Bad thoughts can creep in quickly and stake a claim in our minds, but God can remove those thoughts and replace them with good ones if we turn to Him. Here are 11 uplifting prayers for bad thoughts.
A Prayer against Negativity
Faithful God, a negative person is like a loud, clanging cymbal. Nobody wants to be around him/her and he/she grates upon everyone. I fear that I am becoming this person, as all my thoughts lead to despair. I am unable to see the good in anything. All my conversations turn for the worst as I see all things cynically and hopeless. Lord, I do not want to be one who lives as if there is no hope. Therefore, take this negative heart and fix it. Help me to see the good in this world that comes about from Your grace and mercy. Graciously heal my mind so that I am not consumed by negativity. Amen.
A Prayer against Suicidal Thoughts
Lord Jesus, You have commanded us that we shall not murder. Yet, I sometimes have thoughts to murder myself through suicide. These thoughts take advantage of the misfortune in my life. They promise me an easy way out and relief from my anguish. Lord, protect me from these lies of demons. Expose their malicious plans and shed light on their schemes. For they come only to destroy. Their promises are empty. Lord, help my unbelief and give me a true and active faith so that I can keep myself from harm. Amen.
A Prayer for Endurance
Heavenly Father, there are seasons in life where my thoughts consume me. I sink to lows I never imagined possible. My entire being suffers as my thoughts become increasingly negative. I become depressed and unmotivated. Lord, come alongside me and give me the strength to endure this season of bad thoughts and mental affliction. Give me peace of mind to make it through, that I might finish this race with faith and confidence. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Set Me Free Prayer
All-Powerful Father, evil thoughts run through my mind like a ravaging army over the land. Resistance is useless. The more I try to suppress these thoughts, the harder they tend to manifest. Lord, You know the depth of my struggle and what it will take to help me. Therefore, set me free! Release Your servant from this mental slavery to negative and impure thoughts. Give me a renewed mind that is incessantly giving thanks and praise to You. Amen.
A Prayer for Illumination
God of Light, while there is darkness in the world, it cannot compare to the darkness in my mind. Evil inclinations and desires consume my thoughts. Despite my efforts, I cannot rid myself of the darkness within. But through Your Spirit, You can shine Your light within my mind. Therefore, illuminate my thoughts, Lord. Purify the recesses of my mind so that my thoughts serve to glorify You and help change my attitude. In Your mercy, I pray. Amen.
Bind the Devil Prayer
Sovereign Lord, my Refuge, my mind is like a playground for the Devil and his minions. They grab hold of every thought and exploit them so that I continue to fall into sin. They rob me of my peace and my reliance upon Your grace. Thus, bind up all demons that run free in my mind. Banish them to the outer darkness where they can no longer influence me. I desire to become conformed to the image of Your son, Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer for the Mind of Christ
Righteous Savior, whoever is united to You in faith receives You in all Your fullness. We become members of Your body and we become partakers of Your divine nature. Lord, unite my mind with Your mind so that I begin to think like You. Vanquish the grip that the evil one has over my mind. Take captive and destroy all thoughts of envy, murder, jealousy, and greed. Instead, give me thoughts of joy, compassion, grace, and mercy. Give me Your very mind, Lord Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer against Trusting Evil Thoughts
Loving God, through the cross of Your Son, Jesus, You have given all men a new heart, mind, and soul. I am indeed a new creation but still wrestle with the flesh in thought, word, and deed. Lord, it is written that it is foolish for a man to trust his thoughts. Yet through You, we obtain wisdom to discern between good and evil. Thus, I pray that You would give me this spirit of wisdom and discernment. Help me to know what thoughts are from the pit, that I might take them captive and make them obedient to You through Christ, my Lord. Amen.
A Prayer to Turn Bad Thoughts into Good Thoughts
Father, many wicked things are expressed in my mind. Although I do not verbally make them known to the world, they have their way in my mind. Yet, You are a God of redemption. What we mean for evil, You have the power to use for good. Take captive the negativity that pours forth from my heart and into my mind. Turn them on their head Lord, so that they serve You rather than evil. Use them for the good of Your kingdom. Amen.
A Prayer for Mental Purity
Precious Holy Spirit, our inclination toward sin does not start in the world, but our inmost being. Adultery begins with our lust. Murder begins with our desire to kill. Theft begins with our covetousness. All of these begin in our hearts and are contemplated by our minds. Therefore, I pray that You purify my inmost being. Eradicate all sinful thoughts and desires and fill me with a loving concern for my neighbor and a desire to see him/her prosper. Fill me with Your Spirit that I may keep Your commands. Amen.
Mighty Shield Prayer
Almighty God, how shall I escape my oppressor when my captor is my mind. For behold, wherever I go, it goes with me. I have not the ability to leave my own body or think outside of my mind. My thoughts are only negative. They implore me to seek vice and to ignore virtue. They want not the good of my neighbor but instead think only of myself. I desperately want to be rid of this selfish mental state. Lord, dispel these bad and selfish thoughts. Be a mighty shield to my mind. Let no bad thoughts take hold, but instead plant Your seeds of faith and virtue, that they might bring forth good fruits according to Your Spirit. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.