These powerful prayers for pastors and church leaders are meant to help pastors and church leaders pray for strength, their ministries and their flocks.
Prayer to Take My Yoke
Precious God, we come to You as Pastors and Church Leaders because we labor and are heavy laden! This duty is tiring and exhausting at times, so we take up Your yoke and learn from You, for You are gentle and lowly in heart. I know that in You we will find rest for our souls so that we can continue to pursue our duty. Thank You, Lord, because Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. Amen.
Prayer for Victory
Heavenly Father, we know that You are for us, therefore who can be against us? Lord, the adversary has attacked us, at times the church has questioned us, we have even questioned ourselves, but we will be victorious with You by our sides! I pray that we never depart from You and Your awesome power so that we can be strengthened even as we are attacked for the works that we do for Your kingdom. Amen.
Prayer for Good Work in Christ
God of Promises, we magnify Your Name, because You never fail! Your word says that we can be confident in the fact that You who has begun a good work in us will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus! Lord, it does not matter what the adversary does to us, it does not matter what setbacks we face because the words that You have uttered shall come to pass. The will that You have for our lives shall come to pass! Amen.
Trust in God Prayer
Holy God, You have called us to do a duty for Your people. Because You are faithful we know that through You, we can do it. We are not alone, even when we may sometimes stand alone physically, You are with us in Spirit and in truth. Father, I pray that You have Your divine way among us church leaders and pastors so that we can faithfully lead Your flock to the victory that You have promised us. We put our trust in You for you are always faithful to us. Amen.
Prayer to Make Me Christ’s Soldier
Father in Heaven, Your word says that we must endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. As soldiers (church leaders and pastors) I pray that we remain focused on the kingdom goals that You have set out for us, because a soldier does not entangle himself with the affairs of his life, a soldier pleases him who enlisted him to be a soldier. Just as we have been called into Your heavenly army, let us fight, focusing on You and the kingdom and not on other personal affairs that are in fact irrelevant. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom
Dear Lord, we sometimes lack wisdom as church leaders and pastors but I pray that we do not lack wisdom because we are the shepherds that lead Your flock according to Your will. I pray that we ask of You for wisdom and guidance, for You give to Your people liberally and without reproach! With You, we can lead under Your wisdom and revelation so that we may be powerful and effective leaders of Your people. Let us not have too much pride so that we do not ask of You the things that we need, because You freely give to us. Amen.
Prayer to God of the All Possible
Anointed One, leading Your people is not an easy task because there are many obstacles and trials that we must endure. There are many times that it feels as though we cannot do Your work because opposition presents itself so strongly against us. But, Lord we know that with man it is impossible, but not with You; all things are possible with You. We can be effective leaders with You. We can be victorious in our many departments and many ministries with You. Lord, let us continue to walk with You so that we may be great pastors and church leaders. Amen.
Prayer to Uphold Me
Father, thank You! We know that You make firm the steps of those who delight in You and as pastors and church leaders we do delight in You! We may stumble but we will not fall because You uphold us with Your hand. You are our provision and protector! Nothing and no one will be able to keep us from Your hand for You are with us in every situation and in every circumstance. Lord help us to walk in our purpose knowing that Your hand is upon us. Give us the confidence to do You works with Your mighty authority. Amen.
Life of Purpose Prayer
Righteous God, I thank You for being our Father. I pray that You help us, pastors and church leaders, to live with purpose. Let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as many pastors and leaders can be in the habit of doing. But I declare that we will encourage each other because we are united in our goal. Let us love one another and not compete because You do not think one of us is better than the other. Fill our hearts with more of Your love so that we may show this love to one another. Amen.
Prayer to Be Strong and Courageous
Matchless God, I declare that we will be strong and courageous because we are leaders of Your people! I pray against the spirit of fear and I declare that we will not let other people make us feel threatened because our duty goes beyond the flesh, what we are called to do is to please Your spirit and to affect Your heavenly kingdom. I pray that I will not fear because You go with me. You will never leave me nor forsake me. You want me to be fearless in my purpose, I pray that You continue to give me the strength to be. Amen.
Gratitude Prayer
Good Shepherd, thank You for who You are and for all that You do! Your word says that You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. As a pastor and church leader, You have shown me how to be patient when my adversary is around me. You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows. Lord, You have blessed us and will continue to bless us far beyond what I could ever imagine. You are my God of abundance! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me as I lead Your people in the way that they should go and I may dwell in Your house forever. Amen.
Perseverance Prayer
God of Power, I pray for divine strength because being a church leader or pastor can be draining spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I pray that I persevere under the trials that I face because once I have stood the test, I know that I will find a great reward when I receive the crown of life that You promise to those who love You. I pray that You give me the patience and the courage to endure the trials that are necessary in my ministry. Thank You in advance for my eternal reward in heaven that makes the trials worth it. Amen.
Prayer for Confidence
Beautiful One, as a church leader or pastor it is easy to go down the path of self-doubt. I pray against any doubts that I have in myself or in You because before I was formed in the womb, You knew me! Therefore, when I was born I was set apart. You appointed me as a prophet to the nations. Lord, I rejoice in Your word because Your word never fails nor lies. My ministry was ordained by You; therefore, I know that I should be doing this and that I can do this because it is in line with the will that You have for my life. Father, whenever I doubt, I pray that I remember that You have called me and that You have a great plan for my life and for my ministry. Amen.
