Any parent may look at the Lord and ask “Why?” when it comes to experiencing the loss of a child due to miscarriage. Here is a collection of prayers for miscarried babies. These prayers for a miscarriage will help to bring you comfort and give you the words to pray to God in your time of need.
Trust Prayer
Dear Lord, I am overwhelmed with sadness because I have lost the baby that was growing in my womb. I was so excited about bringing her into the world. Now I will not be able to enjoy and share those beautiful moments with this child. Even though I don’t understand, I trust in your word, which says that all things work together for good. So I know that all things are working out together for good. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Healing My Heart
Lord, you are the one that gives life and takes. Even though my child has gone too soon before I could see them physically, all hope is not lost because I will get to see him or her when I come to heaven. Heal my heart for I feel devastated and broken. Touch me with your hand and let me be comforted in my inner being. Bring healing to my heart and soul and help me to look forward to another bundle of joy in time to come. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Acceptance Prayer
Oh Lord, I have just had a miscarriage, and it is tough for me to accept what has happened. I was very excited about bringing my first child into the world. There are so many exciting things that I wanted to do for and with my child. Lift me safely in your arms and help me to accept what has happened. Lord, I remain confident in you knowing that I will see your goodness in the land of the living. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Eternal Perspective Prayer
Heavenly Father, as my wife and I, mourn the loss of our unborn child, help us to focus on eternity for this is not the end. I am confident that we shall see our child in heaven, where he or she is now safe and sound. Lord, give my wife strength and remind her of your promises about heaven. As we come to terms with what has happened, please help us to remain steadfast in you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Strength Prayer
Dear God, you are my ever-present help in times of need. I come before you today in my time of need to ask you for divine strength. Be my refuge and strong tower as I heal from the miscarriage that I have just had. It is so hard to accept that I will not be seeing my baby anytime soon. When I feel down, keep reminding me that’s my baby is enjoying your presence right now. Help me to hold on to that until I come home and see him or her. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Grace Prayer
God, I feel so weak right now. I don’t know where to go or turn. Losing a child even before you get a chance to hold it in your arms is very painful. I have so many questions that I want to ask you, dear Lord, but still, I can’t bring myself to ask those tough questions. May your grace be sufficient for me during this trying time. Help me to continue keeping my mind stayed on you even though all I want to do is feel sorry for myself and entertain evil thoughts that keep filling my mind. Help me, dear Lord. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Peace
Heavenly Father, my heart is troubled, and I’m finding it hard not to let it be troubled. I do not understand why you allowed this to happen, yet you promised me this baby. You are a mighty God, and I know that nothing is too difficult for you; that is why I am having a tough time understanding why God you are letting me go through this painful time in my life. All I wanted was to enjoy being a parent, but that has been taken away from me. I am so angry and bitter, Lord. Please guard my heart against the pain and lies of the enemy. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Guard My Heart Prayer
Oh Lord, I want to thank you and worship you today. Even amid my pain, I declare that you are still God, and there is none like you. You are the one that gave me this child, and you have taken it away. Guard my heart against the attacks of the enemy. He keeps telling me that the miscarriage is my fault. But Lord, I know that the enemy was behind this, and that is why I will let not my heart be troubled neither will I be afraid. Though it is hard to accept, knowing that my child is with you in heaven brings peace in my mind. Whatever the enemy intended for bad Father use it for good. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Fix Their Eyes on Jesus Prayer
King of Glory, I bring every woman that has lost her baby through miscarriage before you. Lord, help them to find peace, love, and healing in you. Give them the strength to focus on you Lord because it is only in doing that, that they can deal with the pain that they’re going through. When other things come to distract and cause them to be depressed about losing a baby, remind them of your presence and love. May they keep fixing the eyes on you Jesus the author and finisher of their faith. Thank you for answering my prayers, Amen.
