Cancer is one of the scariest words on this planet, and it never gets easier hearing the words “You have cancer.” Here are 30 encouraging prayers for someone with cancer.
Cry for Relief Prayer
My God, My God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from saving me? I am trying to have hope and trust in You, but it is hard. I am in so much pain, and it is so difficult to see any light in the distance. I know that my life is in Your hands, but I just want to feel relief. Give me strength, God. I desperately need it. Be with me in and through my pain. I long to feel Your presence. Amen.
Bold Healing Prayer
Oh Jesus, the Great Healer, I come to You in prayer to boldly ask for healing. You are all-mighty and all-powerful. If anyone could save me, God, it is only You who could. Please rid me of this sickness and breathe new life into my bones. Renew my spirit and give me the strength to fight this that is in me. Through You, God, all is possible. In You, God, I have hope. Heal me, Jesus. Amen.
Peace in Death Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am fearful of my future. I am scared of what is to come. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I pray to you, Jesus, that You give me peace and comfort in the idea of death. We all know my body is failing me, but my spirit is strong, and I am confident in everlasting life in You. Help me be at peace with whatever comes next and prepare me for the worst. God, if it is Your will for me to join You in heaven, I ask that You give me enough time to say goodbye. Calm me, Lord. Help me live the rest of my days with grace and love for those around me. Amen.
Comfort for Family Prayer
Lord of Mercy and Love, I know that my earthly future looks meek. I understand that my cancer might be too much for my body to handle; I feel that in every minute of pain I endure. I am ready to be with You and to have this hurt finally cease. But God, I am worried about my family. When I go, please comfort them and give them peace in the knowledge that I am with You. Let it not be a time of sadness but a celebration that I am finally home. Amen.
Surrender My Future
Jesus, my loving and gracious Jesus, I surrender. I surrender my future and my health to You. This is a scary time for me and my family. Much is unknown, yet I know that You are constant, Lord. You are good. I pray that You give me confidence in whatever path You lead me down. Whatever my future may hold, let Your will be done. Please give me peace as I follow You blindly. Amen.
Doctors and Nurses Prayer
Jesus, the Great Physician, please give Your wisdom to my doctors and nurses. I am scared and unsure, and I worry that I will second-guess every decision that is made for my body. Let me trust the health professionals who have my case. Let them be reminded that though they have many cancer cases, I am a child of God. Let them do whatever they can to help me. Lord, let whatever they say is best be true. Give guidance and discernment as they create a plan to move forward in my treatment. I trust You, Jesus. Give them the knowledge they need so that I can trust them too. Amen.
Reoccurrence Prayer
Father of Loving Devotion, today was hard. I thought that I was healed and had made it through the hardest time in my life, but my cancer is back. This news is bringing me to my knees. It is hard to process. I know that You are good, God. Be my comfort today. I need You as I struggle to come to terms with this and tell those closest to me. Help me not lose hope in You, regardless of how bad the cancer is this time. In You, I can handle anything. Help me truly believe that. Amen.
Healthcare Providers Prayer
Lord God, I lift up to You all of the healthcare providers who support patients with cancer. I pray that you give them unique wisdom so that they know the best plan of action for each patient’s treatment. I pray that you fill them with hope and encouragement so that they can encourage their patients in times of distress. God, I pray that You bless them for the hard work that they are doing and give them rest. Amen.
Cling to You Prayer
In my pain, God, I cast my cares on You. Help me trust You, truly in my hurt and fears. The physical and emotional pain of today feels like too much to handle. I can feel my body changing from the cancer, and that is hard for me to come to terms with. My body is weak, and my mind can’t handle this. Jesus, how am I going to make it through this? Will I? Help me cling to You. Be with me. Be my strength and perseverance. I cannot do this on my own. Amen.
Chemo Prayer
Precious Holy Spirit, please be with me during chemo. Just the thought of treatment makes my stomach hurt, but I know it is good for me in the long run. Dull the nausea, God. Be my comfort and strength. Help me feel You with me and in me. Take over my body through the process, God. Ease my nerves and anxiety in anticipation and help me recover quickly. My trust is in You. Amen.
Diagnosis Prayer
Jesus, my Savior, I have just been told that I have cancer, and I don’t know how to feel. I am confused. How could something like this happen to me? What am I supposed to do? Am I going to die? God, please consume me with Your peace during my struggle and confusion. Help me feel Your presence. Show me You are with me. I desperately wish that this would go away, God. But I am working to trust in You and have faith in You, regardless of what happens. Amen.
