10 Powerful Prayers for My Boyfriend in Jail

Seeing the man you love in jail is terrible, but more than anything you want him to safely do his time, learn from his mistakes, and never go back. Here are 10 powerful prayers for your boyfriend in jail.

Prayer for Boyfriend in Jail
God of Mercy and Love, I ask that You help my boyfriend through this trying time in his life. While he is in jail, please give him courage, keep him away from wrong-doings and conflicts, and bless him with wisdom. Please forgive him for what he has done and fill him with complete and genuine remorse for his crime. I pray that whatever challenges he faces daily, that You will guide his decisions, his words, and his thoughts. Remind him he is loved and cared about and show him how to have faith. Build his trust in You and teach him to rely on Your word for hope and encouragement. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Boyfriend in Prison
Lord Jesus, my life is changing, and everything is so uncertain, but I know Your promises are real. Please help my boyfriend’s belief in Your promises and support him while he’s in prison. I beg You to forgive him for what he has done, and I pray that he has asked You for Your forgiveness. Take control of his spirit, give him a Christian mindset, and increase his faith. Bring patience to his heart while we are apart and keep him safe. In Your loving name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Boyfriend’s Peace
Lord of Unfailing Love, please take away all the fears and anxious worries from my boyfriend’s mind. Erase negative thoughts and give him peace of mind while he is in jail. Bring light to his soul and show him You are always near. Comfort his heart, give him discernment and allow him to face all his challenges covered in Your armor. God, take away his nervousness and bless him with peaceful feelings. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Provisions at Home
Father of Mercies, please be with my children and me as we work to make ends meet while my boyfriend is in jail. Bless us with the provisions we need to survive and help us to be content with what we have. Allow us to see the worth and beauty in simple ways of living. Please give us an ample amount of income to have the basics, and never permit us to be greedy. Jesus, we love You, thank You, and pray that You hear our desperate prayer. Take care of us with Your miraculous power and bless us with unwavering mercy. In Jesus’ holy, loving name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Boyfriend’s Protection
Lord of Heaven’s Armies, please bless my boyfriend with protection while he is in jail. Give him strength against the enemy and keep him calm as he battles waves of unfamiliar and possibly frightening events. Surround him with Your army of angels and fortify a definitive blockade against evil. Jesus, keep him safe from temptation, lies, conflict, and bodily harm. May he keep Your word in his heart at all times and have faith in Your divine protection. Guard his mind, heart, body, and soul. In Jesus’ sovereign name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Boyfriend to Have Hope
Everlasting Father, please provide insurmountable portions of hope to my boyfriend while he is in jail. Allow him to see a brighter future ahead, encourage him to make changes where they are needed, and fill his mind with positive thoughts. Show him ways to make this time in his life easier and allow those around him to provide hope as well and not bring him down to a lower level. Keep negative people away from him. Father, please sustain his outlook for years to come and never let him stray from an optimistic hope for the future. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for My Boyfriend’s Courage
Jesus, my Savior, I thank You for my blessings and for the loved ones You have placed in my life. Please take the heart and mind of my boyfriend and fill them with courage and strength so he can make it through this difficult era in his life. Provide him with an unending supply of faith, so he can face any giant in his life with Godly courage and power. Bless him with these things, prove to him how strong he can be with You guiding him, and show him how to use his courage in a way that pleases You. Thank You, Jesus, for Your blessings and Your promise of salvation. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

A Better Life for My Boyfriend after Jail Prayer
God, my Sustainer, I pray that after his time in jail, You provide my boyfriend with a new beginning. Give him a new outlook on life, and please allow him to find a lasting, worthy job, despite his past mistakes. Show him where and how to find Christian friends who will add goodness to his life instead of deceit and crime. Fill him with an optimistic spirit and give him discernment and rational thinking abilities. Above all, God, give him wisdom. If he has wisdom, he will develop a close walk with You, and all other things will fall into place. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer to Guide My Boyfriend after Jail
All-Powerful Father, guide my boyfriend as he begins his life in society once again. Let this time be different. Show him how to live. Even if You have to physically push him in the right direction, please do so. Let me be a helper wherever I can be. Use me as an influence and let Your words flow through me. Give him Your eyes, Lord, so he can discern what is pure and what isn’t, and Your power, Lord, so he can endure the difficulties he will face in trying to create a new life. Lord, none of us deserve Your mercy and grace, but I implore You to stand beside him in his struggle. Lead him to a brighter future and direct him down a path of righteousness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for a New Life
Lord, Chain-Breaker, please cleanse my boyfriend from the mistakes of his past. Energize his spirit and show him how to forgive himself and move towards a better future. Provide him with self-confidence to be successful in earning a clean living in society, and an unshakable feeling of worth even though people might treat him differently because of his record. Remind him daily that he is Your child and his life is precious. Show me how to motivate and support him in his challenges. Use me as You see fit, Lord, so I can make a difference in his life. In Jesus’ loving name, I pray. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.