Compassion Prayer
Dear Lord, I may not know the pain of losing a child through a miscarriage, but I know God that it is difficult for those that are going through that right now. Some of them are very angry; they are blaming you for taking away their unborn children. Others have drifted away from their faith because they do not trust you anymore. Please be compassionate, help them deal with this challenging time the right way. Put the right people in their lives that will help them to see that you are not against them but for them. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Hope Prayer
Almighty God, fill me with hope when I feel hopeless. Give me divine strength to keep on going on when I feel helpless. Lead me in the way that I should go in this motherhood journey for this miscarriage has left me confused and very discouraged. I am scared of trying to have a baby again because I keep thinking I lose it just like I’ve lost this baby. Give me courage when the right time comes so that I can have another baby according to your will. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Rescue Me Prayer
Father God, I’m worn out from crying and asking you to bring back my baby that I miscarried. My eyes fail to look for you, my Father. Set me up Lord for the waters of fear and discouragement have come up to my neck. Rescue me, and do not let me sink. Answer me out of the goodness of your love. In your great mercy, show me how to deal with this pain that I carry in my heart. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Worship Prayer
Heavenly Father, the truth is the last thing I want to do right now is worship. Words of prayer fail to come out of my heart, for I am broken and destitute. I feel like quitting and giving up, but I know if I do that, I will only be giving the enemy room to destroy me. So I choose to praise and worship you when it hurts. I declare and decree that though you slay me, yet I shall worship you. I bring all the glory and honor to you, for though my child is not here with me, I know that he or she is heaven. Thank you, Father, for your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Stillness Prayer
Gracious Father, there are times when being still is so hard for me. My loved ones keep asking me how I’m doing, and I keep telling them I am still and peaceful, yet that is not what is going on in my heart. I was so excited about being a new mother, but every morning when I wake up, I have to face the reality that my baby is no more. May I be still and know that you are God. Remind me of your everlasting love and help me to find rest in you alone in this season of mourning my unborn child. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Light up My Darkness Prayer
Lord, sorrow covers my face. Floods of pain engulf me every time I remember the miscarriage. Pangs of jealousy fill my heart when I see other mothers playing with their babies. Hasten O Lord, come to my rescue and save me. Light up my darkness and keep my lamp burning. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Courage
O Jesus, all I want to do is remain in bed all day and cry. Everything seems to be meaningless right now. Knowing my child is with you in heaven keeps me going. Please give me the courage to go out there and face what awaits me. Help me to be gentle when people check on me. I lay my anger at your feet that I may not project it on others. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Comfort Prayer
Lord Jesus, hold every woman that has lost a baby through miscarriage in your arms of love. Comfort them from all their troubles so that when they heal, they can comfort others that will be going through the same situation. Grant them cheerful spirits and give them the courage to do what you are asking them to do during this difficult time. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Joy Prayer
O Heavenly Father, please turn my sorrow into joy. I am trying to move on since I miscarried, but pain and bitterness keep holding me back. I find myself reliving the ordeal, and it keeps me trapped in this prison of pain. I do not want to be like that anymore. Please, Lord, let your joy be my strength everywhere I go. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Prayer for Loss of Unborn Baby
God of all healing and grace, I come to you today with a heavy heart. The pain of losing my baby is so great. Please, take it away. Comfort me with your Spirit, O Lord, and bring healing to my grieving heart. I know that you have received my little one into your glory, and for that, I praise you. Forever safe in your presence, my precious child will know no pain or sickness. In times of longing, help me remember those truths, Father. Turn my focus away from the loss and help me instead to recall those moments of togetherness you’ve gifted me with while my baby was still in my womb, moving and letting her presence known. Thank you for the time you’ve given me with her. You are good, O God. In everything, you have a purpose. Allow me to remember and trust your wisdom in all of these. Amen.
Miscarriage Prayer
Father God, I come to you, knowing that you are a good Father who provides all of the needs of his children. Through faith, I cling to your words of hope and love during this dark and empty time for me. Your promises that never fail. You gave us new life through your Son, Jesus Christ, and you gave my baby life within me. Even in my baby’s death, I am confident that anything that comes my way will be for my good, according to your will. This despair and pain that I am suffering now is nothing compared to the pain that you have experienced when you died on the cross for us. So now, I will simply come to you in silence and know that you will comfort me, as you always do. Speak to me Lord, for your servant is listening. Heal my broken heart. Amen.
Hold Me in Your Arms Prayer
Lord, my Protector, let me fly to your presence, for I am heartbroken. While the waves of grief crash over me, and I am drowning in sorrow, you are my only refuge. Hide me in your arms, for my soul is in confusion over the loss of my unborn baby. Stay with me, support and comfort me, for my trust is only in you. You are my only help. Cover me with your wings. Hear my weeping and capture my tears in your bottle. Amen.
Wipe Away Every Tear Prayer
Lord, my Strength, I come to you in my hour of need, grieving my baby who has died in my womb. I am grateful that I will see my baby again, on that beautiful day when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. I rejoice that on that day, there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All those things will be gone forever. I thank you for my future hope, but I need you now. My pain is deep. Come in your comforting presence and rescue me, oh Lord. Amen.
