Having issues in your marriage can be painful and disheartening. Here are 25 strong prayers for your struggling marriage.
Prayer for God’s Power to Keep Us Grounded
Mighty Jehovah, my God, my marriage is experiencing a season of storms. The struggles are bringing me to my knees before You. When I think of my marriage, I imagine it looks like the storm-battered trees along the sea coast. The fierce winds force them to bend in submission. We are struggling, and I am close to losing hope. I am fearful that my marriage will break under the storm’s power. My only hope is You. The storm batted trees bend, but their roots are deep enough that they are secure. I pray that Your strength will be the roots of my marriage. Keep us in Your power so that we will not break and remain grounded through this storm. Thank You for being my God. Amen.
Prayer for a Heart to Love and Forgive
Forgiving Savior, my heart has become hardened against my spouse because of unforgiveness. I know that Your children are to forgive one another as You have forgiven us. I have not been demonstrating forgiveness with my spouse, and I am genuinely sorry. Your children should also have fervent love because it will cover a multitude of sins. I pray You open my heart to love again. Please create in me an intense Christ-like love that can freely forgive my spouse. Amen.
Prayer for Financial Advice
God of my Provision, You advise us if we are going to build a tower to see if we have enough to finish the project. In my marriage, we did not take this advice to heart, and now there is strife between us due to money troubles. Forgive me, Lord, for my contribution to the financial difficulties we are experiencing in our marriage. I pray that You restore the peace between us, and please guide us to the solution You will provide for our financial problems. Please destroy the strife and grant us a unified mind and heart to resolve our financial issues. Amen.
Prayer for Renewed Love
Jesus, my Savior, You tell us in Your Word that we are to abide in faith, hope, and love. Love is said to be the greatest of the three. I confess, Lord, that I have let my hurt feelings take over the place of my love for my spouse. You have commanded Your children to love one another, how much more should a husband and wife love each other? Lord, heal my wounds and renew my love for my spouse. I pray that You give us a deep love for each other, the kind of love that can only come from You because You are love. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Binding Love
God of miracles, I come before You with this prayer because my marriage is struggling. I feel as though the love has gone out of it, and we are just going through the motions. Forgive me for allowing my heart to grow cold. You are a God of abundant love, so I know how we are treating each other grieves You. Lord, I pray for a miracle. Please come and touch our hearts and re-ignite the fire of love within us. I pray for Your gift of love to bind us together, and then we can face our struggles and rise above them victoriously. Please teach us how to love like You. Amen.
Prayer for a Trusting Heart
Faithful God, I come before You because I am no longer able to trust my spouse because of the wounds they inflicted. If I cannot find trust within me, we will not be able to work out our problems. You have promised that the one who trusts and has confidence in You is blessed. Is my lack of trust for my spouse really just a lack of trust in You? You promise that if I trust You, I will be like a tree planted by the water with far-reaching roots and green foliage. You also promise that I will have no worries in drought and will continue to produce fruit. I feel withered and fruitless, so I ask for You to please help me Lord to have a forgiving and trusting heart. Amen.
Prayer for an Open Heart to Trust
Father, my Miracle Worker, trust is an ongoing lesson between You and I. Trust within marriage is also a learned process. It is paramount in relationships and takes time to build. Unfortunately, my marriage struggles have brought me back to the start concerning trust for my spouse. Someone I let in and let close to me has hurt me. I am struggling to let go of the hurt and to start trusting again. Lead me to a starting place where I can trust my spouse again. I also ask for You to please give me the courage to be honest with my spouse about my distrust. I don’t want to be guilty of hiding anything. Lord, bless my hurt spirit and give me a renewed heart ready to open up again and trust. Amen.
Prayer for Freedom from Resentment
Lord, my Victory, I come into Your presence a child riddled with bitterness and resentment. My emotions are dominating me, allowing my mind to replay everything that my spouse has done to hurt me. Lord, I don’t want to fixate on these things because they only bring pain and further emotional separation. Please give me victory over my emotions. Please grant me the strength and healing to remove my bitterness and resentment. I need Your help to love and forgive my spouse as You have done for me. Amen.
