Being a good friend means we are there for our friends when they need us, and that we pray for them in their times of need. Here are 25 strong prayers for a friend, including images you can print to use and share.
Lead Me Prayer
Lord Jesus, it says in Your word that “faithful are the wounds of a friend.” My friend requires my help, Lord, and I want to be there for them. Lord, teach me to serve them as You have served us. Allow me to adopt a selfless and sacrificial attitude. Help me to bear their burdens and to love them unceasingly. Let me be a positive influence in their life, bringing honor and glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Carry Them Through Prayer
God of all creation, although You had the power, You did not see it fit to grasp Your eternal glory. Instead, You set it aside to come down to us. Lord, I beg You to come again to carry my friend who is in need. Bless them, Lord, as You have blessed all of Your children. Give them the strength that comes only from You and the willingness to endure through this time of trial. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Overcome Sickness Prayer
Most Merciful God, You came into a world that was devastated by sickness and disease. In Your ministry, You brought sight to the blind. You cured the sick and infirm. You brought the dead back to life. Lord, my friend has fallen ill. He/she is not able to help himself/herself and cries out to You for Your healing embrace. Extend Your healing hand to my friend, Lord. Reach down and touch him/her. Chase away all sickness and death from his/her body and bring him/her into abundant health and life in Your name. Amen.
A Prayer for a Grieving Friend
Most merciful Jesus, there are times in our lives where we seek peace we are unable to obtain. Alas, someone I love is grieving a loss. He/she is burdened under many pressures. Confusion has made understanding difficult for him/her, and he/she is physically worn down. Lord, we know that You provide the peace that surpasses all understanding. Wash over him/her with Your spirit. Comfort him/her as he/she seeks understanding. For You alone can bring this peace. Amen.
A Prayer for Good Fortune
Lord God, sometimes bad things happen to righteous people. You teach us that You make the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust. Though we try by day and night to seek understanding, we cannot always make sense of our situation or our bad fortune. Lord, someone close to me has fallen upon this kind of misfortune. He/she needs Your rock of stability in these tumultuous times. Be present in his/her life, dear God. Cast his/her worries aside and fill his/her heart with peace. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend to Know Jesus
Almighty God, I am desperate for those close to me to know the peace and joy that You have given me. Though I am sinful, You do not turn Your face away from me. You watch over me like a hawk. You protect me under Your wings. Lord, I want this for my friend as well. Draw him/her unto You, O Lord. Give my friend the peace You have shown me. Hear my prayer. Amen.
A Prayer to be a Loving Friend
Lord God, You teach us that there is no greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend. Lord, I want to be this kind of friend. I want to reflect on the type of love that You have for us in my relationships here on Earth. Father, help me to adopt a heart like Yours. Help me to carry my cross and to bear the burdens of those around me. Help me to be a loving friend. Amen.
A Friend in Need Prayer
God of grace, I pray for my dear friend who is in need. We know that nothing comes except from Your gracious provision. For even the ravens are fed by Your hand. The beasts of the field do not go hungry. Bless Your servant, Lord God. Lift my friend up on eagle’s wings. Let my friend find refuge behind the strong walls of Your love. Send us Your holy angels to protect him/her. All of these we pray in Your holy name. Amen.
A Prayer for Deliverance
Everlasting God, in Your ministry You delivered many from the traps and snares of the evil one. Our hearts are tempted. We wander off from the flock. All of us have gone astray and have attached ourselves to death and destruction. Lord Jesus, I know many who are struggling. Deliver them from the things that oppress them. Destroy the idols and addictions in their lives and restore them to life and health. In Your name. Amen.
A Prayer Against Illness for a Friend
God of healing, one only needs to touch Your garment to be cleansed from all sickness and iniquity. Yet, at this time You seem so far off, and we cannot get near to You. Descend to where we are, Lord Jesus, for Your servant has fallen ill and needs Your healing embrace. Send Your spirit of healing to wash over my friend. Eradicate all sickness and disease from his/her body. Cleanse my friend’s heart, Lord, so that You may dwell with him/her now and forever. Amen.
A Prayer for an Anxious Friend
Lord God, my friend is very anxious and worried about many things. You teach us not to be anxious but to hand over all of our cares to You. Help my friend and calm his/her nerves. Send Your Spirit to blow over him/her like a gentle breeze. Refresh and renew my friend in the life of Your church. Allow my friend to rest in Your finished work, and rejoice in our hope of resurrection that You impart to all who fear You. For Yours are the throne and the kingdom forever. Amen.