For the Diagnosed Prayer
Father of Compassion, I have just found out that somebody I love has cancer, and I am at a loss for words. I cannot imagine the shock and hardship that must come with receiving such news. Jesus, please be with them in this unimaginably hard time. I don’t even know what to pray, but please bring healing or relief or comfort. Just be there, God. Be there in this news. Give me wisdom about how I can best be there for them. We love You, God, even in the chaos. Amen.
Be With Them Prayer
Oh, Jesus, all-powerful Savior, cancer is such a scary word. Cancer is unknown and unpredictable, yet far too common for so many people. Lord, please be with all people fighting various forms of cancer. Be their comfort, their peace, and their strength. Lord, if they do not know You, let this hardship be a gate into Your glory. For those who do have a relationship with You, let them rest in the promise of Your word. Jesus, I pray that every newly diagnosed cancer patient to every survivor will feel, know, and be confident in the fact that You are in control. Amen.
Financial Burden Prayer
God, today I am weighed down by the financial burden placed on people fighting cancer. With so much physical and emotional pain to go through already, also having to worry about how to pay for their own treatment is too much. Lord, I pray for financial relief for those fighting cancer and that friends, church families, and greater communities can come together to raise money to help. Lord, give people fighting cancer peace of mind in terms of financials and give motivation to the communities to lend support. Let it start with me. Amen.
Prayer for Healing
God of Miracles, I pray that You would heal my friend with cancer. I know that You are able. I know that You have done it before. God, I have all the trust in the world that You can heal my friend and take this cancer away from them. I know that whether or not You do depends on whether or not it is in Your will and Your greater plan. But I come to You in faith and ask that You do. Please, Jesus, heal them. Please. Amen.
Hear My Prayer
Righteous Lord, I pray for everybody in the hospital fighting cancer right now. I ask that You give them strength, perseverance, and peace as their bodies fight this sickness. God, comfort them during their treatments. Cover them with peace of the unknown. Lord, hear my prayer. God, I also pray for everybody at home fighting cancer right now. I ask that You give them a solid support system, strength, and hope. Ease their anxieties. Help them find solace in You. Lord, hear my prayer. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
Prayer for the Unknown Future
Jesus Christ, Almighty God, please be with my loved one who is deep into the fight with cancer. Lord, the future is unknown, but I pray that You give them peace in whatever road You take them down. If they will be healed, God, thank You. If they will join You in heaven, God, thank You. I ask though that You allow either path to be as painless as possible. Be their comfort in the hurt, their strength in the hard, and their hope in the future. Amen.
Prayer for the Non-Believer
God of Mercy and Love, my friend with cancer does not have a relationship with You, and that scares me. Jesus, give me guidance and work through me as I tell them about You, Your love, and Your salvation. Lord, I cannot bring anybody to You alone, but You have the power to change hearts. Please change my friend’s heart. Bring revival in their hospital room and make Yourself known. Amen.
Send Your Spirit Prayer
Gracious God in Heaven, send Your spirit down and bring Your strength, comfort, and peace to everyone fighting cancer. God, let them rest in the knowledge that You are God. Whatever fears, pains, and struggles they are facing, God, enter into those and bring hope. You are good God, and You can take even the worst situations and make them shine. Do this here. Do this now. Amen.
Support Prayer
Jesus, my Savior, be with my family in the face of cancer. It is not easy to support somebody with cancer, and it is even harder to have to fight cancer yourself. God, please be with those I love who have cancer and help me be a strong and capable support. Alone, I cannot, but with You, all is possible. God bring healing, bring hope, and bring peace where possible. I love You, God. Amen.
Prayer for Successful Treatment
Lord of hosts, You are with me through the fire and through the storm. I walk by faith through this fiercest battle of my life, for You are on my side. Now, my Father, I am preparing to undergo treatment for cancer. I am following the doctors’ recommendations that this is the best course of action. I ask that You manage this process for me. May the treatment be successful in eliminating this cancer and with minimal side effects. In Your great mercy, may I become cancer-free and stay that way. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing
Father, my faithful One, I have been praying for physical healing of this malignancy, but I also need emotional healing. I am terrified of this disease, the treatment, and what this means for my future. I am stressed out about all the things I’m not able to do and the responsibilities I still have to take care of even though I am unwell. I’m depressed, and I am lonely – as if no one understands. I’m self-conscious around others because of how they look at me. O Lord, restore me to emotional health, so I can concentrate on what’s important now. Amen.
