When your heart is heavy and you feel as though you cannot shoulder the weight of your burdens, God is there to lift your sorrows and carry the load. Here are 25 of the most uplifting prayers for emotional pain.
Radiant with Joy Prayer
Infinite God, I come to you with feelings of helplessness, knowing that I can take heart in Your compassion and protection. I come to You asking to be freed of all my fears and inner torment, and I thank You that when I pray, You hear and answer me. I thank You that when I look to You for help that I will be radiant with joy. I exalt Your name, for You alone are my strength. Amen.
Be My Guard Prayer
Omnipotent, all-powerful God, I run to You in desperation, and I thank You that You listen when I pray. I come to You asking to be delivered from all my troubles and pain. I ask for Your angel to be my guard, surrounding and defending me because I revere You. I know that I will have joy because I come to You for refuge. I have tasted and seen that You are good. Amen.
Prayer for a Crushed Spirit
Kind and loving heavenly Father, I thank You that You are close to the brokenhearted. You rescue those whose spirits are crushed. Oh Lord, watch over me, and may Your ears be open to my cries for help. I thank You, Lord, that You will deliver me from this suffering, and that as I trust in You, You will ease my desolation. You alone are my hope and my comfort. Amen.
Prayer for Discouragement
My God who provides, I come to You today, feeling discouraged and worn out emotionally. I ask for You to renew me inwardly. I know that what I’m going through is temporary. Please help me to focus on the things that are unseen and eternal, rather than these things that are wearing me down because they are transient. Please restore, confirm, strengthen and establish me. Amen.
Prayer for a Broken Heart
Abba, Father, I cling to You today, because my heart has been shattered. I thank You that You heal the brokenhearted. Please bandage my inner wounds. I thank You that You will wipe away these tears from my eyes and that one day there will be no more death or sorrow or pain. For now, dear Father, please hold me close, and give me the oil of joy for the ashes of sorrow. Amen.
Hold My Right Hand Prayer
Oh God of peace, inwardly my spirit is failing, and I feel weak and desolate. Thank You for being continually with me. Please hold my right hand and guide me with Your counsel. Where else can I go? I desire You above all else. Even in my weakness, I thank You that You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. May I know the fullness of Your perfect peace. Amen.
Prayer for All Things to Work Together for God
Heavenly Father, I don’t understand this hurt and pain. Why do I have to go through this? And yet, I know that I love You, and I have been called by You, and You say that all things work together for my good. I’m claiming that promise today! Oh God, I thank You that Your peace surpasses my understanding and that You sustain me through the most difficult of times. I rely on Your Word and compassion and peace. Amen.
God Is My Stronghold Prayer
Oh Lord, my rock of refuge, I have such a sense of unease and anxiety. When I am tempted to despair, help me remember that You are my fortress and my deliverer and my shield. You are my stronghold. I run to You and I am saved. Father, I turn these feelings of hopelessness and distress over to You. Please fill me with eager and confident expectation; I know that You will move in my situation and make it right. Amen.
Prayer for Inner Healing
Jehovah-Rapha, my Healer, I kneel down and ask You to heal my heart. Heal me, and I will be healed. You alone are the remedy for my brokenness. Thank You, Jesus, for carrying all my pain and sorrow on Your body in my place. Oh God, may Your unending and merciful compassion flow over me like a flood, washing away the anguish and bringing comfort and peace. Amen.
Prayer for a Time of Testing
Sovereign God, I know that this season of suffering is producing perseverance in my character. Nevertheless, this test not easy. I thank You, my faithful God, for not letting me be tested beyond what I can endure. I know that You preside over every event in my life and that You will bring victory. In Jesus’ name, I will not just survive this, I will thrive! Amen.
Prayer for Peace
Most High God, please calm these fearful thoughts. I ask for Your peace – not what the world considers peace, but the peace that comes only from You – the peace that passes understanding. I cast my anxieties before You because You care for me. You are the strongest of the strong, yet You know the number of hairs on my head. I declare Your supremacy over all that troubles me. Amen.
Prayer for Sufficient Grace
My Good Shepherd, I come to You today with distress and sadness in my soul. Lord, please pour out Your grace on Me, for You have promised that Your grace is sufficient and Your power is made perfect in my weakness. I thank You that You supply every need that I have according to Your riches in glory. I thank You that Your love embraces me personally and intimately. Amen.
