Whatever your friend might be going through, you can be there for them by reaching out to God to intervene in their lives. Here are 14 of the most uplifting prayers for a grieving friend.
Prayer for Friends Isolated by a Public Health Crisis
God of Loving Devotion, I pray for my friends who are suffering isolation in their homes because of this public health crisis sweeping our nation. I pray especially for my elderly and single friends who have no one with them in their home and are grieving human touch and hugs. I pray that in Your great compassion You will be with them in a special, tangible way. O Lord, Your understanding knows no limit, and I ask that You minister to their needs, and show me how to bless them from afar. Amen.
Prayer for a Loved One Suffering Ill Health
O Lord, Mighty in Power, I intercede for our loved one who is grieving the loss of good health. Bring him freedom from pain, and come to him to comfort and sustain him on his sickbed. I pray that You will graciously restore him to full health, for Your Word says that the effective prayer of a righteous person will raise the sick person up. Be gracious to him and heal him. Protect and preserve him. Remind him that You are the strength of his heart and his portion forever. Amen.
Prayer for Friend Whose Spouse Has Died
God, You are the sustainer of those who are bereaved. I pray for Your comfort and protection for my dear friend whose spouse has passed away. Not only is my friend grieving the loss of a life-long companion and lover, but they are also now faced with many confusing decisions and must forge a new life alone. Give comfort for grief, wisdom in decisions, and may my friend find solace in walking with You and joy in the company of family and friends. Amen.
Prayer for a Companion Grieving a Job Loss
Lord of Blessing, I pray for my companion whose job has ended. She is grieving the loss of identity and income that her career brought her, and also misses the community and friendship of her colleagues. I ask that You come alongside her at this time and let her know that You are her guide and her friend. Help her find a new position that brings even better income with great working conditions and new friends. Amen.
Prayer for Friends Whose Child Has Died
Lord of Unfailing Compassion, I pray for my dear friends who have lost their child. I can’t imagine the grief they are enduring right now. But I know that You are near to the brokenhearted. O Lord, heal their hearts and bind up their crushed spirits. Help them to see light in the darkness and to draw comfort from each other. Surely, blessed Jesus, You carried our sorrows. I pray that You will carry them through this season of sadness. Help me to be a good friend to them and minister to them in the way they most need. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Going Through a Divorce
O God of Limitless Understanding, I pray for my friend that is grieving the loss of her marriage. Lord, hear her cries and comfort her torn and wounded heart. I thank You that through Christ our comfort overflows. Please come alongside her now and bring consolation and encouragement. Please guide me in helping her through this time. Lord, help her grow in her faith in You and bless her in her new life. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Grieving a Parent’s Death
Father of Mercies, please comfort my friend whose parent has died. I thank You that my friend knows You and can come boldly to Your throne of mercy to find grace to help in time of need. Bring peace to my friend’s soul and consolation in reliving happy memories. Dearest Father, our sweetest comforts come from You. May Your Precious Holy Spirit touch my friend’s soul and bring hope and joy in this heavy sorrow. Help me to also be a source of comfort and help in this sad time. Amen.
Prayer for Friends Experiencing Unrecognized Grief
God of all comfort, I pray You would draw near to my friends who are experiencing the unacknowledged grief of infertility. They long so deeply to have a child of their own, but in spite of treatments, they suffer recurring grief, month after month, year after year. And their grief is mostly unknown to many people around them. Heal these painful wounds of sorrow, and somehow make a way for them to know of joy of parenthood. Pull them out of their misery and into Your arms of love. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Grieving the Loss of a Dream
Lord, our Peace-Bringer, I intercede for my friend who, through unfortunate circumstances, has suffered the loss of a dream. Be gracious to him and raise him up and let him see that there is still hope on the horizon, and that You have even better plans for him. Help me to be a comforter and encourager to him, and help him in focusing on You and learning the destiny that You have for him to live out. Amen.
Praying for a Friend Suffering the Loss of Financial Security
God our Great Provider, I pray for my friend who has suffered the loss of financial security. She is grieving all the things she once took for granted and is fearful of an uncertain future. Lord, help her not to fear this bad news, but to have a steadfast heart, trusting in Your provision for her every need. Lord, You know she has always been generous to those less fortunate, and now we pray that You will be generous in restoring her to a place of security as she trusts You. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Grieving for a Beloved Pet
Father of Compassion, bring comfort to my friend who has lost a beloved pet that has been a faithful companion for many years. Many might think this is a small thing, but this pet has held a special place in my friend’s heart. Wipe away my friend’s tears and bring joy in this dark time. Help me to be an understanding and encouraging friend. Raise my friend up from sadness to find fulfillment in Your love. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Separated from Friends and Church Family
Lord our Strength-Giver, I intercede for my friend who has moved to a new city and is grieving the loss of old friends and church family. This transition has been difficult, and I pray that my friend will be able to keep in touch with us, but at the same time embrace this new life and cultivate new friends that are kindred spirits. Lead my friend to a wonderful church and a new family there. May my friend take comfort in knowing that You are the closest Friend we could ever hope to have. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Suffering from a Disability
O God enthroned on high, I pray for my friend who is suffering this disability and grieving the loss of mobility. My friend longs to go for long walks and enjoy Your creation and do all the things he once did, and now he is confined to a wheelchair. Lord, please ease him through these frustrating times, and help him to draw strength from You. Lord, I pray that You would touch his body and bring freedom from pain, and bring healing and restoration. Amen.
Prayer for a Friend Forced to Leave College
Gracious God, I come to You on behalf of my friend whose unhappy situation has caused her to have to give up her university studies at this time. Lord, You know how much we will miss each other, and how she grieves this loss of opportunity to finish her education. Lord, I pray that You will encircle her with Your loving-kindness and fill her with hope and encouragement. Help her to work through this situation so that she can return to college in the near future. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.