We all suffer under the weight of our sin, but we are blessed to have a merciful God who has saved us from our sin. Here are 25 of the most powerful prayers for mercy from God. Along with the prayers are printable images for you to use or share.
Repentance Prayer
Dear God, I come to you as a sinner who is undeserving of your grace and presence. I repent all my sins and ask you to forgive me so that my request may be heard by you. Lord, have mercy on me and fill me with your grace. Wash me with the blood of your son Jesus Christ that I may shine and walk unashamed. I ask for your favor from this moment to the end of the day. I thank you, for you are faithful. Amen.
Cleanse Me Prayer
Christ my Savior, your wounds remind me of the suffering I put you through. Have mercy on me and wash me with thy blood and water. Cleanse me and make me whole again. Redeem my soul and make me a vessel of your work that I may testify of your unending mercies every day. I bow to you today asking for your mercy and grace to fill my cup that I may want no more from the earthly things. Amen.
Bind Me to You Prayer
Oh Most Merciful God, hear my cry and look to me with your merciful eyes. I may not be worthy of your presence Lord, but I strip myself of all connection to fleshly desires and bind myself to you. Father, show mercy upon me and stretch your hand towards me in time of need. Please, do not forsake me, hear me when I call, heal me of my pains, and set me up to live and proclaim your glory. Amen.
Contentment Prayer
Dear God, I love and adore you. I am grateful for every breath I take, a roof over my head, for the shoes on my feet, and the food on my table. Lord, I pray for your love and mercy to complete me and make me whole. As a human, I find myself complaining and being ungrateful. Teach me to always be content and know that your grace is sufficient every day. Ignite my heart’s desire to live in your presence and take me as your own. Amen.
Stand in Faith Prayer
Christ Jesus, through you, all my sins have been wiped away. You have paid all my debts and I now stand free with no one to point a finger at me. It is your mercy that made you obey your Father that you may save a wretch like me. You gave yourself wholly so that I may live. Thank you, Jesus, for your unending love and mercy. Pour upon me your grace and strength to stand in faith even in trying times. May I be more like you, Amen.
Right Path Prayer
Dear Lord, Merciful creator, you placed us on this earth with a purpose to serve you, Lord. Yet sometimes we do things that do not please you. Lord, we seek your mercy upon us that we may find favor in you and be delivered from the wrong path. Set us on the right path and equip us with the courage to act as your vessels. May we glorify and praise your name forever. Amen.
Spread the Gospel Prayer
Heavenly Father, with every breath I take I feel your power in me. I am thankful for the gift of life and for the gift of the church. Lord, I ask that you open the eyes of my heart so that I may live righteously as you teach us. Lord, May I dwell in your church empowered by your holy spirit to keep spreading your Gospel. May your mercy on me save me from the temptations of the world. I will eternally praise your name. Amen.
Remember Me Prayer
Father, Most High, I fall before your throne acknowledging your power and might over the whole universe. I am just a tiny being among the many you created; those we know and many more that we do not know. Remember me, oh God, as you bless each and every other being in your creation. Have mercy on me and write my name in your book of life that I may live to see your Holy face. Amen.
Guide Me Prayer
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you were born of the Holy Spirit, yet you walked on this earth and endured suffering. Teach me, Lord, how to be humble and endure the troubles that challenge my faith. May your mercy upon me win me favor on earth and beyond. Guide me in everything I do so I will testify and sing of your greatness. Just like you lived among men, grant me a peaceful heart that is forgiving and loving. I pray that you be my light and guide, Amen.
Grant Me Your Favor Prayer
Heavenly Lord, I look to you at this moment seeking your showers of blessings and mercy. As I go on with what I am doing, grant me your favor that I may be victorious, oh Lord. Show thy hand in my work and manifest yourself through me. You are the most righteous and I ask you to lead me in your ways, Oh Lord. Your outstretched hand upon my life is all I am asking for. Amen.
Forgive Trespasses Prayer
Holy Lord, to you I come with all my needs and troubles and you provide for me. You are an unconditional God and I will not be ashamed to say what you have done for me. Lord, forgive me my trespasses and teach me to forgive those who trespass against me so you may not be ashamed of me as your child. May your spirit of love, power, and oneness fill me and overflow. Amen.
Discernment Prayer
Lord, may my heart be filled with joy today as you fulfill your promises in my life according to your mercy. You decide when and how, and I am grateful for you are never failing. I depend on you for the decisions I have to make in my life and the things I have to do. May your mercy be upon me that I may discern good from bad and have the courage to do what is right according to your word. Amen.