Prayer for the Shadows of My Soul
Jehovah Jireh, my Provider God, I feel darkness today like an oppressing cloud. In Your loving-kindness tear through the shadows of my soul and release these chains that bind me. Only with Your strength shall I overcome. You are my champion, my only hope of deliverance. I thank You for Your loving touch. Hallelujah, I praise You for setting me free to dance and sing. Amen.
Prayer for Rest
Faithful God, I am exhausted and weary beyond belief. I ask that You touch my mind and body and help me let go of these racing thoughts that keep me from relaxing and sleeping. You promised that when I come to you with my burdens that You will give me rest. I stand on that promise today! May Your peace guard my heart and mind today and restore my soul. Amen.
Be My Shield Prayer
El-Shaddai, God Almighty, You are all-sufficient, You are the source of all blessings. Lord, You know I have been wounded by the hurtful words of others. Please be my shield around me, my glory, and help me hold my head high. I thank You that when I cry out to You that You answer me. I ask for Your victory and Your blessing. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Amen.
Prayer to the God Who Declares Me Innocent
Heavenly Father, You know that others have ruined my reputation with groundless accusations. I ask You to declare me innocent. Free me from my troubles and help me not to be controlled by anger against those who have hurt me. Help me to be silent and rely on You to be my defender. I trust in You; may Your face smile on me and give me joy and victory. Amen.
Prayer to the Lord of Unfailing Love
Oh Lord, hear me as I pray, my King and My God. Listen to my cry for help and hear my groaning. I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly for Your deliverance. Because of Your unfailing love, I can come to You in worship and in deepest awe, and receive Your mercy. I rejoice because I can take refuge in You when my pain is deep. You surround me with Your shield of love. Amen.
Prayer for the Sick at Heart
Merciful and compassionate Lord, please heal me, for I am in inner agony. I am sick at heart and wait longingly for You to restore me. Rescue me with Your enduring love. I am worn out and my vision is blurred by my tears. Lord, I know You hear my weeping. I thank You that You have heard my plea and that You will answer my prayer. Your joys are new every morning. Amen.
Do Not Abandon Me Prayer
Oh Most High, You know my torment. Do not abandon me in my time of oppression. You alone are my shelter and my refuge in time of trouble. I thank You that You have judged in my favor and You have not ignored my suffering. I trust in You because You care for the helpless. I rejoice in knowing that You will rescue me. My hopes will not be crushed because You are a God of justice and mercy and compassion. Amen.
Draw Near To Me Prayer
O Lord, I feel like You’re a thousand miles away! I feel helpless and my mind is in turmoil. I feel like I’m falling beneath the weight of everything. Arise, Lord! See my trouble and my grief. Oh Lord, You know the hopes of the helpless, please hear my cry and comfort me. Lift me out of this oppression of my soul. Draw near to me Lord, and let me feel Your presence. Thank You, Lord, for Your tender love. Amen.
Prayer for Protection
Oh Elohim, my Strength, and my Power, I trust in You for protection from these fiery darts of pain and grief and hurt. I thank You that You are still in Your holy temple, ruling from heaven, and bringing justice. I thank You that You know my heart and that I will see Your face. I pray that You will display Your supreme sovereignty, power, and faithfulness over my situation. Amen.
The Pure Promises of God Prayer
Holy and righteous God, I come to You for help and protection from this pressure and distress that is weighing me down. Lord, Your promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, and I claim Your promises of protection and preservation and rescue. Don’t forget me, Lord, don’t look the other way. How long must I struggle in anguish? Bring back the sparkle to my eyes – I trust in Your love, I will rejoice and sing to You for You are good. Amen.
I Will Not Be Shaken Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You for refuge, please keep me safe. When I am troubled by anxiety and fear, help me remember that You guard all that is mine. Every good thing I have comes from You. I know that You are always with me, so I will not be shaken. My heart is glad and I rest in safety. I thank You for granting me the joy of Your presence. Amen.
Examine My Heart Prayer
Lord of justice, please hear my prayer. I am praying to You because I know You will answer. Bend down and listen to my plea for comfort and free me from this pain. Examine my heart – You know my thoughts – that I love You and serve You wholeheartedly. Show me Your infinite love in wonderful ways. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Amen.
I Am Being Pulled Under Prayer
Lord of heaven’s armies, I am overwhelmed with misery. I am being pulled under by floods of depression. I cry out to You in my distress; come to me, my rock, my fortress, my savior. You are my shield, my place of safety, and Your power alone will save me. Reach down from heaven and draw me out of these deep waters. Lead me to a place of safety and arm me with strength. I thank You that You light up my darkness. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.