Forgiving someone who has done you wrong can be hard, but harboring hurt and unforgiveness weighs heavy on your heart and deepens the hurt. Here are 10 powerful prayers for the forgiveness of others.
Prayer for Forgiving Others
Jesus, Prince of Peace, I pray that You provide the strength I need to forgive those who have offended me and hurt me. It can be so easy to want them to be punished for the wrong they have done and for them to get what they deserve. But that is not Your way, Jesus. Yours is the way of forgiveness. You are slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Even when You were nailed to the cross, You cried out for God to forgive the very people who were murdering You. Fill me with Your strength, compassion, and love, dear Jesus. Mold me in Your image. In Your merciful name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for My Healing
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, no one could have suffered more than You, but I still feel the pain from being hurt. I am on my knees asking You for the power to forgive and for Your healing to come over me. Come, Lord Jesus, wipe every tear from my eyes and take away my sorrow. Heal my heart and bind up my wounds. Restore my crushed spirit. Help me to rejoice because the Spirit and the glory of God rests on me, as His child. Give me the strength not to forgive seven times, but up to seventy times seven. Cleanse my heart and mind from any trace of resentment or bitterness. Amen.
Prayer for Healing Spousal Relationship
Jesus, the Great Physician, I pray that You heal my relationship with my spouse. He/She has sincerely apologized for wronging me and now I need to forgive him/her. You tell me not to judge, not to condemn, and to forgive. I want to, Jesus, but it is hard when my heart has been hurt so badly. I know that our relationship won’t be the same until I release him/her from the guilt of what he/she has done to me and until my heart lets go of the hurt. Fill me with agape love for him/her so great that it drowns the sorrow and anger. Fill me with mercy on him/her in his/her weakness, dear Jesus. Help me to do this now and restore our relationship. In Your compassionate name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom in Forgiving Others
Compassionate Father, You say that if someone sins against me seven times in a day, and asks each time for forgiveness, that I must forgive each and every time. Come be with me, Father. You are the Master Potter and I am the clay. Shape me as the work of Your hands into a vessel useful to You and prepared for every good work. I don’t want to let people take advantage of me, but at the same time, I need Your help learning how to let go of the past and free myself from thoughts of revenge. I need the wisdom that is found only in Your counsel, Father. I pray for Your help in my life. Amen.
Prayer for My Peace of Mind
Lord, our Peace-Bringer, You bless Your people with peace. Keep Your perfect peace in my mind as I try to forgive the wrong the has been done to me. My feelings have been trampled on, Lord, and I feel broken. I am trying to forgive, but my heart is troubled because I am still hurt. Please fill my mind with tranquil thoughts of Your love for me, as Your child. Make my mind steadfast because I trust in You. Let my example of forgiveness be a testimony to Your goodness. Amen.
Prayer for Rest for My Soul
Righteous Savior, I praise You for the peace You have provided me as I face the challenge of forgiving the wrong done to me. I marvel at Your goodness and take heart that You have overcome the world. I find rest for my soul in You, and ask that You forgive my transgressor, as I am in the process of forgiving him/her. Wash away his/her sins and comfort him/her in his/her sorrow. Thank You, Lord, for blessing this difficult task of forgiveness with a serenity that can only come from You. Amen.
Prayer for the Courage to Forgive
O God, my Strength, You say to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as You in Christ forgave us. I pray that You grant me the courage I need to forgive the person who has harmed me. I have been suffering, Lord, and I am afraid that if I forgive this person, that he/she might hurt me again. You say not to let people treat you like a doormat, as you’ll be quite forgotten in the end. Guide me so that I can talk to this person privately and tell him/her about this injustice. Help me to let go of my anger, but at the same time, protect myself so this does not happen again. I need Your strength, my God. Amen.
Prayer for Faith
Jesus, Savior of Enduring Faithfulness, You say that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Form me in Your image, dear Jesus, so that I am able to truly and completely forgive the person who is sorry for sinning against me. Teach me to forgive others as You have forgiven me for my sins. I have faith in Your power and Your wisdom, Jesus. Increase my faith so that I can fight the good fight all the days of my life and see Your face in eternity. I believe in You and that You will soften my wounded heart so that I can let go of and heal from the damage. In Your precious name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for the Grace to Forgive
O Jehovah, my God, I approach Your throne of grace with confidence, so that I may receive mercy and find grace to help me forgive someone who has hurt me. Pour out Your grace on me, my God. Restore me and make me strong, firm, and steadfast. You have called me to have a holy life and sin will not be my master. I will not let anger and resentment be a stronghold in my life. Let Your goodness and love flow through me onto the person who has hurt me. Let me dwell in Your house and seek Your face all the days of my life. Amen.
Prayer for the Compassion
God of Loving Devotion, You say to let all bitterness and anger be put away from me and to be kind and forgiving. God, I am angry and disappointed because of what has been done to me, and I am finding it hard to forgive my transgressor. Open my eyes so I can see his/her actions through Your eyes. Fill my heart with compassion, Lord, so I can blot out his/her transgressions, just as You have done for me. Help me to be gracious and righteous like You, dear God. I pray this in the name of Your loving Son, Jesus. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.