Marriage is all about encouraging one another and growing in your love and walk with Christ. Here are 13 powerful prayers for married couples.
Prayer for One Another
Abba Father, we come to You today asking Your blessing over our marriage. May we each be intentional about valuing each other and finding ways to show appreciation. May we love each other more deeply, and demonstrate our love in meaningful ways. May we be open and authentic with each other, and do everything we can to maintain peace and harmony through patient and unselfish attitudes, a sense of humor, and being good listeners and problem solvers. Amen.
Prayer of Blessing for the Day
Lord of Infinity, we pray Your blessing over this day and invite You to be a part of each activity and each thought. We want to keep You in each moment. When we are together as a couple and when we are apart, may our thoughts often drift to You and to each other. May our conversations please You, may our work please You, and may our relationship please You. Amen.
Prayer to Be Christ to One Another
Lord of Glory, Your Scripture says that just as Jesus is, so also are we in this world. May Your love be perfected in us, so that our words and actions are representative of You. May each of us be Christ to the other and ambassadors of Christ to our children. May we be perfectly united; may we be one, as You are one. May we reflect Your glory, as we are being transformed into Your image. Amen.
Prayer to Reflect the Bond between Christ and the Church
God of Love, may our relationship be so void of complaining and conflict and so full of mutual love and support that it will reflect the bond between Christ and His bride the church. May we walk in love, nurturing and cherishing one another, as Christ loved us. May we be blameless and pure in our relationship, so that we shine as lights in the world. May our relationship draw others to Christ. Amen.
Prayer to Support Each Other’s Passions
Lord, our Way-Maker, help each of us to listen to and encourage the dreams and goals and passions of the other. Help us to value what our spouse hopes for, to frequently talk about these things, and find ways to support each other in achieving our goals. Remind us to engage together in activities that embrace each other’s passions in life, and, through mutual edification, become closer as a couple. Amen.
Prayer for Our Children
Heavenly Father, we ask Your blessing over our children. May they love and honor You all their days, and may they love and respect us as their parents and each other as siblings. Protect them from sickness and accidents and harm of any kind. Help them to be good students and responsible individuals. Lead them to friends who will influence them for the good, and deliver them from all evil influences. Amen.
Prayer to Raise Children Well
Father of Lights, show us how to be a good mother and father to our children. Help us to encourage them, to set reasonable guidelines for behavior, to be fair and consistent in disciplining, to set a good example before them, and to diligently teach them Your Word. May we be loving and engage in fun activities that will build them up and build happy memories. Bond us as a family, we pray. Amen.
Prayer to Be a Better Spouse
God of Love and Peace, may we be tender to Your Holy Spirit’s guidance in how each of us can be a better spouse to the other. May we never be happy with being a “good enough” spouse, but always be looking for ways to show esteem and tenderness and to be lifting up and loving the other. May we be diligent in purging habits and attitudes that annoy or cause pain to our spouse and always pursue unity. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom in Decisions
O Lord, our Provider and Sustainer, You know that we often need to make decisions, some seemingly trivial, and some that we know will have a profound impact on our family. Give us the wisdom and Godly discernment we need when we are making financial, educational, or career decisions, when we are answering our children’s requests, and when we are making plans and purchases. Help us to carefully consider the pros and cons, and to be levelheaded and insightful. Amen.
Prayer for Vision for Family
Lord of Eternity, Your Word teaches us that without vision, the people perish. Help us in developing a vision for our family, so that we are constantly moving forward in our relationship with You, in developing as individuals, and as a family unit. Give us wisdom in setting achievable long-term and short-term goals and guide us to strategies and action steps that will bring our goals into reality. Amen.
Prayer for Protection of Values
Lord, our Strong Tower, You know that family values and faith are vulnerable to constant assault in our culture today. We pray first that we each cling to the values that are taught in Your Word and not cave to ever-changing cultural norms. We pray that our children will hold firm to Your values even when they are bombarded with conflicting ideas from teachers, peers, or the media. May our family lovingly be champions of faith and virtue. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
Heavenly Father, may our home be a sanctuary of peace. May each of us in our family encourage each other, consider each other’s point of view, and live in peace. May we be gentle, considerate, accommodating, sincere, and peace-loving. May jealousy, selfishness, disorder, quarreling, and harsh words be far from us. May we each work hard to be peace-makers and to honor each other more than ourselves. Amen.
Prayer for Prosperity
Builder of All Things, we ask that You make us prosperous in all ways. May we first have spiritual prosperity, cultivated through our worship and prayer and study of Your Word. May we be prosperous in love and happiness and service for You. And we pray for financial blessing – that You would lead us to good-paying jobs, bless our investments, give us wisdom in spending and in avoiding debt, and protect our home and vehicles from expensive repairs. May we always be faithful to honor You from our increase. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.