seems like the world has been turned upside down. It seems as though the plans of the wicked have prevailed. Yet, You work all things for the benefit of Your people. What wicked men mean for evil, You mean for good. Turn the curse of fallen officers into blessings. Let their blood cry out to You for vengeance, and allow their sacrifice to work good things through their communities. Amen.
Prayer for Endurance
Lord Jesus, as we watch our brave policemen and women succumb to the wicked and evil in this world, it becomes difficult for us to pick up and move forward. Our towns are on the brink of exploding with tension. In light of the officers who are no longer with us, I pray for endurance for our communities and police departments. Carry us through this time of strife, that through our struggles, our bonds may grow even more unbreakable. Amen.
Prayer for Suffering Families
Lord God of unfailing love, to those families who are suffering in the wake of the loss of a police officer family member, help us to provide support. Allow us to be their rock and fortress in a time of immense pain and uncertainty. Help us to keep them safe and nourished in their time of grief, suffering beside them as we move toward healing and reconciliation. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.