Prayer for Freedom from Anger
Precious Holy Spirit, I have been grieving You and harming my marriage by holding on to anger. My spouse has done things to make me angry, but the Word clearly states that by holding onto the anger, I am giving a place to the devil in my life. I do not want to give the enemy any ground in my life, especially not in my marriage. Nothing is worth giving the enemy a foothold in my life. Forgive me and help me to be free of this anger, which is destroying my marriage. Show me what I need to do to remove any hindrances from my heart that keep me from fulling loving You and my spouse. Amen.
Prayer for Edifying Communication
Compassionate Lord, communication in my marriage has broken down. Harsh words spoken out of emotions hinder all communication. As we work through our issues, please help me not to carry my hurt around like a badge of honor. Give me a heart that thinks of “us” before “me.” Lord, I pray that You set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips. Help me speak the things that will build up my marriage and clearly communicate ways that will help. Amen.
Prayer for Holding Onto Hope
Heavenly Father, as I pray and think about the condition of marriage, my heart grieves. I know that You see everything, and even if we wanted to, we could not hide our troubles from You. I believe You care because Your Word tells me that Your eyes are on those who honor You. My hope is on You and Your unfailing love. I pray that Your love will cover my marriage and bring us out of our difficulties. Lord, keep my heart set on You and help me hold onto the hope You have given through Christ Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Enduring Hope
Gracious Lord, I come before You because my relationship with my spouse is in trouble. My heart aches for what we once had, but I sense it slipping away from me like a leaf floating down a river. There are days that it seems hopeless, and sometimes I find myself not even wanting to try anymore. Lord, You promise that Your unfailing love will be with me. I pray that as I put my hope in Your love, You intervene in my marriage and keep it safe. Help us both have the hope we need to endure this trial. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Power to Persevere
O God, my Strength, I am weary of battling for my marriage, and I am uncertain if I can go on. I come to You seeking Your help to persevere in the fight. You are the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the end ends of the earth, and you never grow weary. Lord, I am leaning in on You searching for Your strength, because I am weak. Please grant my spouse and me an extra measure of strength to face the problems in our marriage. Lord, help us to love selflessly and put our marriage above our disappointments. Please use Your mighty power to fight for our marriage. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Glorious Strength
All-powerful Lord, I am overcome with grief at the state of my marriage, and emotionally I am drained. The struggles are an enormous burden on me, and I don’t know how to fix us. Jesus, I come to You because You have promised to take our burdens upon Yourself and give us relief. I entrust my marriage and difficulties over to You, and I ask for Your intervention. Lord, You have an abundance of glorious riches stored up for Your children. I pray that You grant me part of Your riches now and strengthen me for this challenging circumstance. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom and Direction
Everlasting God, You are such a loving and caring Father. An ever-present help when Your children are in need. Right now, I find myself in need of direction for my marriage. There are so many problems in my marriage, and I don’t know how to resolve the differences. You say that through wisdom, we build a home, and establish it through understanding. Lord, please grant Your child the wisdom and direction I need to build a home and marriage that pleases You. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance for Decisions
Gracious Lord, the way You watch over Your children is comforting, especially when we are in trouble. I come to You because we are struggling to keep our marriage in harmony. I want to pray and ask that You teach and instruct me on what I should do to help restore happiness to my marriage. Please guide us both in the decisions we need to make to become a marriage that pleases You. Watch over us and guide us as we seek Your face. Amen.
Prayer for Christ to Take His Throne
Loving and compassionate Lord, You are a jealous God that will not allow anything to occupy the throne of Your children’s heart but Yourself. My marriage has been struggling for some time, but I realize now that we have not given You the place in our marriage that You deserve. Ourselves and our flesh have occupied Your place. Please forgive me, forgive us, for allowing anything except You to be between us as husband and wife. Give us the strength to tear down our selfish ambition and give the throne to You as the rightful heir over our lives and marriage. Amen.
