We love our families and want the very best for them, but it is easy to worry in a world filled with evils and sickness. Here are 25 uplifting prayers for family protection. Along with the prayers are printable images for you to use or share.
Prayer for Protection from Violent People
Faithful and True God, I ask for Your protection over my family in this fallen world, where not everyone holds to the faith, and many exercise their free will to do evil. I pray for Your covering of protection over my family from violent people. I thank You that nothing can separate us from Your love, and that You are our provider and protector. Strengthen and protect us from the evil one. Amen.
Prayer for Safety from Perversion
Righteous God, I intercede for my family, and especially my children, that You protect them from the evil and perverse schemes of sexual predators. Place a hedge of protection around my children as they go to school and return, as they are at play with their friends, when they are in other homes and other locations away from us, and when they are on social media and on the internet. Amen.
Prayer for Shelter from Hateful Speech
Holy God, it saddens me that some people can be unkind and brutal with their words and that this hateful speech can have an adverse effect on my spouse and children, causing them to feel inferior, sad, and wounded inside. I pray that hateful speech will just bounce off of them with no ill consequences, and that my family will not lash back, but instead respond with kindness and gentleness. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from False Teachers
God of Truth, I thank You that You have given us Your Word to guide us into pure behavior and correct doctrine. Unfortunately, many so-called teachers are promoting theology or morality that does not line up with the truth of Your Word. I pray that my family will be thoroughly grounded in Your Word, so they will recognize what You define as immoral and false doctrine when they are confronted with it, and not be swayed. Amen.
Prayer for Defense from Temptation
Splendid and Majestic God, as the priest of my home, I make intercession for my family, that You would defend them when they are tempted to sin. Your Word teaches us that we are all tempted to do evil, but not beyond what we can bear, and that You make a way out so that we can endure it. Show us the way out of temptation and deliver us from evil, I pray. Amen.
Prayer to Shield from Harm
Lord, You are our sun and our shield, and I ask that You shield my family from harm. Help us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or terrified, no matter what the circumstances, and to remember that You go with us wherever we go, and You will never leave us or forsake us. I thank You that You pass through the waters and walk through the fires with us, and we will not be overwhelmed. Amen.
Prayer for Protection Against Unwise Decisions
Awesome God, I ask that You protect my family from making unwise decisions. First, as parents, may we be insightful in making decisions that affect our family’s welfare and security. Help our children not to make rash decisions that would bring them or others to harm. I ask that discretion will protect us and that understanding will guard us. Help us not to forsake wisdom, but to love her and receive her watchful care over us. Amen.
Prayer for Refuge from Illness
God of Wonders, be our refuge against all illnesses in our family. Spread Your protection over our family, and guard us against viral, bacterial, auto-immune and genetic disease, and all other kinds of sickness. We love You, Lord; let us rejoice in You as we enjoy glowing health. O Lord, You are gracious and compassionate, and You provide for us lovingly. We thank You that You forgive all our sins and heal all our diseases. Amen.
Prayer for God to be a Hedge Against Trouble
All-powerful God, I ask that You deliver my family from all trouble and fears. Place a hedge of protection around me and my family, around our home and property, and around our workplaces and schools, and may we prosper in all our hands find to do. Be our defense from all harm and inconveniences. I thank You for Your peace and strength even in chaotic times. Amen.
Prayer for God to be Our Fortress Against Danger
Lord our Fortress, may we dwell in Your shelter against all danger of any kind. We take refuge in Your shadow and trust You to deliver us and cover us with Your feathers. Your faithfulness is our shield and our stronghold. We will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the dangerous things that fly at us in the day. We claim Your protection and will not fear disease or calamity. Amen.
Prayer for God to Guard Against Deadly Disease
God of redemption, I ask that You guard my family against all deadly diseases, such as cancer or heart disease or dangerous infections. I ask that no evil disease will approach our home. I ask that You command Your angels to guard us in all our ways, and that all deadly sicknesses will be trampled under our feet. I ask that You grant us long life and be with us always. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from the Schemes of the Devil
God Most High, I come to You for protection from the devious schemes of the evil one. We know that he prowls about like a lion, looking for someone to devour. We know that he works to disrupt our family and distract us from You. Help us to use the spiritual armor You have equipped us with to fight his attacks, and to resist him so he will flee from us. Amen.
