In a world that seems to be constantly on opposing sides, you want your home to be a place of peace and unity. Here are 25 strong prayers for peace in the home.
Prayer for Peace in the Home
Lord Jesus, my Savior, You created the home as a refuge from there world. There we find comfort, support, and understanding. It gives us a glimpse of the unconditional love that You have for each person. Sustain this home, Lord. Bless it and keep it, so that all members of this household may come to know the grace You have given us through Christ, our Lord. In Your almighty name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Family Unity
Gracious and Most Holy Father, a house cannot function if its members are not on the same page. How can we all walk together lest we agree? Therefore, it helps us to come together for the goal of unity. Give us all love and compassion for one another, so that this family might serve as a great example for others. Let our spiritual life flourish that our bonds may grow tighter in You. Amen.
Prayer to Come Together
Most Merciful Lord, Your word never returns to You empty. It is effective and active in our lives and our households. You speak life into our homes and You stir the spirits of Your people. Continue to speak truth into our hearts. Stir us up to love and support one another, coming together around Your most holy word and zealous for good works. Amen.
Prayer for Increased Happiness
Lord God of Increase, the happiness of the family is crucial to its health and well-being. A family flourishes and multiplies better when their familial life is happy. Hear this Lord, and take this into account. Let happiness and contentment arise in our home. Help us to love and to relate to one another in a way that honors You and brings glory to Your name. Amen.
Prayer for Family Fun
O God of Loving Devotion, peace abounds within a family where stress is minimal. It is good for Your people to come together to rejoice in good company. I ask that You bring this to pass in my home. Allow us to have moments of fun and excitement together. Let us be glad to be around each other, for You are the most glorified when we are the most satisfied in You. Amen.
Prayer for A Good Night’s Sleep
O Lord, our God, restless nights have caused strife and misery in my household. There is tension in the air, and I can feel the pain and mistrust all around. The lack of rest makes everyone uneasy. It causes tempers to flare and makes peace impossible. If it is Your will, allow this family to sleep tonight. Give us all the rest we need to forgive and support one another as You have commanded, lest we all stumble and fall. Amen.
Prayer for Family’s Safety While Asleep
Almighty and Everlasting God, it is often difficult to sleep when we are afraid. My family often lies awake at night in fear. They have no peace as their terror keeps them on edge. Oh gracious Lord, send Your legion of angels to guard and patrol our home. Give my whole family peace and assurance of safety, so that we can live our lives without restraint and fear. Amen.
Prayer for Family Health
Jesus, the Great Physician, You teach us that God knows even the number of hairs on our heads. If You know this, how much more aware are You of all our sicknesses and infirmities? They often haunt us and steal our peace of mind as we are constantly preoccupied with them. Heal the bodies of my family from all diseases so that we can live our lives in peace. Help us so that we can focus even more on You rather than ourselves. In Your precious name, Amen.
Prayer for a Healthier Family Lifestyle
Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, a family functions the best when there is self-esteem. Insecurities pile up when we are not making the best lifestyle choices. Therefore, guide us so that my family can lead a healthier lifestyle and bring about peace between us. Help us to make wise decisions. Shield us from the temptation of drugs, alcohol, and other vices which can destroy the harmony between us. Instead, give us a hunger for Your word, which is our bread of life. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for My Family
Righteous Savior, where there are thankful hearts, peace soon follows. The heart that is content with gratitude does not sow discord. Serenity surely follows the grateful heart. Because You are loving, I thank You for the incredible gifts You have given to me and my family. I ask that You continue to allow peace to manifest between us. Let it flourish like a lush garden, so that others may be drawn into Your redeeming grace. Amen.
Prayer for Forgiveness in My Family
Heavenly Father, the unforgiving heart is like a raging fire. It consumes everything around, regardless of its value. Nothing can come near it without being burned and scorched by the flames. Even now, there is an unforgiving spirit in my family that has not been extinguished. It creates strife and heartache. It destroys any semblance of peace. Therefore, put out this horrible fire through Your living water. Let it put out every unforgiving heart between us so that we can forgive one another, as You have forgiven us through Christ. Amen.
Prayer to Forgive My Family’s Sins
Gracious Lord, true and lasting peace can come only from the conscience that is clear and cleansed of all sin. Where the conscience is tormented, there can be no peace. Because Your Son shed his blood on the cross for us, our sins are forgiven. Our slate is wiped clean. I ask that You extend this same forgiveness to all my family. Let the precious blood of the lamb blot out our sins, so that we may partake in true peace. Amen.
