You love your son and cannot bear to see him going through hard times. Here are 15 powerful prayers for your struggling son.
Prayer for Son to Triumph over Struggles
Lord my Advocate, I ask You to come alongside my son and be his Counselor and Guide. He is struggling in so many areas of his life. Help him to conquer the areas where he needs self-control and order. Protect him from companions who are an evil influence on him. Help him to make wise choices and to find a way out of the poor choices he has made in the past. Amen.
Prayer to be Delivered from Depression
Our Great Healer, I pray You will deliver my son from the grips of depression. Heal his troubled and chaotic thoughts and give him hope. Give him a renewed interest in life and in the activities he once enjoyed. Help him to sleep well, but not too much. May he exchange sadness and hopelessness for joy and confident assurance of Your love for him. Relieve anxiety and help him focus on his tasks. Amen.
Prayer for Son’s Challenges at School
God our Strength and Shield, empower my son to do his schoolwork well and protect him from evil forces. Help him to pay attention and focus on the teaching and assignments, so he is learning and remembering the material. May he have teachers who understand his strengths and weaknesses, and who will help him be all he can be. Help him to get along well with his classmates and guard him against bullies. Amen.
Prayer for Son on His Birthday
Author and Finisher of our faith, I pray a special blessing over my son on his birthday. May this next year of his life be a time of moving out of the conflicts and issues he has been contending with. May he enter a new chapter of his life on his birthday, full of confidence and problem-solving abilities. May he be wise beyond his years and successful in all endeavors that have been a challenge in the past. Amen.
Prayer Against Addictions
Lord of Deliverance, I intercede for my son, who has been struggling with drug addictions for some time. Give him the desire to leave this life. Give him the resolve to break this enslavement that is ruining his health, his relationships, and his work. Lead him to the right program and support system that will truly help him in this battle. I pray that You will deliver him, once and for all, from the chains of drug addiction. Amen.
Prayer for Son’s Health
My God who restores, I pray for my son, who has been battling health issues, that You will restore him to perfect health. I first pray that my son will take the initiative to develop healthy lifestyle habits. May he choose to eat healthy food and in moderation. May he get adequate exercise to strengthen his body. May he avoid harmful addictions. As he takes steps to improve his health, may Your hand of healing touch his body and make him whole. Amen.
Prayer for Strength and Guidance
God of Wisdom, I pray that You will bless my son with strength and guidance in his life. He has made a series of poor choices through not following Your path and not seeking Your direction. I pray that he will turn to You for counsel and enlightenment for the steps he should be taking now to get back on track. Give him the firmness of purpose to follow Your ways and help him to always seek Your lead. Amen.
Prayer for Protection
Faithful and True God, I ask for Your hand of protection to cover my son. I fear he is often reckless and tends to bring harm upon himself. I first ask that You protect him from doing foolish things. Many of his lifestyle habits have dangerous consequences, so I pray that You spare his life. I pray he will come to repentance and turn away from the error of his ways and toward a safer way of living. Amen.
Prayer Against Despondency
Fountain of Living Water, please flow through my son and wash away these despondent feelings. Help him as he struggles with self-doubt that leads to depression. Give him the energy and the confidence he needs to face life and accomplish his work. Help him to overcome frustrations in a healthy way, and not lash out with irritability. Help him not to sink into isolation from family and friends, but to embrace healthy relationships that will encourage him. Amen.
Prayer for Good Counsel and Self-control
Lord our Blessed Hope, we lift up our son, who has been allowing others to draw him into a life of unwise and harmful choices. Help him to stand up for himself and not be led astray. Lead him to people who will give him good counsel and give him the self-control to follow through on their advice. Build within him a sense of self-determination, so that he chooses to take responsibility for his behavior and is not driven by other’s standards. Amen.
Prayer for Son to Take Charge of His Health
Father of Mercies, I pray You will give my son the wisdom and self-restraint to take charge of his health. Help him realize that a sedentary lifestyle, and overeating, and a diet of junk food are all ruining his health. I pray that he will lose weight and achieve a healthy BMI. Help him to make intelligent choices and stick to them. I also pray that he will start getting enough sleep and learn how to cope with stress. Amen.
Prayer for Son to Give up Drugs and Alcohol Abuse
God of Compassion, I urgently plead for my son to give up using recreational drugs and stop abusing alcohol. These habits have led to accidents and arrests, which have created problems with employment. I fear another accident or overdose might lead to disability or even death. Father, please lead him away from companions that join and encourage abuse. Help him to get the help he needs and get clean. Amen.
Prayer to Shield Son from Harm
Author of Peace, I pray that You will be a strong tower of safety for my son. Shield him from all wrongdoing or violence that comes against him. I pray that You will give him the wisdom to stay away from dangerous places, unsafe activities, and ruthless or reckless companions. I also pray that You would keep him safe from himself, so he does not bring harm down on himself. Shelter him in the palm of Your hand, I pray. Amen.
A Birthday Blessing Prayer
Abba Father, as we celebrate our son’s birthday, I pray that this year will be a time of transition for him. May he repent and turn away from all activities and friends that have brought unhappiness and strife to him. May he turn toward You and living a life sold out to You. May he love and serve You with all his heart, soul, and mind. May he learn to regulate his actions and be goal-oriented and self-directing. Amen.
Prayer for Enlightenment and Power
Heavenly Father, I pray that my son will be all that he is capable of being. Pull him out of this self-limiting mindset. Help him to clearly identify reality and truth and eliminate false thinking that is short-circuiting his abilities. I pray that You would give him the enlightenment to perceive what his future could be. Help him to focus on his unique strengths and have the power to use these to achieve his dreams. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.