Enlarge the Ministry Prayer
Father, our Fountain of living water, we pray that You will enlarge the ministry of this church. We first ask that You enable us to be fruitful in winning souls to Your kingdom. Show us the best approach for evangelism and discipleship of the lost in our area. We also pray that we would be effective in attracting believers who don’t have a church home. Lord, we pray for growth in this church – numerical growth as well as spiritual growth. Help us thrive! Amen.
Prayer for Vision for Future
Lord God, our King of the ages, Your word tells us that without vision, the people perish. Give us a vision of what You want this church to look like. Help us as leaders to map out plans for this church that are innovative, practical, and which embrace Your vision for this church. We know the plans You have for us are good plans – plans to prosper us and to give us a future and a hope. Help us to lead this congregation wisely, in accordance with Your will. Amen.
Time Management Prayer
Almighty God, I feel so stretched and often conflicted with how to manage my time. I need to visit the shut-ins and those in the hospital, counsel people in my office, prepare sermons and order of worship, deal with crises that arise, meet with the board and various committees, and much more. Most importantly, I need to spend that intimate time with You, so I can have the power and enlightenment to lead these people. Help me use my time wisely, so I can accomplish all that needs to be done. Amen.
Prayer for Personal Holiness and Spiritual Anointing
Lord, holy righteous One, I can’t lead this congregation into a deeper walk with You unless I’m traveling down that path myself. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to truly abide in You. Take control of my life and help me walk in holiness. Anoint me with fresh oil, to do the work You have given me for Your kingdom. Purify me with Your fire and burn away anything that doesn’t reflect You. Anoint me to do even greater works for Your glory. Amen.
Prayer for Preparation and Study
Wonderful Lord, guide and bless me, I pray, as I study Your word and prepare sermons and Bible studies. Use me as Your spokesperson to convey the message You desire to give to the congregation. May Your message first convict my own heart, so I have a great passion for Your word and Your people. May Your Spirit begin working even now in the hearts of the people, that they will be soft to what You want to teach them. Keep us focused on what You want us to know and do. Amen.
Prayer for My Marriage and Family Life
Sovereign Lord, one of Your chief qualifications for overseeing this church is to manage my own household well. How can I lead and love Your church if I’m not lovingly leading my own family? Help me to love my wife as You love the church. Help me to treat her with consideration and honor. Help me to lead my children to follow You with all their hearts and to respect and obey me and their mother. Help me to lead my family by example. Amen.
Prayer for Church Finances
True God, we lift before You the financial needs of this church. Help us to teach this congregation what Your word tells us about giving. May they embrace the concept of tithing and of being cheerful givers. May they understand that when they give, You multiply their seed for sowing and increase the harvest of their righteousness. We also pray, Lord, that You will help us identify areas of unnecessary expense. Guide us in wisely using the funds we have in the best possible way. Amen.
Prayer for Conflict Management
My God and my King, I bring to You issues of conflict management within this church. I am grateful that some members of this congregation have taken ownership of certain areas of need but help them to work graciously with others who want to be part of that ministry. I pray for our leadership meetings and committee meetings, that we would encourage and support each other, be open to new ideas, and each work toward peace and loving cooperation. Amen.
Prayer for Ministry to Community
Living God, we don’t want to just exist for ourselves as Christians. Help our church be a place that welcomes the lost and has effective outreach into our community. Help us to be Your hands and feet to those in spiritual and material need. Show us where You want us to go and what You want us to do. Help us to understand the true needs and what we can do logistically to meet them. Help us to effectively organize our efforts for Your glory and praise. Amen.
Prayer for Global Outreach
Lord of Hosts, Jesus’ final directive was to make disciples of all nations. Lord, we want our church to be known as a church that is fervent about missions around the world. Help us as leaders to encourage going, giving, and praying for workers for the harvest. Guide us in investing in global outreach, supporting missionaries who are reaching the unreached, and in helping fund church planting and caring for the poor. Remind us to be prayer warriors for fulfilling Your great commission. Amen.
Dealing with Criticism Prayer
O Lord, my Strong Tower, I’m reminded almost weekly of how I’m failing to measure up to the expectations of various church members. Someone always seems to be disappointed that I’m not doing enough visiting, or I’m not preaching on their favorite topic, or any number of things. I feel burdened and frustrated often. Lord, help me be gracious with my critics. I know I can’t possibly please everyone, so help me focus most on pleasing You and doing what You want me to do in the way You want me to do it. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Fatigue
Lord, my Strength, my heart is worn out. I see so many people in a world of hurt. I see those lonely and suffering emotionally. I see those desperately ill and needing a healing miracle. I see the financially destitute and the spiritually oppressed. Lord, I want to help them all, and I thank You for giving the privilege to minister to them and share Your love and hope. And yet, I find it hard to detach from their hurt. Help me find that emotional balance, Lord, and overcome this fatigue. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.