Prayer for Christ’s Ownership
Living Lord, You died and rose again so You would be the Lord over the living and the dead. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to You, Lord. My life and my marriage have not been demonstrating this adequately. I pray for Your help to live out my life as one who belongs to You and not to my flesh. Grant us both the ability to live our lives to the higher calling You have given for the institution of marriage and for us individually. Come, Lord Jesus, Reign over our marriage. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Intervention and Our Surrender
Righteous Savior, as I read through Your Word, I see how You were intimately involved in Your children’s lives. If I were to pause and think back over my life, I would also be able to see many instances of how Your intervention was at work in my life. Lord, I pray for this same intervention for my marriage. Come and get in the middle of every problem we have and every conflict needing resolution. Our problems are bigger than us, but nothing is bigger than You. Please, lead us to the place of surrender. Help us to surrender our marriage to You and surrender to one another. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Intervention and Our Victory
Lord of highest heaven, You are the God who maintains an integral part in His children’s lives. You are always with Your children in their time of need. We see Your intervention on behalf of Your children throughout the Bible. You shut lion’s mouths, parted seas, walked on water, and sent earthquakes to break down jail doors. Loving Lord, my marriage problems have reached an intervention level. It needs a miraculous touch from You. Please come and part the rivers we need to cross to restoration and shut the mouth of the lion seeking to devour our marriage. Precious, loving Lord, please come and give us victory. Amen.
Prayer for Common Ground and Restored Joy
Lord, I am before You today because my marriage has started to fall apart, and our home is full of discord. We try to discuss our issues, but there seems to be no common ground from which we can start. I pray Lord, for You to give us the same mind according to Your will. Help us to see things the same and work toward the end goal of glorifying You. Without unity in our marriage, there is no way for us to find happiness. I pray for You to change our hearts and minds in conformance to Your will for our marriage, and bring joy back into our home. Amen.
Prayer for Unity in Thoughts and Love
God of mercy and love, my marriage has strayed far from what You desire, and we are miserable. I know in my heart that strife and conflict are caused by living out of our flesh. I pray for You to teach us, Lord, how we can be unified in thoughts and love, for by this, we can glorify You through our marriage. Please give us the strength to put aside our selfishness and take up humility. If we can put each other before ourselves, we will be more like Christ, and we will be happier. I pray that Your love will be our unifying catalyst to the restoration of a happy marriage. Amen.
Prayer for a Servant’s Heart
God, my Refuge, I come to You seeking Your covering. I have been praying for so long for change to happen in my spouse’s life, and I know this would help our situation. I believe that I should continue to pray for my spouse, but my motives need to be pure. I need to love my spouse as You love me, no conditions. Please help me to see them through Your eyes. Give me Your love for them so that I can serve them with a fully surrendered heart. Forgive me for seeking the fulfillment of my desires. I should pray for the fulfillment of Your will in my spouse’s life. Please grant me a loving servant’s heart so that I can honor You. Amen.
Prayer for Humility and Submission
Jesus, my Savior, the struggles I am facing in my marriage, has broken my spirit. I fear that my pride has been a contributing factor to our problems. Your Word cuts me to the core as I read of how we are to submit to one another. Our submission should have nothing to do with anything the other person does or does not do. Our motivation for submission must be our reverence and love of Christ. My submission is an act of love for Christ and for my spouse. Lord, forgive me! Rip the pride from me that keeps me from humbly submitting in my marriage. My life is in Your hands; mold me into an instrument of blessing for my marriage. Amen.
Prayer for Courage to Sever Ungodly Relationships
O God of enduring faithfulness, in our culture, there are so many avenues for us to be unfaithful in our marriage. Social media is a devious way to start and conceal unholy relationships. Lord, I confess that seeking support in an unholy relationship is a sin. If I am honest with myself, my thoughts and heart will reveal which relationships are unholy. Holy Spirit, please do not let me go. Hammer my conscience until I let go of anything unholy which is harming my relationship with God and my spouse. I pray for the courage and strength to sever all unholy relationships that have started. I also ask for Your forgiveness and the cleansing of my heart. Please give me a thirst for Your holiness, which will not allow me to seek ungodly relationships. Amen.
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