Prayer to Physically Heal My Family
Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, You are deeply moved when You see Your people suffering. You desire the healing and salvation of all. You weep over the broken creation that is sick with sin. As my family is stricken with disease and other maladies, I beg You to come and heal us. Speak the words of restoration to our bodies, that we may be healed of our infirmities, and can live in peace with You and one another. In Your almighty name, Amen.
Prayer for Healing Family Relationships
Compassionate and Gracious God, living within a household is like a two-edged sword. There is both intimacy and companionship. Yet there is also heartache and betrayal. Because we are all sinners, we have hurt one another in many ways. Because of this, I ask that You bestow Your healing Spirit upon us. Anoint our hearts with oil and soften us so that we can better embrace each other and live in peace, letting go of all pain and grudges. Amen.
Prayer for Hope for My Family
Most Merciful God, to get through this life, all people need to have hope. My family is struggling to find any semblance of something to look forward to. We are mentally and emotionally at the end of our rope. Our faith is waning and our motivation is running dry. O Lord, come and resurrect our souls. Let us burst forth in new life. Help to kindle hope in our hearts and peace in our home as we look forward to Your return in glory. Amen.
Prayer to Abide in God’s Hope
Lord Jesus, the hope of the world is not the same as Your hope. The world lusts after fame, power, and wealth. It has its reward in its earthly success. What You offer is not of this world, so as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Our hope is not in princes or principalities but Your name alone. Therefore, bless this household who hopes only in You. Bring us peace, health, and prosperity so that we are equipped to serve You in all our doings. In Your compassionate name. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer to Maintain My Family’s Faith
God, my Fortress, You have taught us that faith is not something we do, but is a gift given by Your good nature. Because all faith derives from Your grace, I ask that You continue to provide this household with a strong and stable faith. Help us to look to You for all of our needs and desires. Bring us true happiness and concord, so that our family grows in faith. Amen.
Prayer for Increased Faith in Blended Family
O God Enthroned on High, You have given us many examples of the virtues of blended families. Our Lord Jesus himself was raised by the saintly Joseph, who was not his biological Father. Given that You work through blended households, I ask that You give us a harmonious and faithful existence within our home. Let not our biological differences become stumbling blocks between us, but help us to transcend these things and grow together as a family in peace through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Familial Reliance on God
All-Powerful Father, what prince or king can we expect to provide for us? Is there any man who can provide like You? So many put their trust in the state or other people. Keep my family from this temptation. Help us to have the peace of knowing that You are to be relied on above all. Help us continue to see Your hand in all things in our lives and make this family’s hearts grateful. Amen.
Prayer for Family Blessings
God of Blessing, send Your Holy Spirit to work within my family to live harmoniously according to Your word. Do not withhold Your blessing from us, but let this family bring forth much fruit. Look upon us as a great vineyard. Work within us as a gardener works in the field, so that You may grow a wonderful harvest. Amen.
Prayer to Bless Us with More Family
God, our Great Provider, You gave us a command to be fruitful and multiply. We want to have a faithful family, Lord, so please hear my prayer. Help us to bring forth many children. Do not allow this family to be barren, but help us to grow so that we may be a witness to the Gospel. Give us peace and security, so that we are well equipped to raise godly children. Amen.
Prayer for Abundant Love in My Family
Abba Father, You have said that the world will know Your people by the way that they love one another. Your people are not of this world, but of Your kingdom, where love is the only language. Thus, to live peacefully and productively, let an abundance of love break out in this home. Let it be all we know so that we can do nothing but serve one another as You have served us. Amen.
Prayer for Loving Kindness in My Family
Jesus, our Great Redeemer, peace is forged not through anger, malice, and envy, but out of loving-kindness. For You did not come to condemn the world out of anger, but to save it out of Your abundant love. Therefore, let us mimic You in our relationships as a family. Let this household run on loving-kindness, shunning all forms of hate and contempt. Help us to reflect Your blessed image all the days of our life, that we may live at peace with each other. In Your precious name, Amen.
Prayer for Compassion
O Lord God, if this household is to become like You, we need to learn to become compassionate. You could not have died upon the cross were You not compassionate without measure. Give us this day this same affection within our home. Help us to be peacemakers, not stirring up conflict, but reaching out with great zeal to bear one another’s burdens. You command us to live as You lived, Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Willing Sacrifice
Lord Jesus, love is not self-seeking, as You taught us through Your servant Paul. It keeps no record of wrongs and is perfectly expressed not in power, but sacrifice. Thus, I humbly approach You to ask for Your favor. Give this family a sacrificial heart so that we can forge peace both inside and outside of our home. Help us to live sacrificial lives, emptying ourselves for You and each other. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.