Prayer to Stay Healthy
Lord over all things, please help me to take good care of my body as I fight this cancer. Assist me in being proactive about staying healthy so I’m less likely to get infections, and so my body is stronger against the cancer cells. Remind me to wash my hands often and stay away from sick people. Help me to resist smoking, limit alcohol, maintain a healthy weight, stay physically active, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Help me also remember to stay healthy in my mind and spirit. Amen.
Prayer to Find a Support System
O God, my Way-maker, I am grateful for my family and friends who are offering their sympathy and prayers and practical help. But, frankly, I need a different level of support. I need someone who has been through this before to wrap their arms around me, to look into my eyes, and tell me that one way or another, it will be okay. Please lead me to a group of cancer fighters and survivors who know all that this battle involves and can truly understand what I am feeling and going through. Help us to encourage each other and share advice on how to deal with issues and what to expect during treatments and testing. Assist us in supporting each other emotionally through the ups and downs of this difficult journey. Amen.
A Caregiver’s Prayer
God of mercy, I need physical strength, spiritual tenacity, and emotional well-being as the primary caregiver for my loved one with cancer. My loved one is going through a range of emotions caused by this vile cancer. Give me the strength to meet anger with kindness, meanness with love, and despair with encouragement. I do not know and cannot know what it feels like to have cancer, but help me to meet my loved one where he/she is at and be perfectly accepting of his/her behavior. Help me to give the best possible care, to learn what I need to know about this condition and treatment, and to find ways to soothe and comfort. Assist me in practical ways I can be helpful, like preparing healthy meals that will appeal to my loved one’s appetite and in learning how to do the necessary home medical care. Empower me to be strong, loving, and kind. Amen.
Decisions Regarding Treatment Prayer
My God, the Word of life, I feel overwhelmed with all the information I must process right now. The doctors are speaking but I cannot hear them. I am numb and paralyzed, unable to think. Clear my mind, my Lord. Give me the mental clarity I so desperately need to understand and evaluate my options. Guide me to the course of action that is best for me. Help my communication with my medical team to be clear so that I am understood. Use the best treatment and Your miracle power to destroy this cancer and heal me. Amen.
Prayer Against the Adversary
Lord, enthroned on high, I claim Your insurmountable power against the schemes of the adversary. I know that he has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I claim the abundant life that Jesus came to give. Lord, I thank You that You are fighting my battles for me, and this cancer will be defeated. Help me to be alert against all the ways the enemy seeks to deceive me and cause me to falter in my faith. Empower me to use my spiritual armor to resist his attacks. Amen.
Prayer for Clinical Trials
Lord God, my Miracle-worker, I ask for Your guidance and provision for clinical trials. Help me and my medical team to research and identify trials that apply to my type of cancer. Give us the wisdom to decide if they are something we should pursue. I pray that I would get accepted for a trial that will be effective against this cancer. I also pray that my insurance will cover the treatment. I put my faith in Your healing, whether through medicine or miracle. Move this mountain into the sea. I believe and know that through You, all things are possible. Amen.
Prayer for Spiritual Victory
Jesus, my precious Redeemer, receiving my cancer diagnosis has hurt my faith. I don’t understand why You let bad things happen to good people. I don’t understand why You would let this happen to me. Lord, renew my faith and my perfect trust that You are good, no matter what, and You are still on the throne. Walk with me through this ocean of affliction. Calm the wind and waves of doubt and fear, and still my pounding heart. Set my feet on the solid rock and remind me to keep my eyes fixed on You and Your power, not on this evil disease. Give me spiritual victory through this season of testing. Amen.
Hospice Care Prayer
God of salvation, as I enter hospice care, I know that You continue with me, ever-present in this journey. Give me the courage and help me remain firm in my faith as I approach the final days of my life. I thank You for Your deep love that is beyond my comprehension. I thank You for walking through this valley with me. I pray that You keep me free from pain. Fill my heart and soul with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Quiet my mind and wipe away my tears. Give me the words to comfort my family and loved ones to lessen their grief for my passing. Help both me and my family look with joy at the day I transition from this earth so that I can be united with You. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.