Reach out Your Gracious Hand Prayer
Abba Father, don’t you hear my weeping? Won’t you accept my prayer? I am sinking, I am falling under the heaviness of grief. I should be holding my newborn baby in my arms, but that was not to be. I throw my care on you. Reach out your gracious hand and save me from my despair. Fill me with your strength. Comfort my heart with the knowledge that I will see my child one day. You, my Lord Jesus Christ, are all I want. I find more in you than anything this world can offer. Amen.
Truth and Grace Prayer
God of all compassion, we pray for our dear friends whose baby died in the womb. Lift up their fallen hearts. When they feel like they have no strength, comfort and encourage them. Heal their crushed spirits. Open their eyes to see that their baby is held in your loving arms, safe from pain and harm. Let them know you are forever just and holy and good. You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, the only source of truth and grace. Amen.
Healing Prayer for Loss of Unborn Baby
God, faithful Creator, we come to you in pain and confusion over the loss of our unborn baby. We look around at everything prepared for our child, and remember our joyful anticipation, now crushed. We are blessed that unlimited grace is found with you – grace to cover our wounded hearts. God, our Fountain of life, may your healing streams flow over us and bring us peace and hope. Receive our baby into heaven’s joys where we will one day meet again. Amen.
The Waves of Your Love Prayer
O Lord who restores, we pray for this precious family who has come home from the hospital with empty arms. May they know your deep and boundless love for them. May the waves of your love roll like a mighty ocean over and all around them. Lift them up in your arms of comfort. Remind them that their baby is resting in glory, and that they will indeed be reunited. Watch over them in their grief and give them sweet rest in You. Amen.
Calm My Soul Prayer
God, my Comforter, reach out your healing touch to my broken heart. May your angels carry my baby into your presence. I thank you that you are right here by my side. Help me to bear this sadness and pain. I trust you to provide what I need right now, for you are faithful in all times, both good and bad. My heavenly Father, please calm my soul. May I find joy at the end of this painful road. I have no one like you, my friend and my God, who is always understanding, always there. Amen.
Valley of Tears Prayer
Steadfast Lord, we are in a dark place, where none of our friends can understand our pain. Thank you for walking with us through this valley of tears. As we mourn our child who was miscarried, we are growing to know your love, your heart. Thank you for understanding our sorrow and carrying it for us. Even when our world has come crashing in on us, the wind and waves still know your name. We know you are still on the throne. And we know you love us and weep with us. Amen.
Forever with the Lord Prayer
Lord God, Lifter of my head, even in my tears, I find comfort that my baby is forever with you. She will never know pain or suffering or sadness or unkindness. And my soul is renewed by the thought that the day is quickly coming when you shall return in the clouds and catch us up to meet you in the air. I will be with you and with my baby, and sadness, grief, and fear will be gone. Sorrow will be forgotten, and love’s pure joys restored. Amen.
When Tears Are in the Past Prayer
Living God, even though our child died before he was born, he is living now, in heaven’s beauty and brightness. He is safe now. No harm can ever touch him. Thank you that we and our child shall meet again on that great day when tears are in the past. Thank you for being with us through these hard and painful days. Your grace has led us this far, and your grace will continue to lead us to our eternal home. We give you praise and thanksgiving that you are our living God. Amen.
Helping a Hurting Friend Prayer
Merciful Lord, my heart weeps for my friend whose baby was miscarried. Please guide me on how I can ease her pain. Enable me to show my understanding that losing a baby before birth is as much a loss as an infant death after the baby was already born. Assist me in expressing that her baby was created in your image and was valuable in your sight. Help me walk with her in compassion through her stages of grief and help me find encouraging scriptures for her miscarriage. Amen.
Relieve the Guilt Prayer
Loving God, please help us as we deal with the passing of our unborn child. I especially intercede for my wife who is struggling with guilt. Guard her mind so she doesn’t keep wondering if the miscarriage was somehow her fault. There seems to be no logical reason why our baby did not survive. Help me to reassure her that she was healthy for our child and did everything right. We both loved this baby so much – and this death was so unexpected. Lord, take care of our child until we are together again. Amen.
Prayer for Refuge for Our Friend
Lord, may our friend who has lost her baby find refuge in you. May she be assured that we also hurt for her baby, a real person with a beating heart. Help her to know that her child is acknowledged and loved, and will not be forgotten. Assist us in being with her and comforting her. Give us the words to say and the things to do to help her through her grief. Release her from her prison of hurt and confusion. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.