Prayer for Preservation from Accidents
Trustworthy God, I intercede for my family, asking You to keep us safe from any accidents and injuries. Preserve us from falls, vehicular or bike accidents, burns, sports injuries, and any other type of mishap that could bring harm to our bodies. I thank You that You will not allow our feet to slip, that You are our Protector both day and night, and You watch over our coming and going. Amen.
Prayer for Protection over Finances
Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, I come to You asking that You protect our family’s finances through this uncertain time. Enable my spouse and I to work and provide for the needs of our family. Make us wise investors and guard the investments we have made and increase them. Protect us from any calamity that would interfere with our income or deplete our savings. Amen.
Prayer for a Shield Against Health Disorders
God our Protector, be our Shield for our family from all health disorders, such as high blood pressure, auto-immune disease, or diabetes. Help us to wisely honor the bodies You have given us, for our bodies are Your temple. Help us as parents to be good role models for our children to get adequate exercise and rest, to practice healthy eating habits, and to avoid vices that would harm our health. Amen.
Prayer for God to be a Barrier from Disaster
God of mercy, be a barrier to our family from all sorts of disaster, whether weather incidents like hurricanes or tornadoes or flooding, or from rapidly-spreading disease, or from war or rioting, or from political upheaval or any other catastrophe that might bring danger to our family. We take refuge in You, Merciful One, for You are our Fortress. We abide in the shadow of Your wings. Amen.
Prayer for Defense from Harmful Media
O Lord, our Guard, defend my family from the effects of harmful media. Keep our children from going into dark places on the internet, and defend them from hurtful assaults on social media. Give all of us discretion in what we’re watching for entertainment, so that we’re not defiling our eyes or ears or minds with impure images and speech. Protect us from fake or inflammatory news media. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Worry and Anxiety
God our Provider, I pray that You would protect our family from worry, anxiety, and despair. Help us not to worry about tomorrow, but to trust in Your provision, and to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. When we start to fret, remind us to sit at Your feet and learn from You. Help us to consider the lilies of the valley that You clothe with splendor, and remember that just as You care for the flowers of the field, You care for us. Amen.
Prayer for Guarding our Coming and Going
God our Keeper, we ask that You guard our family as we go out and come in. As we are leaving our home and commuting to work, school, and other activities, please protect us and keep us safe on the bus, or in the car, or on our bikes, or while we’re walking. Guard us from accidents and from any sort of evil. We thank You that You watch over our coming and going, both now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer for Preservation from Harmful Influences
God our Rock, preserve my family from harmful influences. Guard my children against forming alliances with other young people that might cause them to stray into immorality or addictions or illegal behaviors. Protect them from the influences of teachers who might promote values that don’t line up with Your Word. Protect all of us from the harmful influences that bombard us each day in so many ways. Help us to stand strong for righteousness. Amen.
Prayer for Protection of Our Home
Gracious God, protect our home from all harm. Protect the structure of our house from wind, flood, fire, and any other disaster. May our house stand strong from problems with plumbing or wiring or pests or rot or other issues. Protect us as we live in our home from evil of any kind. May there be peace and harmony and prosperity within our walls. We praise and thank You for Your hand of mercy that shields our home. Amen.
Prayer for Shelter from Hate, Anger, and Bitterness
Our Father Enthroned in Heaven, shelter our family from hate, anger, and bitterness, both from within and without. Help us to rid our hearts of all bitterness and rage and to refrain from arguing with each other or with those outside our family. Blessed be You, Lord, for shielding us from those consumed with hate and anger who might bring harm our way. Our help is in You, Maker of heaven and earth. Amen.
Prayer for Traveling Mercies
Lord, Originator of Creation, as we set out on our journey to enjoy the splendors of Your beautiful world, we ask for traveling mercies. Protect all means of transportation we will use from mechanical problems, from accidents, and from issues that would block or hinder our travels. Protect us from sickness or injuries, and protect us from quarrels with each other. Bless our travels with joy and fun as we revel in You. Amen.
Prayer for Preservation of Healthy Relationships
Jesus, Lover of our Souls, help us to love each other as You have loved us. Preserve healthy relationships within our family and protect us from sarcastic comments or disrespectful speech. May we honor and respect each other, and work to build each other up and encourage each other rather than tear down. Help us not to exasperate our children but to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Protection from Failure
Father, we thank You that You surround us and protect us always. We ask You now to protect us from failure. May we excel in our jobs, and be blessed with promotion and prosperity, and protected from negative job performance reviews. May our children enjoy a good focus on their studies and not fail their tests or projects, but instead receive high scores. Most importantly, protect all of us from spiritual and moral failure. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.