James 1:19-20,22 & 25
Dear Lord, help me to be more like You at all times. Your Word states that every man should be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. Father help me to be patient instead of short-tempered; help me to not give in to anger because anger does not produce Your righteousness. I pray that I not only hear Your Word, but also do it so that I can be blessed in all that I do, Amen.
Ephesians 4:26
Holy One, as a human filled with emotions, I will experience anger at times. But I pray that when I am angry, I do not sin. I pray that my actions are not driven by my anger because all things must be done with love. I pray for an increase in emotional and spiritual maturity so that I do not let the sun go down on my anger. I pray that I resolve all issues I have with people before the day ends, Amen.
Proverbs 19:11
Heavenly Father, Your word says that good sense and discretion make a man slow to anger. Lord guide and direct me so that I do not act based on heightened emotions. Give me the strength to be patient in testing situations. It is honour and glory that overlook a transgression or an offense (without seeking revenge and harbouring resentment). I pray that I do not hold on to negative things or thoughts, instead I let go of any bad thing that is harbouring in my heart, Amen.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Wise God, we pray against being quickly provoked in our spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Lord, we want to be a better reflection of You, and this can be shown through our character. Give us strength to resist the ways of the world, give us strength to resist giving in to anger when the world encourages us to do so. Give us the strength to remain faithful to Your Word and faithful to who we want to be in You, Amen.
Proverbs 15:1
Eternal God, Your Word declares that a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Oh Lord, help me to be firm but gentle when responding to people. I pray that You give me the right words to say, so that I do not offend or hurt anyone. I declare that the words that I use will speak only life and peace over Your people so that they can be edified, encouraged and comforted by them, Amen.
Proverbs 15:18 & John 14:27
Lord, please govern every aspect of our lives, including our emotions. We need You to rule over our feelings, because if we let them drive us, You will not be glorified. A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel. Lord, we thank You in advance for giving us a divine peace that supersedes any room for conflict. We thank You for giving us the gift of peace – a peace the world cannot give, Amen.
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