Unending Grace Prayer
Many are the gifts that come from you, oh Lord, but your unending grace and new mercies every morning are more than I could ask for. I take comfort in knowing that you are always with me and you do not judge or hold onto grudges. It is upon you I cast my burdens and ask for relief so that I may enjoy the gift of life, of family, of friends, and the blessing of work. May I never depart from your goodness, oh Lord. Amen.
Part the Waters Prayer
Dear Lord, there are many mountains behind me, and ahead of me, there are the widest rivers I have ever seen. Lord, I need your mercy to bestow on me your strength and guidance. Send me an angel who will part the waters as you did for the Israelites. I need you to help me move forward on the path you have chosen for me so that I do not fail and am not ridiculed by my enemies. Have mercy on me and show your power, oh God. Amen.
Redemption Prayer
I am in deep sorrow and pain for the way I have been living my life. Restore me to yourself, Lord. Have mercy on my soul and save me from eternal fire. May your word sink in me and take the place of this awful feeling. For your word gives redemption and revival to those who seek you truly. Do not look at my transgressions with fury, Lord, but with love that I may have a place among your chosen ones. Amen.
Restore Me Prayer
Oh Lord, my body hurts and I feel I have lost all will to live. My soul and my heart are giving in to the pain, for it has become unbearable. Lord, you healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, and resurrected the dead. I beg your mercy that I may have a drop of your healing. May your mercy deliver me from this wrath and restore my will to live. I will give praise and thanks to your name for you are a faithful God. Amen.
Please You Prayer
Sometimes I have trouble with my friends and family. I do not do the things they like always, and this disappoints them. God, I am seeking your mercy that I may do only what pleases you. I pray that I will find a way to always be at peace with my brothers and sisters and to love them as you love me. May I honor your greatest commandment so I may see thy glory in heaven, Amen.
Anointed by You Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray for your mercy today in everything I do. May my work shine and may my mouth proclaim of your just ways. Father, may everything I touch be blessed, may every word I utter be a blessing, and may every place I walk be anointed by you. It takes only your mercy to do great things. Let me be great and give me a testimony for the glory of your name. Amen.
Guard Me Prayer
Christ, have mercy on my soul and guard me against the fires of my enemies. There are many things that can destroy me and bring me shame. I cling to you God so that your face may be seen at times like these. Just like you fought for David, fight these battles for me. I am nothing without you and I need your grace to make it out in victory. Amen.
Forgiveness Prayer
Christ our Shepherd, we gather at this place with thanksgiving in our hearts. Your love has sustained us and your blood has protected us all through. We are sorry for the times we have not maintained the love amongst ourselves as you would like us to. May your merciful nature grant us forgiveness and strengthen our union. We seek your mercy in our homes, our church, our schools, and places of work. Bless us through your Holy Spirit, Amen.
Strengthen My Faith Prayer
God, I have known you all my life, and I have never lacked a thing. I have not seen those who trust in you be ashamed. You have shown your power and defeated evil. I am asking for your favor so that I may keep strengthening my faith in you, Lord. May I never be ashamed because your mercies are forever with me. Amen.
Your Goodness Prayer
Merciful Lord, I come to you in prayer and submission humbly seeking your favor and goodness upon my life. Every dimension of my life needs a touch of your gracious hand, God. Your mercies keep me alive and give me the hope to live every day. I pray that your enduring mercy be the light that guides my life. I shall dwell in your presence every day of my life. Amen.
Eternal Wisdom Prayer
Christ our Savior, we are incomplete beings without your mercy and goodness. We cannot be alive if we are separated from your grace. We seek to know you more and your ways because they are right and true. May we not rely on our own understanding but on your eternal wisdom to guide us through life. Under your merciful wings, we will hide from the evil in the world and walk with you. Amen.
Divine Intervention Prayer
Heavenly God, I am before thy presence because you are a fountain of love and mercy as I seek your divine intervention in my life. It is through your undeserved mercy that you sent your only son to save me through his suffering on earth. I believe in your presence, your grace, your anointed church and I want to follow in your ways. Teach me to love and accept others just as you mercifully accept me. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Greener Pastures Prayer
Good Lord, you are full of grace and goodness and you have been faithful to us who believe in you. We are in need of your mercy, each one of us. Remind us that we belong to you and that you alone are good and righteous. Lead us to greener pastures and plant us firmly beside rivers so that we may never dry. Forgive us and pull us back to you by helping us forgive others too. May we be able to spread mercy to all those around us. Let your grace and goodness be felt in our lives. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.