A Prayer for an Estranged Friend
Dear Jesus, life brings us to know many people. In Your providence, You have a purpose and a plan for each one of us. My friend, whom I have not seen in many years, needs Your help, Lord. I believe You have led him/her back into my life for a purpose. Bless my friend and keep him/her, Lord. Be gracious unto him/her as You have been gracious unto me. Grant my friend the peace he/she is seeking and bring my friend into Your sheepfold. In Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend’s Success
Dear God, bless my friend and Your servant who will be setting out on a challenging new endeavor. We know Your power, Lord, and we pray that You would exercise this power in the life of my friend. Give him/her the passion and the wisdom to know how to be successful in this endeavor. Help him/her to remain focused on the task at hand and to always give credit in his/her heart to You. In Your dear son’s name, we pray. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend Becoming a Parent
Father in Heaven, You are good and love mankind. You grant us many gifts. You give Your people hope and joy. My friends have received the gift of a child and are to become parents. Lord, give them love and wisdom as they prepare to start a family. Help them to love their children and one another as You have loved us. Give them the wisdom to instruct their children in the one true faith so that they might grow up to know the true God. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend’s Chronic Pain
Lord God, I come to You with a broken heart. My friend is in constant pain. My friend’s ailment has taken nearly everything from him/her. My friend is depressed and unable to find any joy in life. My friend’s pain robs him/her of his/her energy. The things he/she once enjoyed, he/she now finds no solace in. Lord, You alone have the power over pain and anguish. Send Your nurturing spirit to comfort my friend. Banish pain from his/her body, so that he/she can get rest for his/her soul. Amen.
Calm Their Waters Prayer
Heavenly Father, in Your word You often describe difficult times in terms of raging storms and turbulent seas. Indeed, my friend is abandoned to the mercy of the deep. He/she is being tossed around by life’s storms and is unable to find solid ground. I pray that You would enter my friend’s tempest and calm the raging seas around my friend. Be my friend’s anchor and rudder in life. Give him/her the courage to find the way back to solid ground. Uphold my friend, good Lord. Amen.
A Prayer Against Temptation
My God, life’s road is filled with many things that try to pull us off course. The Devil has planted his tricks everywhere, that we might be deceived. My friend is amid temptation as we speak, Lord. Shield and protect my friend from the trappings of vice. Help him/her to endure the darts and arrows of the evil one. Protect him/her with Your legion of angels and keep my friend under Your watchful eye and protection. For in You alone we are truly free from folly. Amen.
Support Prayer
Lord God, You teach us to ask for Your help. Behold, my friend, Your servant, is poor and in need. My friend has nothing to offer except the empty hand of faith which receives all things from Your gracious hand. Lord, be with my friend. Support him/her in his/her hour of need. Let my friend’s cries be to You as a sweet perfume that rises to You like incense. Do not despise the petitions of Your servant. Be merciful on my friend, Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend’s Protection
Heavenly Father, You hear the pleas of those who travel. And yet, we too implore You for traveling mercies. My friend and Your servant are about to embark on a long journey. He/she will be traveling far, Lord, and the trip may be dangerous. Lord, keep Your watch over him/her during this journey. Send Your guardian angel to be with him/her, that the Devil would have no power to thwart the journey or bring harm in any way. Keep my friend from danger and deliver him/her safely to the destination. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
An Encouraging Prayer
Lord, this life can be full of disappointments. Each time a step is taken, it can feel as though we take two steps back. My friend is experiencing such a setback. I worry about him/her, Lord. Please encourage my friend to continue and to not be discouraged. Be with him/her, Lord. If I may be used in any way, use me in Your acts of encouragement. Help me to be like Your hands in my friend’s life. Give me the wisdom to know the right words of encouragement, that my friend might know Your peace and be encouraged in Your spirit. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend’s Salvation
Father God, You know the desperation of our hearts. For we are all completely restless. We search out things to fill the hole in our hearts, not realizing that only You can do so. Lord, be with my friend who is wandering through life. Give my friend direction and guidance. Lift his/her eyes upon Your cross. Give my friend assurance in the reality of Your victory over sin and death. Bring my friend out of the pit, and give my friend a new heart. In Your Holy Son Jesus’ name. Amen.
Losing Faith Prayer
Hear me Lord God, and let my cry come to You. My dear friend knows You and has loved You. Yet despite having tasted Your goodness, he/she is experiencing a crisis of faith. My friend is questioning the soundness of Your word and the holiness of Your character. It seems that my friend may be drifting from Your fold, Lord. Intervene in my friend’s life by Your mighty power. Fill my friend with the assurance and joy of Your salvation. Shield him/her from all doubt and fear. Help me to be a witness for You in his/her life, Lord, so that he/she may be blessed and kept eternally in Your hand. Amen.
Friend’s Wedding Prayer
God and Father, my friend is about to enter into Holy Matrimony. What a glorious day You have made! Father, I pray that You would richly bless Your servants. Join them together in Your spirit. Be a fortress around their union and protect them from all calamity and attack. Let their marriage be fruitful and bountiful. Let them joyfully reflect the eternal love that You have for Your bride, the Church. Amen.
A Prayer for a Homesick Friend
Lord Jesus, even though we have an earthly home, we ultimately long for our heavenly home with You. My friend has recently relocated and is having difficulty adjusting to his/her new surroundings. Lord, give my friend the strength and courage to adapt to a new location. Assure him/her of Your love for him/her as he/she embarks on this unfamiliar journey. Bring loving and trustworthy people into my friend’s life, that his/her new place of residence may feel more like home. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend’s Wisdom
Lord God, You teach us consistently to ask You for wisdom. I have a friend who is in a very tough situation, and he/she is unsure of how to act. It seems that any choice my friend makes would be less than ideal. My friend may have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Lord, give my friend the wisdom and discernment to navigate these circumstances. Give my friend the courage to follow through with his/her decision, trusting You to guide his/her steps at every moment. For You do not leave or forsake us, good Lord. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.