Each meal we receive is a blessing, as many people around the world, and even in our own neighborhoods do not know when their next meal might be. Here are 25 beautiful prayers for meals.
Prayer of Gratitude
Gracious Father, for the meal that is before us, we thank You. For the roof above our heads, we thank You. For the hands held in ours, we thank You. For the breath in our lungs, we thank You. For the way You love, we thank You. This prayer we pray with a grateful heart. Amen.
Prayer of Praise
Blessed God, we praise You for who You are. You are the God who cares for our needs. We see this meal before us as a demonstration of Your wonderful grace to us. We glorify You for the day we have had. Thank You for the family gathered here and for every blessing we enjoy. Amen.
Prayer in Times of Plenty
Holy God, thank You for the wonderful and delicious food that we can enjoy right now. Keep us from pride but remind us continually of how everything is by Your grace. In all times we will bless Your name. Thank You for this meal that we share. For Christ’s sake. Amen.
Prayer in Times of Want
Lord God, not a sparrow is not known by You. Not a lily is not clothed by You. You know what we need, and we are thankful that You have provided the meal set here for us. Keep us from worrying about tomorrow but to be grateful for what You have provided us this day. Amen.
Prayer for When a Guest Joins the Meal
Creator God, Your blessings are continuous. Not only have You provided the bounty for our nourishment, but You have brought a guest for us to share with. Bless this meal and bless our conversation. We thank You for this time together. Amen.
Prayer for When Sharing a Meal with Grandparents
Heavenly Father, all blessings flow from You, our good God. We get to enjoy the company of grandparents here at this meal and for that we thank You. To You, we are grateful for family and the ability to spend time together here at the table. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer When Sharing a Meal with Friends
Father God, we praise You for food and friendship. We thank You for the time together. May You bless our conversations and nourish our bodies with the lovely meal we can enjoy. To You, our Father, who delights in blessing us, we pray. Amen.
Prayer When Sharing a Meal with a Stranger
Lord God, You are the one who provides for our needs and we acknowledge each breath comes from You. For this food and our company, we thank You. May we honor You in our speaking and may You energize us with this food. Thank You, Gracious Father. Amen.
Prayer When Sharing a Meal with Neighbors
Creator God, the blessing of this company is a good gift from You. We thank You that we can enjoy this meal together with our neighbors right now. Lord, You give us life and breath and everything and we show our thanks in our gratitude and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for When the Day Has Been Rushed
Father God, You are our eternal Father and You understand how our lives can become busy. Today has been filled with hustle and bustle but now we ask You to help us to pause and take a moment to enjoy the food before us. Help us to be grateful for the blessings You give and to check in on each other’s lives. Nourish our bodies with this meal. Amen.
Prayer in Times of Stress
Heavenly Father, You know how we are feeling – tired and stressed. Refresh us by Your Spirit and energize us with this meal. Even though life can become complicated and rushed, help us to trust that You are the one in control. Help us to take stock and be grateful to You. And so, we thank You Father for this meal and family to share it with. Amen.
Prayer Expressing Special Gratitude for the Cook
Lord God, thank You for this amazing meal set before us. We thank You also for our incredible cook who went above and beyond to prepare this food for us. You know all the work that has gone into this meal so that our bodies may be sustained. Refresh us all in mind and body. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer with the Children
Father in Heaven, thank You that we get to enjoy this meal together. Bless this wonderful time of family engagement. Thank You for this food and every single person here. We pray this, standing firm in the unity we have in Christ. Amen.
Prayer for Every Meal
Gracious Father, without fail You have taken care of us. The air we breathe, the roof over our head, and the food we eat is provided to us by You, our gracious Father. Thank You for this food – we do not take it for granted. In Jesus’ incredible name. Amen.
Prayer over the Meal Before a Journey
Lord God, as we prepare to set out on this journey, nourish our bodies with the food in front of us. Give us safety on the road and help us to arrive securely at our destination. In Your blessed name. Amen.
Prayer After a Journey
Dear Lord, You have brought us safely here and we thank and praise You for Your grace. As we stop and rest to eat this meal, fill our hearts with thankfulness. Make us continually grateful for every blessing You so graciously provide. Amen.
Prayer for a Picnic
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the sun and the outdoors. You have given so many blessings to us. As we are about to enjoy this food, make us truly grateful. We ask Your blessing over this time of fun and family as we enjoy Your creation. For Christ’s sake. Amen.
Prayer for Sunday Lunch
Father God, for this day and this food we are grateful. For church and the opportunity to worship You, we thank You. On this Sabbath day, conform our hearts more into the likeness of Your Son. Thank You for Your many blessings. Amen.
Prayer When There is an Absent Family Member
Heavenly Father, in Your Spirit we are connected always to each other. Although we are not all here right now, we thank You that they are safe, and we thank You for this meal we are about to eat. May Your Spirit refresh us all, wherever we may be, even as the food we eat refreshed our bodies. Amen.
Prayer for Those Who Do Not Have Food Today
Mighty God, before we enjoy this food before us, we want to beseech You on behalf of those who are hungry that You might have mercy on them. May You provide their daily needs. Use Your people to extend hands of help to them. Make us have eyes to see how we can be loving those around us too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer in Times of Celebration
Lord God, we praise You for the gifts You give us. We thank You for this time of joy and celebration. In all seasons we shall sing praises to You. We are grateful for this meal that we can share in the celebration. In the name of our King, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Prayer to be Sung Before a Meal (to the tune of Auld Lang Syne)
We sing our thanks to You our Gracious God, for food and family too,
In health and joy and every deed, we live our lives for You,
Prayer for Nourishment
Heavenly Father, for this food we eat and the drink, we drink may it sustain our bodies. Strengthen us, through this bounty before us. Give us what we need for healthy bodies and help us to honor You with the energy we obtain. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks
To You, our loving Father, we lift our prayer,
We give thanks and praise for the food we share,
For our daily lives and every care,
We pray to You for we know You hear,
Thankful always unto Thee,
Father God, we hope to be,
In our hearts, we ask with bended knee,
Your goodness Father more to see,
Prayer for When It Is Hard to Pray
Father, although today has been strange and not as we wanted, we still thank You that we are here, and we can eat. You are with us. You care for us. Help us to remember these things. Restore us as we eat. We pray, secure in the salvation won for us by Jesus. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.